[Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train

[Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Partial app opening
Page: https://cosmosdex.com/cosmosdex/achievements/
Sentence with the error: [Image: IZja9Yl.png]
What the error is: I saw this one in the submission area and believe it was "Mission Failed" or something along those lines.
[Image: uIBQxlT.png]
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Partial app opening
Minor Item - Bacteria Incubator
Quote:""Safe and sound in a Petri dish!" | "Who is Petri?" | "I absolutely have no idea""
The quote is otherwise fine, but it's clear that their string had a " at the start and end due to the setup as a conversation between two people.

edit: Additionally

Tesla gloves would be better changed to Zap Gloves for lore reasons and to be adjacent to similar items in the same category. Alternatively it could be changed to the same name used for Kelda's gloves in the arena segment of crew 1, but in that case it would make sense to change all 'zap' items to Stun or Shock in basis.

Neural Whip has the same thing going on. It seems to be a zap weapon that is made from a zap pistol, but focuses on attacking nerves in a nonlethal only fashion.
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Partial app opening
(08-04-2018, 06:57 AM)LoverIan Wrote: »Tesla gloves would be better changed to Zap Gloves for lore reasons and to be adjacent to similar items in the same category. Alternatively it could be changed to the same name used for Kelda's gloves in the arena segment of crew 1, but in that case it would make sense to change all 'zap' items to Stun or Shock in basis.

We have Gordon Ramsey and Bill Gale as official notails, I would argue that there's not really too much of a lore problem with calling them Tesla gloves.
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Partial app opening
Page: https://cosmosdex.com/cosmosdex/traits/#Slowpoke
Sentence with the error: Trait alt name.
What the error is: Alt name is missing square brackets.
[Image: uIBQxlT.png]
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Partial app opening
I resubmitted Tok, but uh, i accidentally pressed the enter key when i wasn't in a textbox, which automatically submitted it although i hadnt finished filling it out yet. I'd already covered all the changes you recommended though (thankyou for that btw, it was detailed and good), so the rest of the entry would've been the same as the original.
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Partial app opening
You'll have to submit the whole application as I don't save the old ones that get rejected. If you ever accidentally submit just hit the back button in your browser and most of your data will still be there.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Partial app opening
Page: https://cosmosdex.com/cosmosdex/species/notail (the notail dex entry)
Sentence with the error: "Such aggressive teaching causes many notails opt for romantic solidarity, many even react with utter disgust at joked aimed at them that even imply anything on the emotional level, much less the physical level."

What the error is: I believe "joked" should be "jokes"


Page: https://cosmosdex.com/cosmosdex/fauna/omegabass (omega bass dex entry)
Sentence with the error: Omega bass are solitary and passive, wandering around they're designated area with their mouth open, feeding on whatever sorts of things happen to have the misfortune of being in their path.

What the error is: "they're designated" should be "their designated"
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Partial app opening
Page: https://cosmosdex.com/cosmosdex/lore/legendary/o-11 (3rd gallery image caption)
Sentence with error: I've just been told really is why he can be constantly shaking,
What the error is: I've just been told that really is why
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Partial app opening
All errors above should now be fixed.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Partial app opening
Page: https://cosmosdex.com/cosmosdex/lore/legendary/o-11 (3rd gallery image caption)
Sentence with error: I've just been told that's really is why he can be constantly shaking,
What the error is: I've just been told that really is why
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Other than intermissions and a few oddball pages. I now have most of the redux ready and packed to go. Only one small issue.

Many of the commands and the rolls done are a little bit missing now. I'm hoping to catch a good number of them myself, but if you see a command you think should be in the redux, or a page that's missing a roll, please post here saying so, and link to the page with the error, as well as to what the missing command or roll should be.

Oh yeah, and because this was all done fairly quickly by me, are there going to be normal errors by the truckloads?

Yeah. Please report those as well.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Two pages are broken in their "[Go back] [Newest Page]" section such that they cannot be used.

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Page: https://cosmosdex.com/cosmosdex/ai/palaestra
Sentence with error 1: The Palaestra unit is a bipedal AI that spends on expenses on cheap useless frills. These AIs are all about usage.
What is error: "spends no expense", not "spends on expense"

Sentence with Error 2: 'There are no if, and's, or buts about that'
Error: no apparent need for apostrophe in ands?

