RE: I'll answer your questions
10-12-2014, 08:36 PM
- What is a party if it doesn't really rock?
- What is a poet?
- What is a war if it doesn't have a general?
- What's channel nine if it doesn't have Arsenio?
- What is life if you don't have fun?
- What is a what if you ain't got a gun?
- What's Ali without Shaheed Muhammad?
- What is a Quest if the players ain't willing?
- What is a pence if you don't have a shilling?
- What's a fat man without food in his gut?
- What's a child birth, without the umbilical?
- What's United Parcel, without the deliverer?
- What's momma-san, without poppa-san?
- What's martial arts without Daniel-San?
- What's Rasheed without Tonya, Tamika?
- What's orange juice and Doug E. Doug without Shaniqua?
- What's Duke Ellington without that swing?
- What's Alex Haley if it doesn't have roots?
- What's a weekend if you ain't knockin boots?
- What's a black nation, without black unity?
- What is a child who doesn't know pubery?
- What is my label when I exit boom status?
- What's menage-a-tois, or, that is
- What is sex when you have three people?
- What are laws if they ain't fair and equal?
- What's Clark Kent without a telephone booth?
- What is a liquor if it ain't 80 proof?
- What are the youth if they ain't rebellin?
- What's Ralph Cramden, if he ain't yellin' at Ed Norton?
- What is coke snortin'?
- What is position if there is no contortin?
- What is hip-hop if it doesn't have violence?
- What is a glock if you don't have a clip?
- What's a lollipop without the Good Ship?
- What's S&M if you don't have chains?
- What's a con artist if he doesn't have brains?
- What's America without greed and glamour?
- What's an MC if he doesn't have stamina?
- What's music fractured without Mr. Walt?
- What's Trugoy without a phrase called talk?
- What's Kris Lighty if he wasn't such a baby?
- What is a woman if she didn't say maybe?
- What would be my penal cord if it wasn't brown?
- What is a paper without a president?
- What is a compound without a element?
- What is a jam if you don't spike the punch?
- What's a Brewski if you don't buy brunch?
- What
- what
- what
- what
- what
- what
- what
- what