
RE: [one]
[Image: CIDNLgW.png]
I don’t even know if these are Notails anymore, but I’ll try! I’ll try! I’ll try! I’ll - oh no, I’m doing it too. =)

[Image: a4ozW32.png]

[Image: CIDNLgW.png]

[Image: F3UL9fI.png]

[Image: 1ySarii.png]
were you ever Notails at all.

[Image: mZUI1np.png]
Maybe so.
Maybe not.
Maybe so.
Maybe not.

[Image: 1ySarii.png]
stop that.

i don’t like it.

[Image: mZUI1np.png]
Is that a no?
A no.
A no.
Yes, a no.

Very well.

[Image: ZwpZPMc.png]

[Image: mZUI1np.png]
Y o u h a v e m a d e y o u r p o s i t i o n c l e a r .

[Image: cynhbae.png]

[Image: LsOAS69.png]

[Image: HmX0TXR.png]

[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
RE: [one]
>Call your buddies, is time to kick ass and eat bananas.
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [one]
Can you look at memes from where you are? Maybe play a bit of Fortu- oh, no.

[Image: PBxWmBw.png]
[Image: Fu2tbmz.png] owo whats this???
RE: [one]
>Be the Notail you talked to earlier and rouse up a mob to take down the boss
RE: [one]
>What just happened? What did you see?
RE: [one]
(07-03-2018, 06:20 PM)Thalia V1 Wrote: »Can you look at memes from where you are? Maybe play a bit of Fortu- oh, no.

[Image: HasVMsx.png]

(07-04-2018, 12:03 AM)Ten11 Wrote: »>What just happened? What did you see?

[Image: HasVMsx.png]
i can’t be a corpse.

[Image: HasVMsx.png]
i can’t die.

[Image: HasVMsx.png]
i’m sorry. so sorry. these should have been available already.

[Image: lPBuDR2.png]

[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [one]
> How about O-2? That guy knows how to have fun! Maybe we'll have some fun with them!
[Image: fNYPmPd.png][Image: uLF0DoV.png]
RE: [one]
(07-04-2018, 11:22 AM)Ap0ll0 Wrote: »> How about O-2? That guy knows how to have fun! Maybe we'll have some fun with them!

Either him or 0-7! 0-7’s nice, right?

[Image: PBxWmBw.png]
[Image: Fu2tbmz.png] owo whats this???
RE: [one]
>it wasn't your fault. It was their.
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [one]
[Image: btooksW.png]

[Image: HasVMsx.png]
alright. alright.

[Image: GvCy9Ea.png]

[Image: A49F134.png]
Why did you run off like that in the middle of a conversation? I was worried about you old flame. $u$

[Image: JHjb6tL.png]
Why, Tatsby, are you jealous? *w*

[Image: A49F134.png]
Of course not, old sport. Merely... worried. O-2 is a dangerous man - I didn’t expect him to show up, and then you vanish with him, and -

[Image: JHjb6tL.png]
Now I’m “old sport", am I -

[Image: A49F134.png]
Do not make this into -

[Image: 4kLco6c.png]

[Image: JHjb6tL.png]
Now how can I make this into ‘hi’? *w*

[Image: 4kLco6c.png]

[Image: 7kHR5kV.png]

[Image: gQigyPQ.png]

[Image: JHjb6tL.png]
Now you’re doing it too? *w*

[Image: 4kLco6c.png]
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [one]
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [one]
>Say to him what you know, the V-classes are turning into furries!
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [one]
>Why do you care if its your fault?
RE: [one]
(07-16-2018, 06:50 AM)Ten11 Wrote: »>Why do you care if its your fault?

[Image: LgAqlkI.png]
i don’t want to hurt people. i really don’t. i’m doing my best.

[Image: LgAqlkI.png]
it’s fine if you don’t believe me.

i wouldn't believe me either.

[Image: wr0ecnX.png]

[Image: MCxUxYa.png]

[Image: JHjb6tL.png]
Are you out of your mind Tatsby? Get out of there! *w*

[Image: P74oK90.png]

[Image: bsnj7ZJ.png]

[Image: heCxO4C.png]

[Image: HibLCA3.png]

[Image: LallTMU.png]
ah, my apologies. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
i strike not for the people, but for the birds. i did not intend to so slimly risk your entrance to the fray. :D

[Image: 4kLco6c.png]

[Image: LallTMU.png]
waterlogging expensive clothes feels of my forte rather than yours. you seem more a skinny dipper. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
ah, but where are my manners? the host i may not be, but this host is doing double duty. perhaps you’d like to accompany me as i journey inside? :D

[Image: 4kLco6c.png]

[Image: aHq5jNY.png]

[Image: LallTMU.png]
everyone knows of tatsby’s welcoming air; ah, i am quite certain he won’t mind should i partake in some food he failed to lay out. :D

[Image: KzNAcu2.png]

[Image: fC5THc2.png]

[Image: LallTMU.png]
so what tide brings you here once again, my friend? :D

[Image: 4kLco6c.png]
the v-classes. are furries.

[Image: LallTMU.png]
well, that’s not news. :D

[Image: 4kLco6c.png]
they killed my coat =

[Image: LallTMU.png]
now that is just rude. truly, they are acting the animal after all. :D
[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
RE: [one]
>One V-class did drink the bone-evolving juice!
>Now they're five! Five! Five! Five! Five!
>Ask for help dealing with them.
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [one]
wait so you hate furries? :(

[Image: PBxWmBw.png]
[Image: Fu2tbmz.png] owo whats this???
RE: [one]
> Specifically, they appear to have some sort of insidious plot going. There was a U-Class investigating, but then you.
RE: [one]
>they werent notails.
RE: [one]
[Image: 4kLco6c.png]
they weren’t Notails.

[Image: 4kLco6c.png]
not anymore.

[Image: 4kLco6c.png]
maybe never.

[Image: 4kLco6c.png]
they talked in voices. too many voices.

[Image: LallTMU.png]
oh, they sound hot. :D

[Image: 4kLco6c.png]

[Image: 4kLco6c.png]
i didn’t mean for this to happen. i don’t want to hurt anyone.

[Image: 4kLco6c.png]
did the u-class die because of me.

[Image: LallTMU.png]
as the moon knows nothing of the tides, i could not say for sure. but u-classes die a lot for a lot of reasons. they probably would have died anyway; that’s just life. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
that being said, i’d have no objections to discovering the delicacies behind the situation. i can arrange for the problem to be sorted, if you so desire. :D

[Image: 4kLco6c.png]
sniff. okay.

[Image: wgWR2vZ.png]

[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
RE: [one]
try the w-aiter
time to die i guess
RE: [one]
>O-3, she might know how to get things sorted too!
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [one]
RE: [one]
>Ox!! He threw out our magnificent babies!! Let's ask why
womp c(:
RE: [one]
[Image: wFgzIGp.png]

[Image: lhzQN3s.png]
It’s! All! Taken! Care of! =)

[Image: lhzQN3s.png]
No need to be sad. I have!

[Image: lhzQN3s.png]
A good feeling about this. =)

[Image: SvQSafC.png]

[Image: KZakfOb.png]

[Image: DISMH3q.png]
Hey! I need to move this sofa out of my apartment but all my inventory slots are full, come with me. *ω*
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [one]
> Tell them you need to move this inventory slot into your apartment, but all your sofas are full
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