Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]

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Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
They can't run. They're the heroes. Plus it's all very doable, especially now that they've got their mercenary. I know exactly how I would get everyone killed were I the tactician.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Hey, I'm not gonna complain about any advice, Erikkinbob. :P

I keep going back and forth because I forget our characters' respective Attack values so I'll list them.
Iremia: 5str, 7mt = 12atk
Gotel: 4str, 6mt = 10atk
Ira: 3str, 5mt = 8atk
Sorma: 2str, 5mt = 7atk (although my last battle was calculated with 11atk, which is awesome if that's normal. is there a mechanic i'm missing?)

Archer has 4def, 17hp, and the Brigand has 3def, 13hp. The Merc has 4def and 19hp, but he only has 8 Attack which is pretty laughable even by our low Chapter 1 standards so I'm not worried about him for this turn.

IF I actually do 10 damage to the archer, then we can pull off a nice offensive turn. Sorma and Iremia kill the archer (with Iremia making sure to attack from the south to stay out of range of the other Brigand) - Sorma does 10dmg, Iremia hits for 8dmg. Gotel hits the Brigand for 7dmg, bringing him to 6hp. Ira gets WTA versus Axes and kills him in one hit. Next turn, the enemy Merc goes for...Gotel? Iremia? He doubles Gotel for 10dmg total, or he hits Iremia once for 4, both of which are eminently survivable. I'd love it if he went for the Peg Knight so he could get countered, but I don't think that will happen...

The next turn, that leaves us with the enemy Merc and newly-arrived Brigand. We all gang up on the Merc, the brigand is far enough away that Sorma is the only one left in range, and he can facetank the Brigand well enough for one turn. After that it's just ganging up on the boss.

Of course, this all assumes I do 10 damage to the Archer instead of 7, which is how much I suspect I do.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Ink, mages get a +5 might bonus for using anima tomes. It was listed as your class skill on the recruitment page.

I now have a week or two's break between exams, so I'm going to offer touch-ups on sprites. If you want me to go through your sprite and attempt to make it look prettier, just send me a PM. I'm also willing to do sprites for enemy characters if you need a hand, BTM.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
That is awesome. I totally missed that, haha. Thanks!

Okay, I think my plan looks solid enough. Any objections, team Sothesia?
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
I went back to my calculations and discovered a slight bug with the magic calculations. Sooo.....yeah, that 10 attack might've been a glitch.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Yeah, that 10 is a bug. It should have been 11 (2 mag + 5 mt + 5 skill bonus - 1 res).

I just reread through the skill list. Does healer apply during the enemy turn? It says nothing about it when I read through it, but the lifetaker skill from FE:A only applied during your turn. I figure it does, considering it's only 10% compared to lifetaker's 50, but I still would like to know before I have any opportunities to kill myself.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Yes, healer applies anytime the player defeats an enemy, so it makes the monk/bishop class a very tanky magic class. I did this because I gave the Mage and Shaman classes skills that increased their power, so I made the monk a more defensive class.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
You want my advice? Here it is.

Sorma (S, S)
Iremia (E, E, trade Gotel for vulnerary, E, E, E, N)
Gotel (S, S, S)
Ira (N, W, W, W, W) as long as she has a vulnerary
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
So im lost still but catching up understanding. My question now will be. Items/inventory of me and others, do we want to charge at the archer to make sure our pegasus lives while i see if i can evade everything in the forest(highly unlikely) Either way im expecting some dmg on myself.. and do i even get a turn this round seeing as i just reinforced.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Well allies usually get to act the turn they appear in the GBA games, so I assume you'll get your turn. Gotel has an iron bow, vulnerary, and pure water. Iremia has an iron lance, pure water, and red gem. Sorma has a fire, vulnerary, and red gem.

At the beginning, BTM said you start with an E rank weapon and two items. You have either an iron or slim sword and some combination of two vulnerary, pure water, or red gem.

