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I haven't really posted in any of the hawkspace threads (or even really threads in general, IRC is generally much more appealing to me than more formalized forum interaction) and I could be misreading this topic so far. I'm probably like, responding to something old and this topic's already moved on or whatever, but I feel like to some extent it's important to get my thoughts out, I guess.

I'd kind of like to have some form of system in place that isn't reliant on everyone being friends and talking things out with each other. I tend to get somewhat anxious and nervous when interacting with friends, let alone a potential someone who I feel threatened by or uncomfortable with, and a system that's "talk it out with the person you're having issues with" just doesn't work for me. If I'm in an argument or an environment I feel uncomfortable with or in, my response is to leave and wait until it's passed-- and, while some impetus should be on me to not do that and say something, it'd be nice if there was like, I dunno, an acknowledgment that people like myself exist and a minimum of accommodation for that fact, or whatever.

I've generally preferred IRC as a form of interaction with my friends because, to some degree, it gets away from the well-reasoned post methodology that's really pervasive in the forum proper. I'm not comfortable making a case for something longer than, like, three sentences at most, and the rigid formalization of long-form stuff is something that really dissuades me from posting. I don't really know where I'm going with this-- I guess I'm trying to say that I'd prefer hawkspace as something closer to the more free-form communication IRC provides (although obviously not an exact replication), and that the means of conflict resolution ties into that? That debates on Eagle Time, the way they're presently conducted, are intimidating to people like myself? I don't know.

Fundamentally, though, the notion that we're all friends and everything'll work out seems kinda bullshit to me given that, even among people I have known for years now and know are my friends, I still feel intimidated enough to barely ever post. How much of that is a product of myself and how much of it is a product of the environment cultivated is something I don't rightfully know.

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A LANDFILL - by ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-09-2014, 07:12 AM