Home and Living general advice thread

Home and Living general advice thread
RE: Home and Living general advice thread
Depending on where you live lentils can be cheaper than rice, and since they don't normally come enriched they're normally more nourishing. If you're really opulent you can make a great soup using both.

Take your lentils, stick them in a pot with water, and let them cook for thirty to forty minutes. Make sure you keep enough water in with the lentils, since it will boil off if you don't keep watch over it. When the lentils are soft and the water is boiling add as much rice as you want. Normally I keep it at a cup of rice for every pound of lentils, but with this recipe I'm used to cooking for a group of people rather than for myself. It's a fairly cheap thing for a party, and you can spice it up if you want to.

As for beef, here's a fairly inexpensive marinade you can make for steaks that gets the job done. I'm assuming most people have olive oil on hand, and what you'll want to do is throw some of that in a dish. After this take a lemon, roll it around a bit to soften it up, and then cut it in half and squeeze it into the olive oil. After you've done this take your lemon half and use it to mix the two. Leave the lemon slices in, add some pepper, and saturate the steak you have in it. It usually works best with thinner cuts. Instead of grilling you'll also want to fry any steak you use this for in a skillet.

If you're cool and Orthodox like I am you can also get cheap to do recipes from here: https://www.serbiancookbook.com/

As for other general things I've learned from babysitting my friends because they can't hold down apartments by themselves: Keep your plastic bags from shopping to use as trash bags, learn how to make your own bread, don't mix ammonia and bleach unless you're a fan of trench warfare, and learn how to keep herbs and spices growing around the house.

That second to last one is surprisingly common for people to do apparently. Also if you do have some plants around don't baby them. Just water them every once in a while, maybe get some plant food if you really want to. Plants aren't overly fond of dying.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Home and Living general advice thread - by Stovie - 08-26-2014, 04:18 AM