Sentence 3: • Palaestra units are known to poor at keeping secrets.
Error is: should probbably read "are known to be poor"

Sentence 4:• When though Palaestra units don't like people
Error is: I dont think the "when" should be there

Page: https://cosmosdex.com/cosmosdex/ai/hemera
Sentence: multiple, in Quote, Usage, and Relationship
Error is: lack of/inconsistent capitalisation of "nyx" and "nyx unit"
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/4559
Sentence With Error: "He knew it a situation like this Chef Ram would push people out of his way and possible stab an intern."
The Error: 'it' should be 'in'
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Possible would also go to possibly, no?
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
This is something I noticed a while ago rather than something new in this update, but this page does not have the roll that its MSPFA version had.
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/4261
Error: The second Notepad on this page seems to have placeholder text in it, leaving the Athena and Helios to respond to questions that were never asked.
[Image: uIBQxlT.png]
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
I finally submitted the species I won the species contest with. The drattle and its homeplanet Intatrains are here.
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/4374
Sentence with Error: Cleo, would you like to taken to your room...
The Error: 'you like to be taken' not 'you like to taken'

Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/4396
Sentence with Error 1: I was able to solve the issue with Eris and Nike early and thought I could make it back in time to pick what planet we could go to.
The Error 1: It should probably be 'what planet we would go to.' not 'what planet we could go to.'

Sentence with Error 2: It will soon become heavily annoying, maybe.
Error 2: 'It would soon become' not 'It will soon become'

Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/4397
Error: Where pronouns for Cleo would normally be for this page there is nothing. Such as ''that would take all the scrap the crew had, decided to hold off on it.'

Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/4406
Sentence with Error: I'm not scared of the dark unlike you.
Error: There should probably be either a comma after 'dark' or 'unlike' should be switched to 'like'.

Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/4409
Sentence with Error: Speaking of of which, while relationships are complex and don't exist on just one axis, this still... y'know, a videogame
Error 1: 'Speaking of of'
Error 2: 'this still' should be 'this is still'
Error 3: 'videogame' should be 'video game'

Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/4433
Sentence with Error: 'people think I'm a loon, but I think both him and me are just misunderstood'
Error: Unless it's intentional that Cea's grammatically incorrect at this instance, it should be 'I think both him and I are' not 'him and me'

Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/4443
Sentence with Error: 'it was only a memory he had be desensitized to long ago.'
Error: 'been' not 'be'

Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/4453
Sentence with Error: Cleo slowly turns around to looks Edel in the eye. she disapproves.
Error 1: 'look' not 'looks'
Error 2: Either the 's' in 'she' should be capitalized or the period after eye should be made into a comma.

Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/4472
Error: Unless I'm mistaken there shouldn't be a 'v' at the beginning of this sentence.
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/7515
Error: While pressing the "Don't Yell at your Friend" option gives you the correct dialogue with Cowboy, your friends will yell at you for being an asshole to Cowboy, even if you have never yelled at Cowboy before. While the implications of having your friends abandon you for being a decent human being are humorous to ponder, that is clearly not supposed to be the intent.

Seed spoilers for confirmation:
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/7739
Error: I don't know how to buy food per say.
Correction: per se
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
All the error's above should now be fixed except for KleenFarsight's bug. It seems you may have unintentionally gotten the yell at cowboy cookie. Did you ever accidentally click the other option or go back in a weird way at any point? If you yell at cowboy (even to just check the other option) it overrights not yelling at him. I can take a closer look to see if there's a bug though.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
error: Trivia • Fluffywumblers where first discovered
change: Fluffywumblers were first discovered
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
page: https://cosmosdex.com/about/art-submissions

Error: Gallaries are able to contain endless amounts of art

Correction: Gallaries -> Galleries
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
All errors above fixed


Please be warned before submitting anything to the below sections that the application system is very new and while I and volunteers have tested it there are BOUND to be errors somewhere. Please report any errors you find right away.

It's a big opening! Current the
And Legendary sections have opened!

Enjoy and please be careful with the new application system and PLEASE make sure to relook over the application section once again as there are a few things that have changed and new things added such as basic formatting.
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