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While I hate to use my beloved solaris and to-a-lesser-extent-beloved loather as examples this is kind of exactly what I am talking about.
Prickly, passive-aggressive, and unhelpful single line flippant replies are exactly the climate you are going to create by trying to brake on a topic that started out as silly and flippant and make it into something that probably shouldn't be treated with irreverence. If what was a fun time is suddenly slammed into a wall of serious business then the immediate response from people who now feel like someone is treading on their fun at the same time as saying something they find morally disagreeable is going to be bitterness. Especially if they also feel insulted or intimidated by what was said in the aforementioned textwalls.
It is not a good climate to have a chat in at all!
This is exactly why I am saying that it is a bad idea to be doing this.

Nobody's around to tell anyone (whether they're posting a short, bitter response or a long, patronising one) to back off except the people they were already mad at! Is that something you really foresee being workable and practical? Perhaps you have a more optimistic view of the people we hang around with than I do, but my experience suggests that what it's more likely to get somewhat ugly without any mediation.

Why can't we all just get along? Because we can't. I'd love it if we could, but we don't have that kind of magic. Are we all getting along right now? It looks to me like people have been fairly upset by the conversation so far and by the standards of things we've talked about before it's a pretty tame subject!

A culture of large paragraphs and tiny angry responses are all this is going to create and why it's not cool or fun for anyone.
Can people just ignore things? Yeah! Are they going to when suddenly in the middle of what was a fun time, they feel personally attacked by other people's viewpoints? Well... you can answer that yourself.

And yes Slorange, I know you don't make arguments to affirm a negative? I'm pretty sure that having rules is the generally accepted norm, the one that actually is applied everywhere else, thus not having them is the negative? The exceptional stance is the one that demands justification.
You're not alone in wanting a place where you can "post how you like" (although again, apart from "don't harass people" which you have stated was not within your plans, you can actually do that basically anywhere) while being serious, but clearly nor am I alone in thinking that a designated anarchyland which people decide to use to talk about divisive subjects is something that is only going to become incredibly toxic and undesirable.

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A LANDFILL - by ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-09-2014, 07:12 AM