Ask Niall! "Niadvice" isn't really that catchy, is it?
07-20-2011, 12:36 PM
Ask me anything. From the flippant to the innocuous to the residually weighted. I will answer to the best of my ability, unless I'm drunk, at which point I will start a new thread and drunk-post separate responses there*.
Go ahead. I don't bite. This isn't the Biting Thread**.
*I'm kidding. My metabolism is that of a herd of oxen. Drunk Niall is pretty similar of that to Sober Niall, except less legal to drive and slightly more charming (I think I'm more charming anyway).The More You Know.
**Do we have a Biting Thread yet?
Is observing my own pattern of behavior of observing my own patterns of behavior a mental fractal or just navel gazing? Please advise.