RE: Sonic and the Pokemon Colosseum
12-12-2014, 05:58 AM
@NTA: Melody 4 it is!
![[Image: a1mYFmv.png]](
And so, Sonic sped right back to Phenac City.
Lady in Suit: "Oh thank goodness you're back! A lot of scary men came here!"
Sonic smirked. Well they can wait awhile-but Sonic wouldn't keep them waiting for long... START THE TIMER!
![[Image: FcLxU7g.png]](
![[Image: Fahj1z6.png]](
Glasses Man: "There's been nothing but news about Team Snagem all day long on every channel. Usually they'd have at least one channel showing anime or something. Grumble..."
![[Image: G6mVmkW.png]](
Sonic: "You're too slow!"
![[Image: PYgIm4g.png]](
Trading Clerk: "We're still getting ready, come back later!"
Yeah unfortunately we can't trade pokemon until after we beat the game. The RSE sprites for non-RSE pokemon are really nice though!
![[Image: aacmWdH.png]](
Kid: "Hi big guy! Look, look! This is really neat!"
Sonic: "It's not neat... it's just a silly thing for kids!"
The kid began crying, but Sonic was already gone.
![[Image: Q1zWlTF.png]](
![[Image: 3xcZn8N.png]](
Silver fell asleep!
![[Image: qGc9yeZ.png]](
Sleep got nerfed in Colosseum. There are no wild pokemon, so you can't ever run so instead you get CALL!
![[Image: PJKZsVx.png]](
Fun Old Man: "You really are just like me when I was young! You must break a lot of hearts!"
![[Image: djx9m7T.png]](
Then Sonic fought a Roller Boy who had some bug pokemon.
![[Image: 2mgE7Il.png]](
Silcoon used Tackle!
![[Image: M3J8SdR.png]](
Wasting image space to show you Silcoon rolling around.
![[Image: FoNXNz9.png]](
![[Image: EhXM44k.png]](
Cooltrainer: "If you're still traveling, you should stock up on supplies at the shop there! I recommend it, after all, it's my house- Er. Ahem."
Sonic could empathize, having lived in a clothing store all his life, but the better part of his mind warned him against showing compassion. Sonic continued on his journey without saying a word.
![[Image: Z2pzqvb.png]](
Justy: "Hi! I'm Justy, in charge of running the Pre Gym. Would you like to do some fighting?"
Sonic shouted eagerly, "You know it!"
![[Image: qw1T843.png]](
Justy: "You'll be fighting four trainers!"
![[Image: 1DXQbd8.png]](
Since Sonic is going so fast, Sonic skipped Botan, Liqui and Dugo, going straight to the fourth trainer, Lady Gwin, who uses Rock pokemon. What's her name supposed to be a pun off of? Sonic didn't know.
![[Image: js5EiBG.png]](
Justy: "Nice battling! But you can't fight me until you have 6 pokemon."
Sonic gritted his teeth. Who did this guy think he was? The implication that Sonic wasn't strong enough really made Sonic mad! Sonic needs 4 more pokemon? He'll get them.
![[Image: PeVMPYJ.png]](
Sonic headed down the elevator. There was an Oddish, and a Magikarp..
Cooltrainer Liqui: "That's it! Yes! Splash! Way to go!"
![[Image: i1SHABR.png]](
Cooltrainer: "Excellent! Don't forget that timing. That's going to make us surefire winners!"
Sonic: "Who are you and what did you do with Lady Gwin?"
Sonic didn't wait for an answer, and snagged that Aron and headed up for the last pokemon.
![[Image: bUisi3J.png]](
Rich Boy Dugo: "Uh... hey? Where did it DIG to? Where'd my SANDSLASH go?"
Sonic stomped on the ground in defeat. The Sandslash was gone. Sonic had only managed to steal 3 pokemon, just one short of a full party! Resigned, Sonic left the Gym. He'll back for Justy. He'll be back.
![[Image: SZtrthj.png]](
And... STOP!
Anime destroyed? Made a kid cry? Fought some battles? Stole 3 pokemon? All done! And it only took Sonic...
No time at all! Even Sonic found that hard to believe!
"Did you even start the timer?" asked Sonic?
Anca replied, "No, I didn't."
![[Image: tnK0wk1.png]](
Folly: "Master Miror B! It's, It's him! He's the one that took the girl from us!"
Miror B.: "Oh, now aren't you boys frightfully pathetic? You mean to tell me you were bested by these darling infants? Darling, didn't you say your name was Sonic or something? I so don't like saying this, but we're not at liberty to keep your lady friend at liberty. That sweet young thing, she can see things that ordinary people aren't supposed to see. That just won't do for what we're planning to do. No, it just won't do at all! If you don't like pain, like most people, you can avoid the pain by keeping your nose out of places it needn't be."
![[Image: Jwsgb0z.png]](
Miror B.: "Boys! Oh, boys! Boys, I shall make my return to Pyrite Town now. Do remember that I will be waiting for you to return with the little lady. Am I making myself clear? I won't accept failure from you again, boys. Fuhohoho..."
