[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)

[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)
RE: [Fortuna]: Many paths (2/6)
(02-08-2019, 02:56 AM)Jirachi Wrote: »>Rationpath: [Object Whisper] to valentine. See how she feels about R-18's deals

RE: [Fortuna]: Many paths (2/6)
While the cards are an exception, normal objects don't actually speak, see what happened when we 'talked' to S-52's mask. We could hope to see what happened to R-18 when he ran off valentine though.
RE: [Fortuna]: Many paths (2/6)
Woops, forgot the most important question
> Receptionist Path: Ask about fuel
(02-08-2019, 03:53 AM)ShiningKatana Wrote: »guys we have rati0n pr0ducing animals 0n the ship. we d0nt need immediate rati0ns that badly. i say leave and ign0re r-18. f0rever
Sbat and Clay are kind of weak from starvation right now? And it would take us the rest of the day to get back to the ship, even if we were to leave right now and not make any stops on the way.

We might be able to get better deals from R-18 if we wait until he's his more timid self. That depends on how long we end up staying in this zone though.
RE: [Fortuna]: Many paths (2/6)
>Ask if it is possible to bet on the tournament results
RE: [Fortuna]: Many paths (2/6)
(02-08-2019, 05:05 AM)Fellow Wrote: »While the cards are an exception, normal objects don't actually speak, see what happened when we 'talked' to S-52's mask. We could hope to see what happened to R-18 when he ran off valentine though.
Yeah, I want to ask Valentine what happened when R-18 took her(or should that be it? idk) and what she thinks of him.

Also, ask the receptionist what the other creatures entering the competition are like.
RE: [Fortuna]: Many paths (2/6)
(02-07-2019, 05:02 AM)Fellow Wrote: »Thorn head path: >Inject the thorn head with evofluid.

Evofluid probably won't heal it but this way we'd only have to use the healing gel if we get a cool mutation.

Seconding this.

>Ration path: Just steal this stuff, man.
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: Many paths (2/6)
Y0 Heli0s h0ws c0balt d0ing?

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RE: [Fortuna]: Many paths (2/6)
als0 RationPath: in the Uutzi entry it states "While uutzi do need to eat and breathe, their biological processes are slowed to the point these are almost negligible. For example, an uutzi only needs to breathe every hour or so, and may only need a small amount of food once per week to remain 'healthy'." We sh0uld send sbat back f0r f00d and medical attenti0n, leave the sh0p with0ut getting anything, ending the rati0n path l00p.

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RE: [Fortuna]: Many paths (2/6)
Suggestions used
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New Update, 10 Q panels, 2 normal panels
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This is a vote. Do we confront ?R-18? with this info or do we leave it alone. Remember follow vote rules, this is a
> Confront him
or > Do not confront him

You may suggest more questions for the lobster
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: New body, who this? (2/10)
>Confront R-18.

>Ask Lobster-hands if they've ever considered the high-risk job of adventure for little reward.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [Fortuna]: New body, who this? (2/10)
>Confront R-18
RE: [Fortuna]: New body, who this? (2/10)
Confronting R-18 is definitely a bad idea

>Confront R-18

Maybe there'll also be beer behind this mantis door.
RE: [Fortuna]: New body, who this? (2/10)
Second asking Helios. I don't think we should confront.

Ask the receptionist who the thornhead and frog were owned by. I feel like this is going to be relevant information in the near future.
RE: [Fortuna]: New body, who this? (2/10)
>Confront R-18
RE: [Fortuna]: New body, who this? (2/10)
>Clay: Distract the bird with a ration, then put the smart collar on it.
RE: [Fortuna]: New body, who this? (2/10)
>Don't confront R-18
>if we have to confront R-18 at least make sure the bird is with us
RE: [Fortuna]: New body, who this? (2/10)
>Dont confront R18
> Ask the receptionist if 0-4 can be contacted in some way, maybe by phone or calling a secretary?
(Additional?)If so try to and contact her and explain that there is what is probably an anomaly or abomination that looks just like her son.
RE: [Fortuna]: New body, who this? (2/10)
[Image: dD6WeFX.png]
Hey Helios, do you think it's a good idea for me to confront R-18 with the info that he's some sort of fake?

[Image: KaTm0Fk.png]
Student, while this is an interesting situation and actually a very rare one that I would guess most players would leap at to interact with, lets just say the shape of our, well, your crew isn't the best. While the rewards are high, the risks are just as high, morose with the shape that we're in. While I would personally cut our losses and leave, the choice is yours to make. I personally would not mind an early end of this crew if this ruins us.


Remember if you change your vote DELETE your old post and make a new one. If you have two posts then your votes will not be counted at all.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: New body, who this? (2/10)
> No confront and cut our losses
RE: [Fortuna]: New body, who this? (2/10)
>Vote not to confront "R-18"
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Fortuna]: New body, who this? (2/10)
> I say we confront him. Them. It. Whatever.
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RE: [Fortuna]: New body, who this? (2/10)
no confront-y
[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: New body, who this? (2/10)
>Callout time
>Callout R-18 on his poor attempt at a disguise
Local pidgeonmancer
RE: [Fortuna]: New body, who this? (2/10)
> Let's confront him
As fellow members of the squad we've got a right to know.
RE: [Fortuna]: New body, who this? (2/10)
D0nt c0nfr0nt.

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