I have a few questions about gameplay. Is there going to be any way to get support bonuses with other characters?
Will bosses move or just stay in the same spot like most in the GBA game?
Will characters have to buy and sell items at shops during combat?
Will each character have their personal convoys that they access before a battle?

Also, you mentioned that eventually you were gonna switch from 'default enemy tactics' to actual tactics in the game. I think it would be cool if you match the tactics to the personality of the boss.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Guys, please remember to wait to post until I put up a results page. I've been a bit busy today, but I am working on that results page.

There won't be support bonuses mostly because I cannot really enforce how you guys will interact with each other.

Bosses will stay in one spot.

Sort of. Remember that there is a Standby Phase so you can buy things before a battle beings. Shops will pop up more as time passes.

There will be a shared convey that you guys will get (soon). Make sure to call dibs on that Brave Sword.

Well, since the boss is a thuggish opportunist, I think I'm doing a pretty good job of it right now. :P
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Bandits and thugs would probably do an AI-style charge at everything they see, while national armed forces and International Union of Evil Shamans And Druids might use more regimented formations.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
evil09, you needed to attack the Brigand, not the Archer. >_>
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Actually, this might work. If we can wipe both the brigand and the archer this turn, and the mercenary targets Archer Gotel, we should all survive.

Mage, WW clean up on aisle Brigand, then
Peg, SWWW finish off the archer, probably.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
(04-19-2013, 06:05 AM)BestTeaMaker Wrote: »Well, since the boss is a thuggish opportunist, I think I'm doing a pretty good job of it right now. :P

I know, I was just thinking how the tactics completely matched the boss's personality.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
(04-19-2013, 08:58 AM)Gnauga Wrote: »Actually, this might work. If we can wipe both the brigand and the archer this turn, and the mercenary targets Archer Gotel, we should all survive.

Mage, WW clean up on aisle Brigand, then
Peg, SWWW finish off the archer, probably.

Nope, I did the math...Peg Knight has 12 Attack, our Merc has 8 Attack, enemy Archer has 4 Defense. Only way to kill both is to have Mage and Peg Knight attack the Archer and Merc and Archer attack the Brigand.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
that sounds good.
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Can we just get the official formulas being used? Which game are these from, or are they a custom brew?
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
There aren't any formulas, it's just addition haha. Attack = Strength + Weapon Might. Damage = Attack - Enemy Defense. I'm assuming BTM has a fancy little script or something that he plugs numbers into so he doesn't have to think about the math.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
What about %hit, triangle advantages, and terrain and so on?
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Based on Iremia's hit chance vs the mercenary on her first battle, BTM is using FE7/8's formulas.
Hit = Weapon Hit + Skill*2 + Luck/2 for the base hit chance.
Avoid = Speed*2 + Luck + Terrain Bonuses.
Chance to hit an enemy: Hit - Avoid, if you have WTA (Weapon Triangle Advantage) add 15. If the enemy has WTA, subtract 15.
The page of all relevant formulas (most likely):
He also listed the avoid values of various terrain in the recruitment thread, but I'll sum up a few important ones quickly:
Woods: +20 Avo, +1 Def
Pillar: +20 Avo, +1 Def
Village: +10 Avo
Fort: +20 Avo, +2 Def (historically, forts have restored a percentage of your hp at the beginning of every turn, along with thrones and gates)
Gate: +30 Avo, +2 Def
Throne: +30 Avo, +3 Def

Everything in FE is simple addition. The question is what you need to add.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Awesome! FE7's my jam, yo.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Same. I love that game so much.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Oh and I just thought of a quick question that needs to be asked: are you using a Dual-RNG like recent (every US FE) does or are we running on a single RNG? It drastically affects how I make decisions.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Huh, I never knew luck factored into dodge and hit chances.

If you want to know attack speed, I'm pretty sure that's Speed-(Weight of Weapon-Constitution). If that's at least... 4? above your enemy's attack speed, you'll hit twice.