what is gamergate

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what is gamergate
RE: what is gamergate
Gamergate is a campaign of harassment, death threats, and the bottled rage, misogyny and confusion of male gamers (and by extension their MRA counterparts).

It's pretty much about silencing critics of gaming culture while keeping their 'space' woman free or blaming them for what they perceive as attacks on their culture or whatever.

They respond with death threats, posting home addresses of their targets ("my I would never do anything with this *posts it for the homicidal nerds in the room*") and in general driving their targets into secrecy and hiding, including Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian (who for extra fun had to cancel a talk because of a very real terrorist threat due to lackidasical gun laws and lax security), and Brianna Wu (Who apparently made the mistake of declaring herself a feminist and who was largely unrelated to gamergate before then.)

It's the nasty, ugly side of gaming culture that has been festering on the internet for years before finally exploding when confronted with a world view they didn't find comfortable and did not feel like reconciling with and have thus done everything in an effort to make it go away instead of growing as human beings.

Literally the worst example of male nerd entitlement and the very best argument against "sexism is over".

Messages In This Thread
what is gamergate - by OTTO - 04-23-2009, 10:38 AM