![[Image: 3cHNY1n.png]](
Miror B.: "Let the music spin! Let's get it on!"
![[Image: FcgTgUT.png]](
Sonic: "Looks like you've been promoted from Shady Guy, Folly!"
Folly: "No, I've always been a Miror B.Peon, you just didn't know."
Sonic: "Oh, I see."
![[Image: lqThd1d.png]](
I spelled Trudly as "Trudley" in an earlier post here, oops.
![[Image: AMaiT66.png]](
![[Image: FrXZwHK.png]](
![[Image: JqEIvYl.png]](
Anca: "Sonic, that Makuhita is the pokemon I saw with the black aura. That's the pokemon that these guys kidnapped me for! Careful Sonic, it's not afraid to attack humans!"
![[Image: zarbF5w.png]](
The Makuhita winded up a punch, loaded with dark energy.
![[Image: jOrZRmJ.png]](
Sonic leapt back. That Makuhita had such immense speed- Sonic thought for sure he would have lost all 10 of his rings! Something- someone blocked the hit for him!
![[Image: 63yVyLF.png]](
No! Sayonara. Shadow. The Umbreon. Your sacrifice will not be in vain.
![[Image: TiJunc3.png]](
![[Image: IZ07UHl.png]](
![[Image: nSRUWYD.png]](
Sonic: "You're mine now!"
![[Image: VXqzjZ6.png]](
Folly: "Oh man, the boss is really gonna chew us out. What do we do?"
Trudly: "Run away!"
![[Image: afNGByU.png]](
Anca: "Great work Sonic. But I'm sure there's more powerful pokemon like that out there. You need to catch all of them and save them from the bad guys."
Sonic silently agreed. He loved powerful pokemon. He couldn't wait to capture all of the shadow pokemon. He'd be so strong! And they were all so cool!
![[Image: 5qrgzUW.png]](
Mystery Troop: "Sorry to break it to you, but I'm not about to let you pass."
Sonic was tempted to fight this guy, but Anca said, "Hold on Sonic. The other two colorful guys must be blocking the other two exits. You only have time to fight one of them, no matter how fast you go!"
Sonic: "Nonsense! Where did you get that foolish idea?"
Anca: "Well, you're actually not that fast at all. I have absolutely no trouble keeping up with you. Except when stairs are involved. Sorry to break it to you."
Sonic could feel the angst weighing him down. She was right. He was slow. But that was okay. He still had his unicycle. He still had stairs to get her stuck on. But for now, he simply had to decide.
Bayleef, Quilava or Crocanaw?
![[Image: a1mYFmv.png]](
And so, Sonic sped right back to Phenac City.
Lady in Suit: "Oh thank goodness you're back! A lot of scary men came here!"
Sonic smirked. Well they can wait awhile-but Sonic wouldn't keep them waiting for long... START THE TIMER!
![[Image: FcLxU7g.png]](
![[Image: Fahj1z6.png]](
Glasses Man: "There's been nothing but news about Team Snagem all day long on every channel. Usually they'd have at least one channel showing anime or something. Grumble..."
![[Image: G6mVmkW.png]](
Sonic: "You're too slow!"
![[Image: PYgIm4g.png]](
Trading Clerk: "We're still getting ready, come back later!"
Yeah unfortunately we can't trade pokemon until after we beat the game. The RSE sprites for non-RSE pokemon are really nice though!
![[Image: aacmWdH.png]](
Kid: "Hi big guy! Look, look! This is really neat!"
Sonic: "It's not neat... it's just a silly thing for kids!"
The kid began crying, but Sonic was already gone.
![[Image: Q1zWlTF.png]](
![[Image: 3xcZn8N.png]](
Silver fell asleep!
![[Image: qGc9yeZ.png]](
Sleep got nerfed in Colosseum. There are no wild pokemon, so you can't ever run so instead you get CALL!
![[Image: PJKZsVx.png]](
Fun Old Man: "You really are just like me when I was young! You must break a lot of hearts!"
![[Image: djx9m7T.png]](
Then Sonic fought a Roller Boy who had some bug pokemon.
![[Image: 2mgE7Il.png]](
Silcoon used Tackle!
![[Image: M3J8SdR.png]](
Wasting image space to show you Silcoon rolling around.
![[Image: FoNXNz9.png]](
![[Image: EhXM44k.png]](
Cooltrainer: "If you're still traveling, you should stock up on supplies at the shop there! I recommend it, after all, it's my house- Er. Ahem."
Sonic could empathize, having lived in a clothing store all his life, but the better part of his mind warned him against showing compassion. Sonic continued on his journey without saying a word.
![[Image: Z2pzqvb.png]](
Justy: "Hi! I'm Justy, in charge of running the Pre Gym. Would you like to do some fighting?"
Sonic shouted eagerly, "You know it!"
![[Image: qw1T843.png]](
Justy: "You'll be fighting four trainers!"
