Sonic and the Pokemon Colosseum

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Sonic and the Pokemon Colosseum
RE: Sonic and the Pokemon Colosseum
[Image: GC6_E01_1.png]

Anca: "I can't believe the hotel rooms were just the jail the whole time..."

Trudly: "Yeah, it's the worst part about being here."

Foley: "Having to stand all night watching the customers sleep..."

Anca: "You were watching me sleep?"

Trudly: "No we were watching Sonic do some arts and crafts."

Anca: "Oh, can I see?"

Sonic: "N-no!"

Anca: "Okay then."

[Image: GC6_E01_2.png]

Johnson: "A prisoner seems to be missing."

Sonic: "Oh, Johnson, that would be because I let him out yesterday."

Johnson: "Why would you do that?"

Sonic: "He had a TM."

Johnson: "I approve. Such is the cost of freedom here, a TM."

Sonic: "Yeah, I need to hoard them all before the price rockets up in a couple of generations."

Johnson: "Best of luck, my friend!"

[Image: GC6_E01_27.png]

Duking: "Hey have I seen you around before? At a glance I can tell you're no ordinary trainer."

Sonic: "You sure have seen me before! And it's true, I am no ordinary trainer- I'm a friend to the town of Pyrite."

Duking: "Ah, I apologize for not recognize you. Things have been troubling my mind, but some construction workers brought the gear here earlier. Now that the windmill is fixed and power has been restored to my Colosseum, that's one worry out of the way."

Sonic: "That's good!"

[Image: GC6_E01_62.png]


Attendant: "Congratulations, you won!"

Sonic: "I know! Do I get a prize Shadow Pokemon?"

Attendant: "Not officially, of course! Just head outside and someone will be there for you."

[Image: GC6_E01_75.png]

Nore: "Hi, there! You must be that superb trainer who won!"

Sonic: "Yeah! That's me, I'm the strongest!"

Nore: "You must be expecting a prize, so follow me!"

[Image: GC6_E01_79.png]

Sonic: "We're... walking so orderly, I'm uncomfortable..."

[Image: GC6_E01_81.png]

Nore: "Here's your Shadow Pokemon! It's a Yanma."

Sonic: "Thanks!"

Nore: "Enclosed in this file on the counter is your paperwork. Please fill it out a sheet monthly and mail it in to our address in Phenac. The details are all in the file. We're gathering data on how well our Shadow Pokemon perform in combat!"

Sonic: "I absolutely hate paperwork, but if it's for this cause, then I'll make an exception!"

Nore: "Thanks! Now if you'll excuse us, we need to do some chores."

Sonic: "Bye!"

Anca: "In Phenac, huh...?"

[Image: GC6_E01_100.png]

Duking: "Oh good, you're safe! So this is the building where they are operating from..."

Anca: "Yeah, it seems they didn't actually take over your Colosseum, they just hand out Shadow Pokemon to winners as they leave."

[Image: GC6_E01_105.png]

Marcia: "Miror B. kidnapped Plusle though. You have to rescue him!"

Anca: "Of course we will!

Duking: "Thanks! Well, we'll leave you to it. Bye!"

Anca: "Bye."

But Sonic was not paying attention, he was looking through the file.

[Image: GC6_E01_116.png]

Sonic: "Hey... this isn't paperwork... this is a doctoral thesis. 'Ein's doctoral thesis about Hyper Mode.' I'm not reading this."

Anca: "At least read the conclusion!"

Sonic rummages through the papers and gets to the last page.

Sonic: "Every now and then, a Shadow Pokemon will enter Hyper Mode. Using Shadow Rush will give them an increased critical hit ratio, but items cannot be used on Shadow Pokemon while they are in Hyper Mode and they will also disobey any order besides Shadow Rush. You can CALL a pokemon to break them out of Hyper Mode, but this will open their heart a little more, which is bad. More research must be done to prevent the doors to their hearts from opening again. Perhaps a padlock? That's all I can afford right now. Please give me more funding."

