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This is an interesting discussion.

Jacquerel, here's the justification:
The reason to not have rules isn't to create a space where it's okay to be an ass.
The reason to not have rules is because some people feel it's a bummer to have to police each other, and can't we all just get along? It's still not okay to be an ass, but we don't need to say it, because duh, we all know that.
And this is where I think I basically disagree with you: I think the members of this community ARE capable of just getting along. Not that we're all perfect and will never be asses to each other ever, but that when we do, we can work it out. Evidence: We have so far with minimal influence from the Eagle Time rules.

I also don't have nearly as much confidence as you seem to have in the ability of rules and authority to have a positive impact. We already have an informal "rule" that we all agree being asses to one another is generally a bad thing. If that's not enough to stop it, then writing it down somewhere isn't likely to help.
As for authority, it can't resolve these issues except by banning the offenders and deleting the offending posts, which isn't resolving the problem so much as just burying it. That can be useful in a big, public forums, but for a small community like this, I'm not so sure.

Maybe I'm wrong. But I think also, part of the point of this subforum is to find out if we can get along without rules. It's meant to be an experiment.

The issue of having serious discussions crop up in a supposedly-informal space, I agree is a potential problem, but it doesn't seem to me like a BIG problem. Nor is it a problem we can solve just by outlawing it. I think the right thing to do is to move that stuff to its own thread when it happens. Then interested parties can continue, and uninterested parties can ignore it.
Jacquerel, do you think this is a good solution? If not, what do you think we should do instead?

EDIT: Dangit, 3 ninjas'd.
Slorange, I agree with pretty much everything you're saying, but I'm worried this discussion is turning too much into an angry argument, not enough something where constructive things happen.
Jacquerel has concerns. Let's try to resolve them.

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A LANDFILL - by ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-09-2014, 07:12 AM