![[Image: 1DXQbd8.png]](
Since Sonic is going so fast, Sonic skipped Botan, Liqui and Dugo, going straight to the fourth trainer, Lady Gwin, who uses Rock pokemon. What's her name supposed to be a pun off of? Sonic didn't know.
![[Image: js5EiBG.png]](
Justy: "Nice battling! But you can't fight me until you have 6 pokemon."
Sonic gritted his teeth. Who did this guy think he was? The implication that Sonic wasn't strong enough really made Sonic mad! Sonic needs 4 more pokemon? He'll get them.
![[Image: PeVMPYJ.png]](
Sonic headed down the elevator. There was an Oddish, and a Magikarp..
Cooltrainer Liqui: "That's it! Yes! Splash! Way to go!"
![[Image: i1SHABR.png]](
Cooltrainer: "Excellent! Don't forget that timing. That's going to make us surefire winners!"
Sonic: "Who are you and what did you do with Lady Gwin?"
Sonic didn't wait for an answer, and snagged that Aron and headed up for the last pokemon.
![[Image: bUisi3J.png]](
Rich Boy Dugo: "Uh... hey? Where did it DIG to? Where'd my SANDSLASH go?"
Sonic stomped on the ground in defeat. The Sandslash was gone. Sonic had only managed to steal 3 pokemon, just one short of a full party! Resigned, Sonic left the Gym. He'll back for Justy. He'll be back.
![[Image: SZtrthj.png]](
And... STOP!
Anime destroyed? Made a kid cry? Fought some battles? Stole 3 pokemon? All done! And it only took Sonic...
No time at all! Even Sonic found that hard to believe!
"Did you even start the timer?" asked Sonic?
Anca replied, "No, I didn't."
![[Image: tnK0wk1.png]](
Folly: "Master Miror B! It's, It's him! He's the one that took the girl from us!"
Miror B.: "Oh, now aren't you boys frightfully pathetic? You mean to tell me you were bested by these darling infants? Darling, didn't you say your name was Sonic or something? I so don't like saying this, but we're not at liberty to keep your lady friend at liberty. That sweet young thing, she can see things that ordinary people aren't supposed to see. That just won't do for what we're planning to do. No, it just won't do at all! If you don't like pain, like most people, you can avoid the pain by keeping your nose out of places it needn't be."
![[Image: Jwsgb0z.png]](
Miror B.: "Boys! Oh, boys! Boys, I shall make my return to Pyrite Town now. Do remember that I will be waiting for you to return with the little lady. Am I making myself clear? I won't accept failure from you again, boys. Fuhohoho..."
![[Image: 3cHNY1n.png]](
Miror B.: "Let the music spin! Let's get it on!"
![[Image: FcgTgUT.png]](
Sonic: "Looks like you've been promoted from Shady Guy, Folly!"
Folly: "No, I've always been a Miror B.Peon, you just didn't know."
Sonic: "Oh, I see."
![[Image: lqThd1d.png]](
I spelled Trudly as "Trudley" in an earlier post here, oops.
![[Image: AMaiT66.png]](
![[Image: FrXZwHK.png]](
![[Image: JqEIvYl.png]](
Anca: "Sonic, that Makuhita is the pokemon I saw with the black aura. That's the pokemon that these guys kidnapped me for! Careful Sonic, it's not afraid to attack humans!"
![[Image: zarbF5w.png]](
The Makuhita winded up a punch, loaded with dark energy.
![[Image: jOrZRmJ.png]](
Sonic leapt back. That Makuhita had such immense speed- Sonic thought for sure he would have lost all 10 of his rings! Something- someone blocked the hit for him!
![[Image: 63yVyLF.png]](
No! Sayonara. Shadow. The Umbreon. Your sacrifice will not be in vain.
![[Image: TiJunc3.png]](
![[Image: IZ07UHl.png]](
![[Image: nSRUWYD.png]](
Sonic: "You're mine now!"
![[Image: VXqzjZ6.png]](
Folly: "Oh man, the boss is really gonna chew us out. What do we do?"
Trudly: "Run away!"
![[Image: afNGByU.png]](
Anca: "Great work Sonic. But I'm sure there's more powerful pokemon like that out there. You need to catch all of them and save them from the bad guys."
Sonic silently agreed. He loved powerful pokemon. He couldn't wait to capture all of the shadow pokemon. He'd be so strong! And they were all so cool!
![[Image: 5qrgzUW.png]](
Mystery Troop: "Sorry to break it to you, but I'm not about to let you pass."
Sonic was tempted to fight this guy, but Anca said, "Hold on Sonic. The other two colorful guys must be blocking the other two exits. You only have time to fight one of them, no matter how fast you go!"
Sonic: "Nonsense! Where did you get that foolish idea?"
Anca: "Well, you're actually not that fast at all. I have absolutely no trouble keeping up with you. Except when stairs are involved. Sorry to break it to you."
Sonic could feel the angst weighing him down. She was right. He was slow. But that was okay. He still had his unicycle. He still had stairs to get her stuck on. But for now, he simply had to decide.
Bayleef, Quilava or Crocanaw?