Sonic nodded. This was good information to know. But it wasn't paperwork! Sonic would have to go find someone to give him the right paperwork.

[Image: GC6_E01_133.png]

Sonic: "Excuse me, miss, do you know where I can get the right paperwork? This is the wrong folder..."

Anca: "Hey! You're alive! I've been quietly regretting my outburst ever since yesterday! I'm so sorry i threw you off a cliff!"

Emok: "Hey, don't worry about it. I think I would do the same thing in your situation, which obviously makes your actions okay!"

Anca: "Gee, thanks! But how did you survive the fall?"

Emok: "There's a safety net. I just took this elevator back up."

Sonic: "Okay, well you two can chat, I'm gonna find my paperwork."

Anca: "Alright, see you later! I gotta make sure this guy does what I want him to."

Emok: "Bye!!"

[Image: GC6_E01_166.png]

Sonic: "These books are too difficult and are not the paperwork I'm looking for! Everyone in this building I've talked to had no idea where I could find the paperwork!"

Anca: "Well I guess we'll just keep climbing, to the roof if we have to!"

[Image: GC6_E01_184.png]

Sonic: "Silva!!! Are you hurt?"

Silva: "Oh, hi? Uh, yeah, I am?"

Sonic: "They'll pay for this!"

[Image: GC6_E01_191.png]

Reath: "How did that just happen?! Unbelievable!"

[Image: GC6_E01_197.png]

Ferma: "What just happened?! Unbelievable 2!"

[Image: GC6_E01_202.png]

Silva: "Wow thanks, you saved me!"

Sonic: "I did~!"

Silva: "Do you know Duking? I got mad at him for not doing anything about Miror B. but I realized it was because Plusle was kidnapped and being held hostage."

Sonic: "Who is Plusle, anyway?"

Silva: "Exactly! Since you apparently don't even know who Plusle is, and hostage situation is meaningless to you! So you can barge right in and beat up Miror B. for me! Miror B. is responsible for ruining this entire town in so many ways!"

Sonic: "Anything for you, Silva, and home, Pyrite Town!"

Anca: "Wow, Silva, how did you know that Sonic would do anything you want him to? He's been acting unusual ever since he saw you yesterday!"

Silva: "He's wearing a hand-made T-Shirt that says 'I Heart Silva' on it."

Anca: "Oh, I hadn't noticed. I always walk behind him you see."

[Image: GC6_E01_218.png]

Sonic: "Oh, here's the paperwork! Wait- no it's just another one of Ein's doctoral theses. Shadow Pokemon are made into fighting machines by artificially closing the door to a pokemon's heart. However it also exudes a dark aura that can only be seen by those with royal blood..."

Anca: "ROYAL BLOOD???"

"...or possessed by the vengeful spirits of the royalty that we have slain over the years," Sonic continued, "As always, our policy is to eliminate all such possible witnesses. Of course, research must be put into finding a way to exorcise all these ghosts. Perhaps a vacuum cleaner? It's all I can afford right now. Please give me more funding."

Anca: "...ghosts....?"

[Image: GC6_E01_175.png]

Sonic and Anca went up to the rooftop, where a man guarded the entrance to Miror B.'s cave.

Hunter Doken: "Hey there, fellow thugs and scoundrels. You should go back inside and assist with taking care of the intruder."

Anca: "Actually, this guy here is the intruder. I'm escorting him inside for Miror B. to deal with him."

Hunter Doken: "Really? I could've sworn by my glance into his eyes that he was no ordinary trainer but-"

Sonic: "Um, actually, I'm not a prisoner at all? I'm the escort."

Hunter Doken: "Hahaha! So you're actually the escort and she's actually the prisoner? You think I'm gonna fall for that? If that were so why is she behind you?"

Sonic: "What?"

Doken: "Well anyways in you go. Good luck escorting the prisoner!"

Anca: "Thanks!"

Sonic: "You're welcome!"

[Image: GC6_E01_292.png]

Sonic: "Anca, help me, I'm stuck, where am I."

