
RE: Reforge
Continue your screaming
RE: Reforge
(03-07-2017, 01:01 PM)frostward Wrote: »Continue your screaming
(03-04-2017, 06:02 PM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »suddenly stopping in place seems like the best move
[Image: KbmP7bD.png]

[Image: qeFqslN.png]

What do you do?
RE: Reforge
Scream some more and swing wildly.
RE: Reforge
>Give both of them a good wack ! backhand, dodge and forehand.
RE: Reforge
> Resume running.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Reforge
(03-15-2017, 06:17 PM)smuchmuch Wrote: »>Give both of them a good wack ! backhand, dodge and forehand.
(03-15-2017, 08:13 AM)frostward Wrote: »Scream some more and swing wildly.
[Image: 52jHJi2.png]

[Image: nke0tEb.gif]
Woah! You actually pulled that off??

(03-15-2017, 08:03 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »> Resume running.
[Image: XJM2Aph.png]

[Image: ZBroVMz.gif]
You start running away again, but you realize you're running out of away!

What do you do?
RE: Reforge
> Vow to create a wrench shrine after all is said and done. They've saved you like... three times so far.
> Obviously this job requires wrench/air magic assisted extreme parkour.
> Use your best amateur earth magic to create a small ramp/bridge
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck
RE: Reforge
Heroically leap off the ledge.
RE: Reforge
(03-19-2017, 04:35 PM)Zephyr Nepres Wrote: »> Vow to create a wrench shrine after all is said and done. They've saved you like... three times so far.

(03-20-2017, 02:03 AM)frostward Wrote: »Heroically leap off the ledge.
[Image: SYAFqWj.png]
It seems pretty far! But you guess you're really gonna do this! Hey, just today you've seen a bird spit fire and shot water out of your hands (somehow) so at this point you're pretty sure anything's possible.

[Image: qD3O1Ug.png]
Here goes!

[Image: SPKcRdt.png]

(03-19-2017, 04:35 PM)Zephyr Nepres Wrote: »> Obviously this job requires wrench/air magic assisted extreme parkour.
> Use your best amateur earth magic to create a small ramp/bridge
[Image: YmSyU7s.png]
You realize you aren't going to make it.
So, uh, about that 'magic' concept- any ideas on what that might mean or, say, how one could do it? Cause you don't actually know!

Think fast! How do you magic?
RE: Reforge
>extend your arm and imagine a tentacle of water lashing out, grabbing the ledge
>alternatively, imagine a jet of water bursting forth from your rear exhaust port and propelling you to safety

That should do the trick!
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: Reforge
>Scream incoherently until something works.
RE: Reforge
(03-23-2017, 05:38 AM)tronn Wrote: »>extend your arm and imagine a tentacle of water lashing out, grabbing the ledge
>alternatively, imagine a jet of water bursting forth from your rear exhaust port and propelling you to safety

That should do the trick!
[Image: GNyxMG9.png]
You try to imagine a tendril of water stretching out from your hand to grab the edge of the bridge.

[Image: sSrnZ8r.gif]
You focus all of your energy on visualizing it, the motion of the water, the way it would anchor you to the edge. You almost swear you can feel something welling up from within you.

(03-23-2017, 10:41 AM)BreadProduct Wrote: »>Scream incoherently until something works.
[Image: ZiuagSp.png]
But it seems like nothing is actually happening AAAAAAA

[Image: 0rico4u.png]

[Image: VOJUm74.png]
Guess you spoke too soon.
Hey! You aren't dead! And you totally just pulled some watery tentacle bullshit with just your brain!
This is, uh, kind of an awkward position though.

What do you do?
RE: Reforge
Don't look down.
RE: Reforge
>Swing yourself to the girders and climb down
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: Reforge
>Rappel up or something.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Reforge
Watch the water evapourate from the heat
RE: Reforge
Make the tentacle shorter to compensate and also to help you up.
RE: Reforge
(03-26-2017, 04:38 AM)tronn Wrote: »>Swing yourself to the girders and climb down
[Image: CMrRvcp.png]
Yeah, there's an idea. You think they're close enough that you could just sort of

(03-26-2017, 12:59 AM)BreadProduct Wrote: »Don't look down.
[Image: 3aeIn03.png]

[Image: Z6Q5PY6.png]
You looked down.

(03-30-2017, 05:00 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »Make the tentacle shorter to compensate and also to help you up.
That seems a little safer?
[Image: BqtTlVw.png]
You focus on imagining the water shrinking together, pulling you up with it.

[Image: O9itN0K.png]
Hey, it actually worked! This is kind of awesome.

[Image: tUSfnIH.png]
With a bit of struggle, you've made it to the other side of the ruined walkway.
The water begins to evaporate behind you.

What do you do?
RE: Reforge
>Dance a little victory jig, make rude gestures at the beetles on the other side.
>Discover that the beetles can fly.
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: Reforge
(04-03-2017, 11:45 AM)tronn Wrote: »>Dance a little victory jig, make rude gestures at the beetles on the other side.
[Image: u4peVQe.png]
You don't know how to dance but you are enjoying yourself!

[Image: rjwvZLU.png]
Haha, yeah! Suck it, muderbugs!

[Image: IahT3WI.png]

(04-03-2017, 11:45 AM)tronn Wrote: »>Discover that the beetles can fly.
[Image: YUN6HsP.png]
RE: Reforge
: D

>Find a large bug proof metal hatch behind you, only slightly stuck
>Don't fail me now, wrench friend!
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: Reforge
> Use your sticky watery grappling hook thing to grab on the bugs and slam it into the other in a mid air collision!
> Also are you now some sort of water mage?
This is Dotu by the way. Long time no see eh?
RE: Reforge
imagine a burst of water to spray the bugs outta the air!
RE: Reforge
Begin the screams once more!
RE: Reforge
(04-05-2017, 05:09 PM)tronn Wrote: »: D

(04-05-2017, 09:14 PM)Dalmationer Wrote: »imagine a burst of water to spray the bugs outta the air!
(04-05-2017, 06:23 PM)RedHounds Wrote: »> Use your sticky watery grappling hook thing to grab on the bugs and slam it into the other in a mid air collision!
[Image: ROtwGUu.png]
HA! This is awesome!

(04-05-2017, 06:23 PM)RedHounds Wrote: »> Also are you now some sort of water mage?
[Image: jAOm7f6.png]
You don't know what that even means, but it sounds cool so sure!

[Image: mdDC0J5.png]
You guess you're a 'water mage' who's suddenly starting to feel pretty tired though, perhaps for reasons that you could represent with some kind of handy, colorful abstraction is you only understood the rules of the universe you've found yourself in.

(04-05-2017, 05:09 PM)tronn Wrote: »>Find a large bug proof metal hatch behind you, only slightly stuck
[Image: ZYHpvbl.png]
You decide to maybe try running instead, and find some kind of hatch.

[Image: JIx195V.png]
Come on!

(04-06-2017, 07:52 AM)frostward Wrote: »Begin the screams once more!
(04-05-2017, 05:09 PM)tronn Wrote: »>Don't fail me now, wrench friend!
[Image: Lo4Rn5H.png]
You manage to wrench the lever upwards!

[Image: 9Nm8M5m.png]

What do you do?