
RE: [one]
> h

> Also you know what? How dare we take the higher ground and yell at you. How dare we act like we’re better than you? We’re the ones telling you to commit these horrible things and then whining about it when you do. You’re just some fool who can’t shut us off. If we weren’t here you’d be I don’t know. Kicking sand piles or swinging on a swing for days to see what happens.

> We’re O-1. We just don’t want to take responsibility for our actions.

> Just like O-1.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [one]
> X. X Classes are already screwed up.
RE: [one]
(01-06-2018, 02:33 PM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »> Just like O-1.

RE: [one]

didn't i say something earlier about lack of forgiveness regarding H class.

because i think some nice relaxing gardening is just what we need.

RE: [one]
[Image: iNiTpCW.png]

[Image: HasVMsx.png]

[Image: 5HMlqG1.png]

[Image: FmUwKrm.png]

[Image: A49F134.png]
So old flame, how have you been lately? $u$

[Image: JHjb6tL.png]
I'm fine, but how are you G-47587? I -

[Image: A49F134.png]
Please, call me Tatsby now. $u$

[Image: JHjb6tL.png]
Right. Tatsby, this isn't healthy. This place isn't good for you... These people ain't good for you either. *w*

[Image: A49F134.png]
Don't be ridiculous N-132, I'm just throwing a party for my friends. That's all. $u$

[Image: JHjb6tL.png]
But take a look at yourself, man! Why, you’re just -

[Image: rkXOQCj.png]

[Image: UmaM18E.png]

[Image: A49F134.png]
N-132? $u$

[Image: c7DNOXv.png]

[Image: stBpxO7.png]
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [one]
>Talk to O-2 about how things are a bit sad, then do "the stuff" with O-2.
RE: [one]
> Just like crawl your way over to O-2.

> Act normal. You're normal. You're not a personification of every tiny thought that comes into people's heads. You're a normal notail, here to have a little fun.

> Ask O-2 about what this part is about, you, a normal person, have forgotten, like normal people do.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [one]
>Rip away the tent and wear it like a skirt.
RE: [one]
[Image: 8ChsT4x.png]

[Image: mhY7o11.png]

[Image: R7TwLwq.png]

[Image: UmaM18E.png]

[Image: PT8pyIX.png]

[Image: AB1qEd6.png]

[Image: LallTMU.png]
ah, hi there. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
n-132, wasn’t it? was there something you wanted to discuss with me? :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
your friend seems to be looking for you. well, he rather seems to know where you are already, for he never lost you, so that’s not accurate wording, of course. nothing else would flow quite so well, however, so i suppose we must take what phrases we may. :D

[Image: UmaM18E.png]
Party. =)

[Image: LallTMU.png]
it sure is. :D

[Image: UmaM18E.png]
Tell me about. Party. =)

[Image: LallTMU.png]
alright. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
this party is hosted by tatsby over there; this is his current home as an alpha. he’s invited quite a few of his old friends over, it’s quite fancy. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
i wasn’t invited, of course. i’m only here because i figured i had nothing better to do. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
it’s quite interesting, you see? to observe they who watches the foul dust left in the wake of one’s dreams. :D

[Image: UmaM18E.png]
Party fact! Party fact! Did you know? =)

[Image: UmaM18E.png]
I don’t want to be here. =)

[Image: LallTMU.png]
do you want me to lead you out, my friend? :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
though i must say, i don’t know if you’d need my help for that. :D
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [one]
> No no, you def need O-2's help. You try getting out of here alone and you'll walk into the middle of the street and die.

> Lets walk with O-2.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [one]
> Confide in your bffsie. Love him. Cherish him. Bawl all over him
[Image: fNYPmPd.png][Image: uLF0DoV.png]
RE: [one]
>I want to escape existing just for a brief moment.
>It's all we need right now.
RE: [one]
>yes, that would be a good idea.
RE: [one]
> Walk with O-2. Flirting. A lot.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [one]
(01-09-2018, 08:06 AM)Ap0ll0 Wrote: »> Confide in your bffsie. Love him. Cherish him. Bawl all over him

Seconding. Let the hugs happen!
RE: [one]
(01-09-2018, 03:00 PM)Clockwork Dragon Wrote: »
(01-09-2018, 08:06 AM)Ap0ll0 Wrote: »> Confide in your bffsie. Love him. Cherish him. Bawl all over him

Seconding. Let the hugs happen!