Anca: "You're behind the staircase, Sonic. There's literally nothing up here, not even another floor, so I'll come back and get you... more than you've done for me when I get stuck!!!"

[Image: GC6_E01_373.png]

After asking for directions, Sonic and Anca eventually found their way to the bottom floor of the cave, the sewers.

Meli: "I'm training down here! One day I'm going to win at the Colosseum and get a Shadow Pokemon! Want to help?"

Sonic: "Sure!"

[Image: GC6_E01_374.png]

Sonic's pokemon defeated the Zigzagoon, but the third pokemon to be sent out... was a Swablu!

[Image: GC6_E01_358.png]

Anca: "Hey, Meli, are you sure you haven't already won at the Colosseum?"

Meli: "No, why?"

Anca: "Because that's a Shadow Pokemon you have right there..."

Meli: "Huh. Cool, I guess I don't need to win at the Colosseum at all...."

[Image: GC6_E01_376.png]


Meli: "No no, not that again, you should use Sing instead!"

[Image: GC6_E01_379.png]


[Image: GC6_E01_380.png]

Meli: "Oh nooo...."

[Image: GC6_E01_391.png]

Meli: "My confidence has taken a hit... I give up. Do you want this Swablu? He's caused me nothing but trouble since some Cipher Peon handed it to me randomly as I was minding my own business crossing the bridge."


Sonic: "I'm a champion! You should hang out with me!"


Anca: "Where's Miror B. by the way?"

Meli: "Just a little further that way, and to the right!"

[Image: GC6_E01_397.png]

The sound of music flowed through the door...

[Image: GC6_E01_398.png]

[Image: GC6_E01_399.png]

[Image: GC6_E01_400.png]

[Image: GC6_E01_401.png]

[Image: GC6_E01_402.png]

[Image: GC6_E01_404.png]

[Image: GC6_E01_405.png]

[Image: GC6_E01_406.png]

[Image: GC6_E01_407.png]

[Image: GC6_E01_408.png]

[Image: GC6_E01_409.png]

Miror B.: "So, Sonic, it's a surprise to see you here. All of my minions were too incompetent to inform me that you were even here. Otherwise I would have dealt with you myself. But fortunately for our grand plans, you shall go no further! I have the advantage of the higher ground. You're surrounded by my Ludicolo. A lifetime of dancing practice has toned my body for hand to hand combat. Are you ready to get down???"

[Image: GC6_E01_417.png]

Miror B.: "Let the music play!"

[Image: GC6_E01_427.png]

Miror B.: "What an outrage! I can't believe you beat my 4 powerful Ludicolo, and then snagged my secret ace up my sleeve- the legendary Meloetta! You won't get away with this! Our plans are huge and you can't stop us!"

Miror B. ran away...

[Image: GC6_E01_435.png]

Sonic: "Aha! P stands for Paperwork! I finally found the paperwork!"

Anca: "Really? Are you sure that's not just another thesis? Let me see... Yeah this is indeed the paperwork after all. And the mailing address is... the Mayor's Office?"

[Image: GC6_E01_445.png]

Sonic: "Who's that pokemon?"

Duking: "It's Plusle! You're alright!"

Sonic: "Oh, Plusle is a pokemon."

[Image: GC6_E01_450.png]

Silva: "I'm sorry Duking for messing with your windmill!"

Duking: "Don't worry, Silva! Everything is fine now that Sonic drove Miror B. out of town!"

Sonic was startled... did Silva just... apologize? Like a polite person would?

[Image: GC6_E01_455.png]

Duking: "Sonic, you're a hero! If you were any later, Plusle could have become a Shadow Pokemon!"

Sonic: "Maybe I should have waited..."

[Image: GC6_E01_461.png]

Plusle: "I want to help you too!"

Sonic: "You do?"

[Image: GC6_E01_464.png]

Anca: "Looks like we've got a cute and brave addition to the party now! We can finally replace you, Sonic!"

Sonic: "W-wait, no!"

Duking: "Okay, if you're gonna take care of Plusle, I want you call back every 12 hours with a status report on how Plusle is doing."

