A Different Realm [Done!]

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A Different Realm [Done!]
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Danfish77.

>Yell very loudly
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Xander.

Scream. Loudly.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Kavukamari.

> He... he's joking, right? hehe yeah joking... you... you.. don't taste good...... SHOOT BELIEF AT IT OR WAKE ALEX UP OR SOMETHING OR SCREAM REALLY LOUD


Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.

> Badly timed cliffhanger!

No wait, don't do that.

I bet that belief power thing that you normally use for currency could be weaponized!

> Faerie: get a sudden surge of belief/light/whatever from all the people following this adventure; blind the creepy thing and the presumably bad ghosts and maybe hurt them a little bit if they're really bad people?
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Kavukamari.

suomynonAyletamitlU Wrote:> Badly timed cliffhanger!

No wait, don't do that.

I bet that belief power thing that you normally use for currency could be weaponized!

> Faerie: get a sudden surge of belief/light/whatever from all the people following this adventure; blind the creepy thing and the presumably bad ghosts and maybe hurt them a little bit if they're really bad people?
Yes, fairy will get a belief surge from his will to protect Alex and from the readers! ..... at least.. i hope .____.

But still, he should tweet a few times for good measure.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Iyestorm.

Quick! Find a way to wake Alex up, she's the one who can weaponize her belief power! Make a *REALLY* loud sound! Anything!
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by ArgonVile.

who are these ghosts? what is that thing? why are the ghosts just standing there?

try to wrestle free of the hands. bite the fingers! you have teeth yes
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by ArgonVile.

(you could also soil yourself, he wouldn't want to eat you then)

(although that would be WAY uncute)
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by FirecatFG.

I told you bro.
I told you about cute adventures.

Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by starburst98.

CLAPPING MY HANDS OFF! i am clapping to show i believe in fairies!
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Squin.

>ADR Readers: stop believing in that creepy thing, if we don't believe in him he's powerless maybe!
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Zaffa.

Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Danfish77.

[Image: tingle.jpg]
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Iyestorm.

ArgonVile Wrote:(you could also soil yourself, he wouldn't want to eat you then)

(although that would be WAY uncute)
Don't you wish you'd listened now when we told you to check the restroom first?


>Monster: Be scared away by Tingle. Or eat him. Either way, we win.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

Okay, I LAUGHED really hard at Tingle there. Good job.

suomynonAyletamitlU Wrote:> Faerie: get a sudden surge of belief/light/whatever from all the people following this adventure; blind the creepy thing and the presumably bad ghosts and maybe hurt them a little bit if they're really bad people?
[Image: 2nlqz5t.png]
You... DO feel like you have the power enough to defend yourself. You form a shield around yourself, repelling the hands.

Danfish77 Wrote:>Yell very loudly
[Image: 2s19irb.png]
You let loose a screech, Alex must wake up, she can help, you're sure of it... Someone needs to find out about this...

[Image: 1692gy0.png]
"ghhhh you fool you squeal like a child in an attempt to wake someone who is not sleeping she is but in pain thats all in pain and she has so much power she is DELICIOUS and you defend yourself with what i aim to eat you might as well cover yourself in those breads i hear you like"
"boss maybe we should help take this guy down"
"STAND ASIDE i can handle this myself you will just mess this up"

Squin Wrote:>ADR Readers: stop believing in that creepy thing, if we don't believe in him he's powerless maybe!
[Image: x6arly.png]
"nnnnn im still hungry and i feel hungrier now come here stupid bird i need your belief power IM HUNGRY I AM SHADE"
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Danfish77.

I... I don't like that guy [img]images/smilies/icon_sadder.gif[/img]
>Other ghosts: burst through the door and begin some kind of crazy Mexican standoff
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Xander.

Alex! Come on, get up! Fairy needs your help and you're the only on that can do it!
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Tseralith.

Readers: Believe in an anvil above its head, which isn't made of beliefs that it can eat. Then let the gravity do what it does best
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Squin.

Readers: Reverse strategy! Believe in him to satiate his hunger!
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Phevnil.

How about we break down the fourth wall and kick his ass our selves?
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Iyestorm.

Phevnil Wrote:How about we break down the fourth wall and kick his ass our selves?
I like that idea, but we probably need something to break the fourth wall *with*. As much as I hate to admit it, our fists probably won't do a good enough job.

Squin Wrote:Readers: Reverse strategy! Believe in him to satiate his hunger!
I like this too, but why stop at satiating him. Why not give him more than he can handle?

...oh wait, that could backfire horribly.

Instead, let's do this.

>Monster: That scream wasn't for you, idiot that I strongly believe smells like a goat. You probably taste like one too!

>Carrie, Charlie, & Jack: Hear Fairy's danger scream, react appropriately.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Kavukamari.

> maybe..... ask for heaven's help? I dunno if heaven takes requests or anything, or if he can hear you from there, but it's worth a try?

>another suggestion is to focus your belief power to try and wake up Alex, but it would probably lower your shield...


Alternatively, Adventure: switch to Alex's view temporarily so we can see a plot-related dream [img]images/smilies/icon_surprised.gif[/img] (but go back to fairy after a little bit cause fairy is awesome [img]images/smilies/apple.gif[/img]
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Asmodemus.

> Try focusing the belief into a single point and smashing it into his eyes, let's see how he likes that.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by ArgonVile.

if he's so powerful why is he hiding in this room? maybe he has some kind of really mundane weakness. do you remember any legends about guys like this? maybe something about how people dealt with him before? or you could just try and guess it. is there a window you can throw open? or maybe some water you can splash him with.

or maybe if he thinks things are tasty because of their belief power... can you just deplete all of your belief power? just summon it all in a ball and give it to him for a tasty snack. then he won't want to eat you.

maybe you can even get alex to give him her belief power willingly! that way he doesn't have to deal with all those bones and organs getting stuck in his teeth.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.

I surgically disbelieve in a major artery that leads to his brain [img]images/smilies/mspa_face.gif[/img]