[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)

[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)
RE: [Fortuna]: The Help Has Arrived (1/17)
Heck no don't culture in Valentine, we will lose them forever later on.
RE: [Fortuna]: The Help Has Arrived (1/17)
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[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: Nice and cozy (1/23)
> Clay: Explain that R-18 got chased by this anomaly and you were following. (Which is all true!)
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: Nice and cozy (1/23)
> Punch O-5 in arms to establish disappointment.
Local pidgeonmancer
RE: [Fortuna]: Nice and cozy (1/23)
> Clay:Tell O-5 they owe us a new crew member.
RE: [Fortuna]: Nice and cozy (1/23)
> We threw hot party at lake with R-18. Then anomaly crashed party. Lame.
> Anomaly saw R-18 with Amazing Valentine and chased him into these woods. I did not want to risk the lives of my crew so I confronted anomaly alone to stop it from killing R-18.
> Speaking of which, R-18 is probably still nearby. Maybe if you shout he will come.
> I would like Valentine back by the way. I was letting R-18 play with her.
RE: [Fortuna]: Nice and cozy (1/23)
let's just tell the truth
r-18 took our puppet and ran off, so we chased him. then this anomaly showed up, killed someone, and started chasing r-18. they're our former crew member and seemed to react positively to us, so we wanted to see if we could keep them placid & NOT attacking our crew members long enough for help to arrive. which it did! hooray. thanks, by the way

also if we could get our puppet back that'd be just super
[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: Nice and cozy (1/23)
The part of the truth we want to not share is that we purposefully sicced Belladonna on R-18, of course.
RE: [Fortuna]: Nice and cozy (1/23)
Clay: tell O-5 that there is another blessed creature out there and that he should join up with Clay to help find R-18 and save him from it (then stealthily pocket some of Bella's remains, you never know if we could revive her or make the blessed material otherwise useful)
RE: [Fortuna]: Nice and cozy (1/23)
O-5 is vigilant so trying to be stealthy around him might not work too well.

Also we'd have to drop the flashlight(or something else in Clay's inventory) to pocket any remains.
RE: [Fortuna]: Nice and cozy (1/23)
>Clay [Charisma Check]: tell the following story as best as you can in a way that they won't get mad at you about. You're not lying about anything, but it's still best to not be on their bad side. Also try and get some info on Glirny because FFS this day.
>R-18 broke into O2's house on his own, and when we went inside to check on him not much more happened than him stealing my puppet. When we went back out we ran into E-47, that anomaly showed up, and I did what could be done to get the part of my team that was together to safety.
>Figured I could distact this anomaly until help arrived. She was obsessed with me so, safer than standing around waiting for rescue.
>Did any of you run into our llama? Or find him dead?

>Glirny: [Miracle Roll]
RE: [Fortuna]: Nice and cozy (1/23)
>Clay: [Charisma] Yes I am, and you see Mr. O-5 that is why I am out here, that notail I was told to watch, well he ran away from the camp, like a goober, and me, being a responsible babysitter, ran right out after him, when I was assailed by this beast what was my former crewmember.

>Clay: Now if you don't mind, I will go back to looking for that notail, Mr. O-5 sir.

>Summon the nichtendrakk, so we can just fly over this accursed forest that's killed potentially two of our friends.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [Fortuna]: Nice and cozy (1/23)
>Clay: Charisma check. Whatever we end up saying, definitely do a charisma check, clay is really good at those. As for what he should actually say, i think we should thank O-5 for his help, and tell him that R-18 ran off, but we thought we could pacify Bella on our own.
RE: [Fortuna]: Nice and cozy (1/23)
>He stole the puppet from me, so I flinched. Can you get it back for me?
RE: [Fortuna]: Nice and cozy (1/23)
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R-18 will not automatically join our crew if you let him follow us. He will just follow us around. If you want him to join you'll have to attempt to get him to do so. Not recommended at this moment though.