Plusle: "Oh my god! I'm 13, Dad! I can take care of myself!"

[Image: GC6_E01_470.png]

Sonic was actually starting to warm to Plusle's angsty teen attitude, but nonetheless gave Duking his P*DA phone number.

[Image: GC6_E01_475.png]

Silva: "That was real good work you did there, Sonic!"

Sonic: "Thanks, Silva!"

Silva: "Deep under the town of Pyrite is a town could The Under. I think that Cipher organization may be smuggling Shadow Pokemon through there."

[Image: GC6_E01_477.png]

Silva: "I'm going to do a little digging into the underground town of The Under!"

Sonic: "Good luck Silva, but I recommend using the elevator instead!"

Anca: "It might actually be easier to fall down there. There's a safety net."

Silva: "I'll consider those options! Thanks! Bye!"

[Image: GC6_E01_487.png]

Secc: "I'm trying to get in touch with kids from other towns, to form the Kids Grid! It's the age of networking, and together we can bring down Cipher!"

Anca: "How much do you know about Cipher? What's their relationship to Miror B. and Team Snagem?"

Secc: "They're all just parts of Cipher, which is the big big big bad organization. That's all."

Anca: "Okay. Just making sure we're clear. By the way, I think there might be something suspicious with the Mayor's office in Phenac City."

[Image: GC6_E01_711.png]

Es Cade: "Hello! I heard about you two on the news earlier. Good work defeating Miror B. and saving Pyrite City!"

Anca: "Thanks, Mayor, but we're here on business. So, tell me-"

Es Cade: "Ah! Do you want to open up a free mailbox here? My mayor's office also doubles as a post office!"

Anca: "I see. No thank you that won't be necessary. However, where were you when Miror B. and his 5 minions were in here?"

Es Cade: "They rented the office out for a dance party, which is another offical government function of my mayor's office. Therefore, I simply went to the Colosseum to watch some pokemon battles! I had no idea they were criminals at the time!"

Anca: "Okay... last question, who was the Sephiroth Cosplayer?"

Es Cade: "Just someone checking their mail. Their name is Avery G. Joh."

Anca: "Okay. Bye."

[Image: GC6_E01_714.png]

Pokeballs Currently Owned: x34
Purchase 99 Pokeballs for 19,800$?

Anca: "Okay, so I was thinking of going to Agate Village next. My grandfather lives there, and he used to be a mythical trainer in his youth, so he might know what to do."

[Image: GC6_E01_715.png]

Pokeballs Currently Owned: x133
Free Premier Ball

Anca: "Sonic did you just spend all our money on more pokeballs than we will ever use in our lifetime"

[Image: GC6_E01_716.png]

(Pokeball x99 and Pokeball x34 as separate entries in the list)

Sonic: "Check it out Anca, I have two separate stacks of pokeballs!"

Anca: "That's pretty cool, actually."

[Image: GC6_E01_717.png]

(Pokeball x43 and Pokeball x92 as separate entries in the list)

Sonic: "Look I can even use whichever stack I want in combat, and I just bought 10 more pokeballs and they went into the smaller stack because I rearranged it to be at the top of the list!"

Anca: "Nice! Is this the kind of cool stuff you learned in Pokemon School?"

Sonic: "No, all you ever learn there is how status afflictions worked. I had to learn this on the warm sandy path of Eclo Canyon. Now, I guess we're going to see your Grandfather!"
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]

Messages In This Thread
Sonic and the Pokemon Colosseum - by Crowstone - 12-10-2014, 09:35 PM
RE: Sonic and the Pokemon Colosseum - by Loather - 12-11-2014, 03:36 AM
RE: Sonic and the Pokemon Colosseum - by Mirdini - 12-11-2014, 07:55 PM
RE: Sonic and the Pokemon Colosseum - by amosmyn - 12-14-2014, 06:55 AM
RE: Sonic and the Pokemon Colosseum - by Crowstone - 12-24-2014, 02:36 AM