A Different Realm [Done!]

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A Different Realm [Done!]
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Kavukamari.

Alex and Fairy: VICTOLY HUGGG, and then awkwardness :V... actually get out of there first, THEN victoly hug... and then tell the other ghosts what happened... this is probably important stuff.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by ArgonVile.

> you guys should go back to topia and rest! what time is it? and who is shade anyway?

actually are those two other ghosts freaked out? are you feeling strong? maybe you can interrogate them and get some kind of confession! what was that all about anyway

just don't put yourself in any more danger!
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

ArgonVile Wrote:actually are those two other ghosts freaked out? are you feeling strong? maybe you can interrogate them and get some kind of confession! what was that all about anyway
[Image: bdqelc.png]
"Hey. You. Who is that guy and what does he want with us? And why aren't you helping?"
"he is shade and wants everything and anything you have mostly just all the power he can get but he has a desire for everything at all"
"he had so much power he said thered be no way he could fail and so we helped him and then we head about some girl with an amazing amount of power coming here"
"he wont be able to do anything now he can't leave this room the walls and doors are all sealed up and now he doesn't even have a physical body so you can go ahead and leave us alone now."

eerr Wrote:I would say: find a less dangerous place to stay,
but I can't see how any other house would be better.
[Image: 2yo3au1.png]

[Image: 2jbj12.png]
Fairy explains what happened to Jack and Carrie. They urge him to stay despite the unfortunate event, but he doesn't feel safe in the ghost's mansion anymore. We're leaving.

[Image: 2jwpad.png]
It's too bad. The ghost's mansion was the safest place to stay in Topia. Maybe there's a different place to hide around, or someone won't mind renting out a room in their house, but...
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Danfish77.

>Chupacabra: Be imposed upon
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Iyestorm.

Fairy> Don't you have a house? If not, there's gotta be someone... run through a list of possible places in your mind.

Alex> Go to the witch's diner-place. You need to keep up your strength after that ordeal. Also, give Fairy a hug. You both need it.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by ArgonVile.

is everyone coming after you because of all the girl's belief power which was demonstrated in the diner? maybe she already has a reputation here. can you disguise her! maybe that would help.

where do the trolls sleep! they're big and fearsome but also nice. i bet they would keep you safe.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

Iyestorm Wrote:Fairy> Don't you have a house?
[Image: 70ucu0.png]
Yes, you do, but you didn't want to take Alex there. It's on the edge of the Bili Woods... you were hoping there'd be a safer place to take her, but since the ghost's mansion is shot down, your house is up next... it's getting pretty late, you should go.

[Image: 11b865l.png]
The troll on bridge duty sleepily lets you pass.

[Image: vcxoiw.png]
There it is. Your house. It's sitting up in a tree, safe from any ground dwellers, but... you just realized...

[Image: 2h58uhj.png]
"Alex, you can't fly, can you? There's no ladder or anything. That's the door up there, you see?"
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Asmodemus.

> Alex: No you can't, but does Fairy have any rope or anything you could possibly climb to get there?
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Zaffa.

Alex: Belief wings. Now.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Laron.

Power jump or boost maybe? Not too much power now, don't want to toss yourself a mile away or anything.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Iyestorm.

Wait... after burning all that energy from the battle before, does Alex even have any belief power left?

Sorry, I forgot if that's how it works or not.

Anyway, Alex, I don't think you can fly, but maybe you can make a staircase out of ice? No wait, that's dangerous.

Hmm... this isn't gonna work, is it?

What time is it? It might be time for food. And that's yet another problem.

Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by K4RN1L.

Well, ask Fairy how HE flies, his wings don't seem too big either (Or he is just really really light)
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by ArgonVile.

of course she can climb trees! i'll bet alex is a great climber.

alex> try to climb the tree!
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Yoshi.

>Alex: Use that belief power to try and levitate yourself up there.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

my life in the indie gaming community is catching up to me, and it requires many handbaskets filled with fruits and sandwiches. this means i have many less handbaskets to supply to this adventure.

but i'm not gonna let this die. no way. >:I

Quote:of course she can climb trees! i'll bet alex is a great climber.

alex> try to climb the tree!
[Image: 33nkr4i.png]
The tree is a little too wide.

Quote:does Fairy have any rope or anything you could possibly climb to get there?
[Image: 33oicug.png]
"Hold on, I don't think I do, but I might have something like that."

[Image: 1236z9i.png]

[Image: kahcgk.png]

Quote:>Alex: Use that belief power to try and levitate yourself up there.
[Image: n1w8s0.png]
You're running kind of low on power, but it seems like you have enough to make a sort of platform to sit on.

[Image: 149bau0.png]
"Well, I guess that works. Come on in, make yourself at home."

[Image: 2yzbqzk.png]
"I wasn't expecting any visitors today, so you see it's just a bit messy in here. Hope you don't mind."
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Yoshi.

>Wonder if he has something besides a bird nest for you to sleep in.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Asmodemus.

> You don't mind, not like you told him you were coming.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by NateDude.

This is amazing.

>Politely tell fairy that it is fine, you had the same problem back ho-
>Start crying.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by ArgonVile.

hey cooooool is that nest his bed? does he sleep there? that's adorable!

> poke around and be really curious
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by K4RN1L.

> Habe a slumber party!
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Icebrigade.

> you don't mind. Its not like you haven't seen a messy room before.

> examine room

Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Squin.

I, for one, have not forgotten about this and hope it isn't dead.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Iyestorm.

Agreed. I like this adventure.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by ArgonVile.

MSPA misses you, kitteneater! don't forget about us
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

*checks the forum for once*

okay so school started about a month ago and with the troll arc having happened, i slunk back into the indie games and also most of my contact with the mspa fancommunity is through iScribble and not here at all

also i haven't moved yet and i'm still on dialup, but i can deal with that. i've been dealing with that.

also also i'm getting kinda uninterested in continuing this since i've got it all set up in my head and you guys keep following THE PATH, and that makes it a little boring for me [img]images/smilies/aghast.gif[/img]
maybe next time i make an adventure i'll do a completely random thing with a week deadline.
but yeah. excuses.

But you guys apparently care about this, and so I will deliver. If it entertains this much, how could I not?
And really, I like this adventure too. :>
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.