I can summon bendy straws at will and also turn oxygen into carbon dioxide
RE: [one]
[Image: IfaZvoj.png]

[Image: LallTMU.png]
ah? :D

[Image: FlZKW5F.png]

[Image: LallTMU.png]
there, there. do you want to talk about your problems? :D

[Image: UmaM18E.png]

[Image: LallTMU.png]
that’s fair. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
well, i hope you feel better soon, my friend. :D

[Image: UmaM18E.png]
I want to go. Outside. =)

[Image: LallTMU.png]
sure. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
did you want to walk like this? you can keep crying if you want. :D

[Image: E4nr5FO.png]

[Image: LallTMU.png]
okie dokie. you’ll have to help support your own weight, though. :D

[Image: KE3fNNE.png]

[Image: A49F134.png]
N-132? Why’d you suddenly walk off? Where are you going with O-2? $u$

[Image: SuWB5tj.png]

[Image: LallTMU.png]
ah, now is this not better for you? :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
the bird may fly where it may, but the nest will always be of twigs. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
i do hate birds so. :D
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [one]
>got any weed I can inject
RE: [one]
> So how do you enjoy life cause I'm not having fun.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [one]
>follow your heart and talk or look at the ocean or whatever.
>DEF talk about the babies u did, the babies was really fun.
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [one]
> How come you do this anyway? People aren't objects. Are you ok?
RE: [one]
>Thank them, then definitely talk about the babies.
RE: [one]
(01-11-2018, 12:20 PM)GuardianofAllator Wrote: »> How come you do this anyway? People aren't objects. Are you ok?

[Image: ma4JOuz.png]

[Image: UmaM18E.png]
i don’t get it.

[Image: LallTMU.png]
oh, what don’t you get? i will do my best to unveil its truthful song. :D

[Image: UmaM18E.png]
how do you not get
sad (=

[Image: LallTMU.png]
ah, that’s easy. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
this plane of existence, this life, this body - none of them are mine at all, you know? i’m just following along for kicks. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
it’s no problem to stay stable as akin to a frozen lake when you don’t exist at all. :D

[Image: UmaM18E.png]

[Image: LallTMU.png]
a rocking boat threatens to capsize from one side to the next, but teeters into balance on the waves. so i offer, though don’t ask: if you want to talk about how you feel, i am all ears. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
you know, i wonder if there has been ever a notail out there who did end up with nothing but ears. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
that sounds like a mutation that could happen, doesn’t it? do you think that would let them hear better? :D

[Image: UmaM18E.png]
no. we did that test already.

[Image: LallTMU.png]
ah, i must have missed it. perhaps before my time? or maybe it has just eluded my mind for now. memories are quite slippery, you know. :D

[Image: UmaM18E.png]
today i made. baby.

[Image: LallTMU.png]
congratulations! :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
who was the lucky one? :D

[Image: UmaM18E.png]
yes. i made baby of you and o-11. and o-5 and o-6. and o-6 and o-x. and more baby.

[Image: LallTMU.png]
oh, i see. :D

[Image: UmaM18E.png]
the machine made. strange baby.

[Image: LallTMU.png]
that’s just how things are, sometimes. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
the planet turns, the sun shines, the grass grows beneath, and machines make strange babies. :D

[Image: UmaM18E.png]
it was this long.

[Image: B4MfgDM.png]

[Image: LallTMU.png]
wow, that is pretty long. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
maybe o-9 will adopt it once it’s not a baby. teach it her ways. :D

[Image: UmaM18E.png]

[Image: LallTMU.png]
it sure is! :D

[Image: UmaM18E.png]

[Image: LallTMU.png]

[Image: UmaM18E.png]

[Image: UmaM18E.png]
Okay. I’m done now. =)

[Image: JHjb6tL.png]
...Where the hell am I? *w*

[Image: JHjb6tL.png]
O-2?? *w*

[Image: LallTMU.png]
hi. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
you came to me and asked me to take you away from the party for a bit, you see. i was happy to assist. :D

[Image: LallTMU.png]
if you feel up for it, we can go back now. :D

[Image: JHjb6tL.png]
That...might be a good idea…*w*

[Image: pJsoHcf.png]

o-2 | o-3 |
| o-8 | o-10
d | h | n
p | u | x

[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [one]
gardening always helped me relax tbh. weird gardening might be your style too. betcha the h-classes would be into whatever you're up to try. could be a healthy experience.
RE: [one]
>O-8 xmx