A Different Realm [Done!]

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A Different Realm [Done!]
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by aimless-void.

New Name Ideas: Trans-world, Other Realm, New Place? Just throwin' stuff out there...

>State that you're not from around here and inquire as to exactly where "here" is.
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by Leylite.

AH: Ask Fairy how come he knows English, anyway.

AH: Seek food and better lodging.
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

aimless-void Wrote:New Name Ideas: Trans-world, Other Realm, New Place? Just throwin' stuff out there...
That helps a bunch, I just came up with something... and this time I did a search so I don't end up changing to someone else's name. ;D
Leylite Wrote:AH: Ask Fairy how come he knows English, anyway.
[Image: js0rcg.png]
You ask Fairy how he knows English.
"Uhhh... I don't? I've never heard of the guy. Are you looking for him, or something?"
Whoops! Looks like you should make yourself clearer. You ask how you can understand him.
"...Oh oh ohhhhh. Well, I donno the specifics, but everyone here can speak, and everyone here understands each other!"

pretty much everyone Wrote:Ask him about the place you're in.
[Image: rus8ko.png]
You then ask him about the surroundings and general area you have found yourself in.
"Huh? We're in... here? We never really gave the entire realm a name... I guess we could just call it Realm, then?
"Awright, so these are the Bili Woods, where we are right now, a little ways east and over a bridge and we should hit Topia in no time. Topia's the living place, you see, for all of us who don't live in other places. Like Chupacabra! He likes to stay in Topia, while mosta the trolls live in the woods, get it? And to theeeee... northwest, I think, is Heaven's Reach, which is like a big point in the Realm where Heaven tries to reach. There's nothing to the south or southeast, though, that's where Realm ends. Don't wanna go there. Oh yeah, and there's a river between Topia and these woods. That's why there's a bridge."
The little bird told you a lot.

hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Goldude.

Uuh, go to Topia.
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by aimless-void.

> Wait, trolls? Like, semi-benign riddle telling trolls, or ultra hostile "Will kill you with their fists" trolls?

Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Tseralith.

Ask Fairy if he wants to accompany you to Toipa. He sounds like a nice avian, and a great guide too.
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Danfish77.

>Ask where Fairy lives
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

aimless-void Wrote:> Wait, trolls? Like, semi-benign riddle telling trolls, or ultra hostile "Will kill you with their fists" trolls?
[Image: 30jis6g.png]
"Hahaha, what? I don't know where you came from, or if there are trolls there, but the ones here aren't like that at all. They're kinda big and furry, and they got little horns... their teeth are pretty sharp, they really like to eat goats, and they like hanging out on bridges for some reason... they're also really bad at being stealthy."
Somewhere in the bushes, an annoyed grunt can be heard.

Tseralith Wrote:Ask Fairy if he wants to accompany you to Toipa. He sounds like a nice avian, and a great guide too.
Danfish77 Wrote:>Ask where Fairy lives
[Image: 10421s0.png]
"Eh, I don't really have a set home. I kinda like wandering around, which is kinda how I found you here. There's a nice inn in Topia I go to for sleeping, though."
You ask Fairy about going to Topia.
"Sure, I can take you there! Like I said, it's not too far away, so if you're ready, let's go!"

[Image: f9kym8.png]
You leave the Bili Woods.
As you leave, you hear a slight rustling and a growly "bye bye."

[Image: 2s1stph.png]
"So, where you from, Alex?"
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Coyote.

"Oh, you know, either a parallel universe or another dimension. Nothing unusual."
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Zaffa.

>Just shrug. "It's not all too important really. All that matters is that I'm here right now."
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Scipio231.

Rural Japan
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Asmodemus.

> Earth, a large planet that has differences from here.
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Danfish77.

>"Taiwan, in a little village."
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Gustave.

Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Tseralith.

Nowhere around here, someplace called Visby
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Fakeimposter.

From Hell. I am supposed to be the Antichrist, you know.
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

Scipio231 Wrote:Rural Japan
Asmodemus Wrote:> Earth
Coyote Wrote:either a parallel universe or another dimension
[Image: nqbyht.png]
You tell him you live in Japan's countryside.

[Image: e830ye.png]

[Image: 119wdab.png]
...In Asia.

[Image: e830ye.png]

[Image: x8sjq.png]
...On Earth.

[Image: e830ye.png]

[Image: 2vknh3r.png]
You're lost.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Asmodemus.

> Fairy: Console Alex.
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Vinni.

Fairy: Help Alex or her quest to find the portal to the human world!
Alex: Wake up and sleep again.
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Zaffa.

Alex: Welp, crying won't do much but get your shirt wet. Since it's pretty obvious you're nowhere near your home, you should probably just follow Fairy to Topia. The guy seems nice enough, he'll probably help you get better acquainted with this new world of yours.
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Tseralith.

Ask Fairy if there exist any means of fast traveling
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Danfish77.

>Try to make the most of things- maybe your more important family members also found themselves here!
Anyway, TO TOPIA!
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

Asmodemus Wrote:> Fairy: Console Alex.
Zaffa Wrote:Alex: Welp, crying won't do much but get your shirt wet. Since it's pretty obvious you're nowhere near your home, you should probably just follow Fairy to Topia. The guy seems nice enough, he'll probably help you get better acquainted with this new world of yours.
Vinni Wrote:Fairy: Help Alex or her quest to find the portal to the human world!
[Image: 10f9ule.png]
"Aw, come on, don't cry. This place is nice, you could grow to like it as much as Earth, I'll bet. And if you don't, I bet there's a way back."

[Image: 161jo0o.png]
"You know what, there's prolly someone in Topia who knows about Earth and how to get there, so let's go. It's like a 5 minute walk away past this bridge, you should be able to see the taller buildings from here---"

[Image: v6q5y1.png]
"... Um. Looks like Tolu fell asleep on bridge duty again.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Yamtaggler.

>"Wow, that's a big... dog?" (Hey you're a kid, you don't know monsters...Yet.)
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Tseralith.

Fairy: Tickle Tolu awake