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(10-17-2014, 08:54 AM)Wheat Wrote: »
(10-16-2014, 06:38 AM)Loather Wrote: »making an argument that has "you owe me" as a part of it, especially when its over something that happened years ago, something that happened back when the person you're referring to was still a dumb teen, really comes off as arrogant and manipulative. it doesn't invalidate your argument, but.. come on

My initial argument was that 'but some people when they post dumb things are young, give them a chance.' Yours was 'it doesn't matter, if they do x they're toxic and we don't want them.' That now you turn around and say 'but he was a teen' shows you are not willing to evenly stick to your ideals if the person in question is your friend. It's different when it's not a generic, nebulous bigot and it's someone you know with a name, isn't it?

(10-16-2014, 06:12 AM)Loather Wrote: »just to clarify, i'm not advocating for everyone to get banned the moment they drop a slur. sometimes people legitimately don't know better, i get that, and i feel that there are plenty of cases where it would be far more constructive to let someone know that they slipped up than to immediately shun them from the community. however, if we implicitly allow people to just throw about slurs as much as they like, people will get hurt, and i don't think any community as heterogeneous as ours can be expected to effectively police its own actions when things like that happen. there are lines that need to be drawn for mod intervention, even though they might not always be clear.

purposeful, repetitive harassment in particular should not be tolerated. that's kind of what i had in mind when i brought it up

intent matters a ton when making judgements on this sort of thing.

i don't think this subforum should be any less casual; the most important thing to me is that everyone that is a part of eagle time feels safe and welcome, and i feel that setting a standard through some basic rules is necessary to accomplish that. i dont think having rules to protect members of this forum would change the generally wild and fun tone of hawkspace. i really like this subforum (though i dont think its really as much of an appropriate place for serious debates as general chat because of the difference in tone)

i wrote this before i read your post, just fyi. schazer can back me up on it, i spent hours getting my thoughts together there

(10-17-2014, 08:54 AM)Wheat Wrote: »There are two points: one, I want to make clear to anyone who keeps posting irreverent sarcasm, after I said specifically not to, that if you want to make me feel bad I will return the favor in an effort to get you to stop. I am kind to those who are kind to me and feel terrible even making them feel uncomfortable (which is why I always feel apprehension about posting long things that might upset people in general). But for those who treat me consistently rudely? I have to make clear somehow that while I have plenty of patience that will get me mistaken for an android, I also have limits.

are you really that pissed that chwoka didnt go along with your argument? how does that justify the low blow?

you're less of an android and more of a terminator

(10-17-2014, 08:54 AM)Wheat Wrote: »And owing me? The point of that post wasn't to make someone feel like 'they owe me.' Owing and deserving are concepts that don't really exist. All events are independent of each other; history is just one fecking thing happening after another and there's no karma bank that says anybody gotta pay back anyone for anything.

you were purposefully inciting guilt to win an argument, you pseudo-intellectual pedant. literally all you had to do to get me off your back is own up to it, but instead you sprouted out another massive pile of paragraphs telling everyone why you're right, as. fucking. always.

(10-17-2014, 08:54 AM)Wheat Wrote: »And two, is to make you - not chwoka specifically, but everyone, me included - remember. Remember that you're never done with that shit, you are the same person who sprouted the seed of that action, and cannot ever feel like you're over it or better or done learning and are enlightened. Just because you donate to charity or you're part of some movement doesn't mean you're a pure person on the inside. Everyone has to constantly be reminded of their past, and humbled and made to feel they must keep learning to be a better person to make up for it. Because if you forget and become unhumbled, you will just repeat actions of that intent- but as a different, more refined, dressed-up kind of hate.
That is how you become your parents, unable to understand the new ways of your children and unable to relate back to how you once felt about your parents not understanding you.

why are you so full of yourself

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A LANDFILL - by ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-09-2014, 07:12 AM