Tonguewizard And The Journey For The Perfect Instrument

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Tonguewizard And The Journey For The Perfect Instrument
RE: Tonguewizard And The Journey For The Perfect Instrument
And so Tonguewizard called tech support.

"Hello, this is GolemTech. Your call is important to us. Please stay on the line and a representative will be with you shortly."

Tonguewizard silently cursed himself - he always felt uncomfortable when he cursed loudly. He'd forgotten how long it could take to get through to tech support, and the golems were getting closer.

Then he had an idea.

"Hey, can you guys try calling too?" Tonguewizard asked the golems, although as he didn't actually have a larynx or lungs to speak with, it came out as more of "eey aa oo iii iii aaaiii ooo". The golems paused, confused.

Then Tonguewizard magically granted them cellphones. The golems puzzled over them, as the Theremind controlling them had never seen such technology before. How did these strange devices even work?

And then, Tonguewizard heard a surge of static over his phone.

"Dang it, bad reception," he said, except more awkwardly due to being only a tongue. "I'll try a different room."

With that, he walked past the confused golems into the next room. A few moments later, the magical cellphones, no longer sustained by Tonguewizard's power, vanished. The Theremind was furious, as it had only just figured out how to call its grandson and ask why he never visited any more.

Enraged, the Theremind chose to send a more dangerous obstacle to the room the intruder had just entered. And so it was that Tonguewizard came face-to-face with one of his greatest fears.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Tonguewizard And The Journey For The Perfect Instrument - by Dragon Fogel - 03-22-2012, 10:21 PM