Steam Summer Giveaway 2014

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Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
Final Point Totals:

And now, let's see who won Round 7:


Congratulations to our four winners! We'll be contacting you via pm shortly.

As for everybody else, we're starting to get towards the end here, only a few more rounds left to go.

Round 8 starts now and ends at 9 pm EST on July 1st, or in approximately 40 hours.

RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
I might actually have to start considering bad rats as a valid option here...
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
[Image: aLrZBWZ.png]
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014

Happy early birthday to me! Thanks, guys!
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
I can't lie, I have some small hope that Deceptive, Sruixan, and Leafsword all want the exact same game at this point. Come on, we can still beat Civ V's point total.
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014

Dumping all my stuff on Surgeon sim again.
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
I am sorely tempted to go all in on Bad Rats, for reasons I don't even know.

...very sorely tempted...
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
Sruix I would strongly suggest, if you need something to bid on, dumping your points onto spec ops (provided you can run it) it's a pretty dark game and maybe one of the best ones still on the list.
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
25 more on terraria.
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
Only 3 hours remaining until deadline.
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
Fuck it, 75 points on Papo & Yo. Enjoy D9 Amos.
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
Everything on Papo & Yo
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
Final Point Totals:


Alright, I'm actually really tired right now so let's try and make this quick.


Congratulations to our four winners for today! We'll be contacting you shortly with all the relevant game info.

Everybody else, same deal as always.

Round 9 starts now and ends at midnight EST on August 3rd, or in just under 47 hours from now.

RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
Hrm, that was an unreasonably shitty snipe I did there Ix, sorry bout that. I'd demand a reroll with your full points but I already activated the game (stupid of me). I do, however, have a spare Mark of the Ninja key floating around if you're interested.
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
Surgeon sim etc
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
Drop all my points on Burnout
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
2.75 hours remaining until deadline.

I'll probably be more or less wrapping up the game tonight unless there's a relatively huge influx of points before then.
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
And so, as round nine draws to a close, let's see will be voted off the island this time around.

Congratulations to all of our most recent winners! We'll be contacting you shortly with all the relevant game-related information.

And..... that was actually everybody who posted anything this round, so I guess the "game" part of this thread is just about over now.

If you're one of the six remaining players who never ended up receiving a game, just hit me up via PM by, say, the end of August, and I'll try to set you up with the game of your choice. After that, I can't guarantee that we'll still have it, but you're welcome to try and ask anyway.

The final six games will be going out on a first come, first serve basis for whichever of the remaining players contacts me first. I'll try to remember to update this post as soon as each game gets snatched up.


Kind of anticlimactic I know, but it's hard not to expect something like that from a game that involves automatically weeding out all of the most popular games and active players as quickly as possible by default.

Official game wrap-up post coming soonish.
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
Alright, wrap-up post time, let's do this.

Things that went well:
I managed to get most of the day end posts up quickly and never held up the game for more than a few hours at a time.
No major game mix-ups that I'm aware of, outside of that one thing in particular which was easily fixed.
We actually managed to see this through to the end.

Things that could have been better:
I never did get around to doing that "miniature game review" thing I was talking about early on.
Activity kind of slowed to a crawl during the later rounds. (Not entirely unexpected, but still.)
Flavor text was pretty bland for the most part, but I think it was a necessary sacrifice if it kept me from spending an extra hour on each update.

All in all though, I'm pretty pleased with how everything turned out. If anybody else has any ideas/opinions on how to make any future versions better though, I'm all ears.

Personally, I don't plan on trying to start another one of these until maybe next summer at the soonest. But if somebody else wants to try their hand at modding one before then, (like say, around the time of the winter sale) please don't feel like you need my permission or anything. (Most of the ideas for this were stolen from Kocel or Pala anyway, so it's not like I'd have any right to pass it off as my idea anyway.) In the future though, it'd probably be a good idea to post a pregame warning announcement on both sites, just to make sure that people have enough time to donate something if they want to.

Thanks once again to Kocel, Palamedes, Amosmyn, Demonsul, and Vancho for donating and/or helping me out in their own individual ways. This whole thing wouldn't have happened without their help.

As for everybody else, I hope you enjoy whichever games you received, and thanks again for playing!

RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
I realized around Day 8 that I probably have a bunch of unredeemed games from old Humble Bundles, so if we do this again I'll throw them on the pile.
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
Thank you Coldblooded and everyone who donated!~
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
I think i have like 2 or 3 games i can throw into the pile
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
Just a heads up: the humble store is having an end of summer sale and is giving away a steam key for "Warlock: Master of the Arcane" today.

Offer ends in about 17 hours, but I think there'll be another freebie next monday.
RE: Steam Summer Giveaway 2014
Thanks for the heads up Oz

And I will definitely want to donate something if a winter/summer giveaway happens again! : 3