Shank A Bitch 3 Day Six: The Handsman Cometh (10/71 Alive)

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Shank A Bitch 3 Day Six: The Handsman Cometh (10/71 Alive)
Shank A Bitch 3 Night Three: WHALE DUEL: BATTLE ROYALE: THE ADVENTURE (45/71 Alive)
Phase Three: Porpoganda Preparations

The whale battlers sit in their respective PRESS YACHTS, formulating their plans of attack. In true anime fashion, the WHALE DIMENSION’s space-time continuum was divorced from that of the ‘real’ world. The WHALE DUEL had raged for more than a year before each of them had triumphed in their own way, and there had been heroics, tragedies and despicable betrayals aplenty over those longs months.

The question facing each battler was how best to portray them to show off their inevitable victory - after deciding which ones to use, and which to omit.

Each contestant also had sources inside the NARWHALFARE Correspondent’s Office, and soon facts from the Duel they could consider ‘verified’ flowed in, allowing a nuanced approach to their MEDIA BLITZKRIEG. Make no mistake, this would a bloody press conference indeed.

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Each of you WHALE BATTLERS will soon receive a menagerie of WHALEFACTS. Some may be similar; others will only be available to a single whale battler.

It is up to you how you decide to interpret and use these facts; you may slice and dice them however you want to in order to create the most effective PORPOGANDA. You can use as many or as few as you want, or request your PRESS SOURCES provide some other facts, though only to a certain extent. Remember that the NARWHALFARE Correspondents will likely be more impressed if you rely on more than just one or two FACTS to make your case – but cramming in too many disparate facts poorly may just weaken your propaganda efforts.

Most of the facts you receive will involve you specifically; should you require some concerning specific other whale-battlers you’ll have to request it.

Your PORPOGANDA can take any form—illustrative, musical, photographic, literary, anything else—the only requirement is that it is creative, incorporates the facts you received in some way, and somehow depicts your glorious ultimate victory in the WHALE DUEL.

Should you have any questions do not hesitate to ask in your Quicktopic.

You have until sometime after the start of Day 4 (WHO KNOWS) to PREPARE YOUR PORPOGANDA
, though this deadline may still be extended should it prove necessary.

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Night Three has still started! Please submit your actions by 4:00 PM EST on Monday, August 4th (in 48 hours!).

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Shank A Bitch 3 Night Three: WHALE DUEL: BATTLE ROYALE: THE ADVENTURE (45/71 Alive) - by Mirdini - 08-02-2014, 08:04 PM