Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)

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Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by informativeCloud.

>Guess what Korin? The voices in your head have come to a conclusion. You are now a master juggler.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Iroh.

Wow, a lot has happened since the last time I visited! Interesting updates....[img]images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

>Break out your juggling skills! (Bonus if it's contact juggling.)
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by MultiversalInk.

> Juggle mochis and tea.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Zylo.

> Nothing impresses people like an earth bending rat. Shame you don't have one of those.