Please note if you want to stay on this planet or find a place to buy fuel and leave.

If you want to stay please suggest what we should do and go on the planet.

Also, I would like to have a vote for "Do we use the cards or not?" If no then next time we go to the ship we'll store the cards instead of automatically bringing them around and taking up a slot, and if you say we should use them, we will automatically use Pyramid scheme to maximize our profit of playing it as soon as there's an opening in the plot to use it.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: Nice and cozy (1/23)
>Clay (cheater or charisma check): Only people who join the crew get to come along.
>If he doesn't just fucking leave him lol

>If the room is still available and will be there when we get back go into it to store some stuff (like the cards).
>See if we can buy fuel here, but don't head back to the ship

Any of ya'll want to try and do something like ask an F class or whoever for "hey if a llama is found can you have it dropped off at our ship. they were a crew member and we haven't been able to find them but we can't keep looking right now" if we're not headed back
Past that I think it's likely we're going to vote to visit the tournament
RE: [Fortuna]: Nice and cozy (1/23)
>No, He'll just steal from us again, and generally be vaguely annoying.
>Let's go on one more expedition to find Glirny, or at least his corpse.
>If we do go, let's summon a bat, to assist from the skies.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [Fortuna]: Nice and cozy (1/23)
> Sure, you can come along if you promise to help us with creature wrangling.

I say no to card use, and I'd like to stay on the planet. I want to go on the train and Zone 4, the White Zone, to see if there's any useful trained creatures. Just because they weren't good for the arena doesn't mean they're no good for a Fortuna trip.
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: "Deserved it" (1/24)
(01-24-2019, 08:16 AM)Apo11o Wrote: »> Sure, you can come along if you promise to help us with creature wrangling.

I say no to card use, and I'd like to stay on the planet. I want to go on the train and Zone 4, the White Zone, to see if there's any useful trained creatures. Just because they weren't good for the arena doesn't mean they're no good for a Fortuna trip.

Sounds good, seconding this.
Also, r18 is gonna need to pay for his own train ticket.

Checking out the local shops to see if there's fuel also sounds like a good idea.
RE: [Fortuna]: "Deserved it" (1/24)
> [Hey Helios, am I at risk of losing the Fortuna signal if I stay on this planet a little bit longer? I did spend quite a bit of time stuck in space...]

> I say... whether or not we continue the hunt depends on whether or not we still have time to do that before it gets dark and the train stops running. If so, I say definitely give finding Glirny another shot, giving Pips the smart collar scent.

> If not, have Pips check for Glirny'a scent with the smart collar anyway, just to verify someone hasn't brought him through here already

> Use the cards. Why spend all that money if we're not gonna use them? We nearly killed someone getting those

(01-24-2019, 10:00 AM)Fellow Wrote: »Checking out the local shops to see if there's fuel also sounds like a good idea.
> Food! Our crew must be starving by now!
RE: [Fortuna]: "Deserved it" (1/24)
>Clay: Agree, but ask for something in return.
RE: [Fortuna]: "Deserved it" (1/24)
> Ask for O-5's help to carry what is left of belladonna to the ship, then combine it with valentine.
Local pidgeonmancer
RE: [Fortuna]: "Deserved it" (1/24)
(01-24-2019, 12:54 PM)Spish Wrote: »> [Hey Helios, am I at risk of losing the Fortuna signal if I stay on this planet a little bit longer? I did spend quite a bit of time stuck in space...]

>Put away the cards

>Tell R-18 to flip off, no puppet stealers allowed on this crew.
RE: [Fortuna]: "Deserved it" (1/24)
> Let R-18 hang with us, we're honestly kind of desperate and should take whatever help we can get
RE: [Fortuna]: "Deserved it" (1/24)
>Ask r-18 if they can fly a ship

> [Object Whisper] their mask to see what happened to them when Bella attacked if allowed

>Keep the cards. Make Valentine the queen of games.