RE: Great Haven
12-01-2014, 09:05 PM
KittenEater Wrote:What's in that soup, anyway?
Ooh, boy, where to begin. You're not sure if the first thing you noticed was that lavishly sweet fruit that's been stewed in there, or the copious amounts of salt that's been mixed in with it. There are some other things in here, but those two are the most overpowering. If you make it beyond that, there's some sort of fennely taste, and what might be some breed of pheasant. Still, you can't complain... food is food, after all.
Dalmationer Wrote:>level up from slaying the food!
Yes! Food is pretty great, isn't it? You've gained a defense advantage and a slight attack advantage in fighting all food enemies, including soup! It looks like you're a cut above the rest!
KittenEater Wrote:Wow, actually, that looks like a lot of food. You probably could share it with the cute turtle, even if we're short on food.
Dalmationer Wrote:>chat to turtle some more she is good. Why doesn't she like soup?
Well, judging purely for yourself, you can totally see why she doesn't like it... but something isn't right. Having eaten your fill and leaving quite a bit left still, you ask her, "Don't you want to eat too?"
She hesitates to reply, and scratches the back of her head. The other two are discussing the abuse of weapons, so she speaks in a hushed tone. "Well... I'll be honest, it's... not the best, is it? I think there are better uses for perilla than stew." You figure that's what that fruit is called. She undoes one of the knots in her half-finished sweater, and continues. "That, and most meats don't really sit with me well, you know..? So I try to avoid them when I have the option. ...I'm surprised you can stand it at all, actually."
You tell her that it's better than eating straight-up garbage, which is what you were used to before you left your clan. She looks a little shocked.
Mort forfeits his position on his own conversation to jump in on yours, apparently finding it more interesting. "Is that why I haven't seen you eat for the last week, Maya? Have you been tossing out your portions so you can eat behind our backs?"
Maya grows annoyed and defensive. "What? No, I have the decency to eat what I need! ...Besides, you're the one who's always complaining about having small portions! How do we know you're not the one who's doing that? That's.. that's so rude!"
The driver chimes in again. "I'm not so concerned about the organic food as much as I am my own food. Sparsenore is a narcotic, and I'm sure everybody here knows that."
Spira-Virgo Wrote:> Prove your innocent by accepting to be under severe watch under the Sparsen's room locked inside with him tonight. That way you can't possible be the culprit!
Growing agitated, you stand up and speak. "I don't want to be a part of this," you say! "I-I'll even stick around under your watch, so you'll know it wasn't me!"
The driver pauses, considering your offer. "You know," he replies, "I wasn't really concerned about your presence to begin with, but if you feel it's necessary, I see no harm in it. But be aware that it doesn't say anything about your past actions, and that I don't do 'sleep' like you do. I'll be driving until we reach our destination, since we won't need to be stopping for breakfast."
"...I need something to do," you realize. "I think I'll be awake all night since I've been out of it so long... but I feel terrible."
"If you want, I can teach you how to drive the caravan."
"How can you be so stupid? He'll steal the whole car! I don't want to see this rat anywhere near the controls for this thing!"
He's getting a bit too close for comfort.