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Username: Pala
Name: Roger Brant
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Color: A good blue will do

Description: Roger is a large, malformed person, with a particularly big left arm and hand that make dealing with anything requiring delicacy or precise movements a big hassle. He's also a fair bit asymmetrical, with the right side of his body (especially the arm and torso) being as a whole smaller than the left, and a large space between his neck and right shoulder taken up by a scar.

His eyes are constantly switching from looking totally absent to completely crazy, and Roger has a fair amount of difficulty forming complex sentences or thoughts.

Weapons/Abilities: Roger possesses great strength and resilience, able to throw and take swings with the best of them. However, this comes at a cost - only his left arm has any real power, and it basically can't be used for anything other than smashing and other simpler activities. While his right arm is better suited for more mundane tasks, it takes a great deal of effort and time for Roger to position it just right and it's extremely weak. His natural resistance is similar to this, with him easily being able to shrug off blows to his left and lower body but taking far greater damage to his upper right torso.

He also has a simple, almost childish mind and worldview which has served to both make people more lenient overconfident in dealing with him, though it also makes him incredibly easy to manipulate.

Biography: Roger was actually born as a conjoined twin with his brother, Albert Brant, who only really took up the pair's upper right side. While Roger was born the stronger of the two with great control over most of their body, Albert had a brilliant mind and more than made up for his twin's simplicity.

As the years went on (miraculously with no major health issues), the pair became accustomed to relying upon each other for everything. Albert counted upon Roger's strength and actual body for day to day business, while Roger relied upon Albert for social and mental situations (and, to a lesser extent, upon the control Albert had over their weaker but more dextrous right hand). However, while the bond between them brought them closer together as brothers, Albert often took advantage of his dumber twin to gain things for himself, then blaming it on Roger whose imposing looks and simplicity got him out of most trouble. Unfortunately, this led to the impressionable Roger assuming that the misdeeds Albert was always tricking him into were the right thing to do, and this in turn inspired Albert to continue and expand upon his selfish manipulations.

Eventually though, this ended up being their undoing. Albert and Roger became small time criminals, and shortly thereafter suffered a terrible accident while trying to evade the police. Albert died from a grievous head wound, and to prevent it from rotting away and killing his twin it had to be amputated - much to Roger's dismay. Without Albert to turn to Roger began to lose control over what was little mental faculties he had to begin with, and after a series of rampages (which he claimed Albert had 'told' him to do) he was captured and brought in for psychiatric treatment.

He was only there for a few months before vanishing, but in that time he had managed to gain some small control over the right arm that his brother had always managed, and while he still seemed extremely upset about the death (often to the point of violence) he no longer believed Albert was still telling him what to do. While Roger is still having a lot of issues to work through before he could come close to being a working member of society, for now at least he could function without Al to guide him.

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RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 29: STOIC] - by Sai - 10-14-2014, 07:46 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 29: STOIC] - by Sai - 10-15-2014, 03:11 AM