The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
RE: The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
On the horizon there was, if you were prepared to look for it, a tiny blotch of ruby red. You'd almost think it was simply a trick of the light, and it couldn't possibly be the Red Castle; it had been a long time since the Midnight Queen had wiped that out of the sky. Up close you'd see it was a manor, small only in comparison to the enormous castles with which it shared the sky. It was huge, several stories high and sprawling. It was decorated with dozens of ornate columns and elaborate statuary all depicting a grinning man. A massive dark red D marked the highest point of the manor.

A limousine, long, sleek and midnight black, cut through the air and came to rest on the red stone deck just outside the elaborate entranceway. As the engine died, a scarlet glow from the wheel wells dissipated and suddenly the vehicle seemed tangibly heavier. The doors opened and a pair of blank faced thugs in sharp black suits emerged, followed hesitantly by a golden knight. Behind him was a woman with a shock of chestnut hair and black tinted glasses. She was wearing a red and white jacket, shorts and high heeled boots.

"Would yah get a move on already?" She slammed the door behind him. "Ah'm sure all tha boss wan's is a nice chat, clear the air type ah thing. Then yah're a free man... thing... whatevah yah are... again."

"Of course." The knight replied, barely louder than a whisper. "Nothing to be concerned about." Though his quavering voice belied his true feelings.

Razz just rolled her eyes and jabbed the knight onwards as the doors before them swung open. The inside of the manor was every bit as extravagantly decorated as the outside, it was all red and white with flourishes of gold. The walls were covered with portraits of the owner, all of them flattering. The group moved through the corridors until they reached a large open room dominated by a throne ten times more ostentatious than those of the coloured queens. Around the edges of the room there was a selection of limousines, most of them black, a couple of them red and white, one of them a deep blue, all of them gleaming spotless. The outer walls, beyond the limousines, were made up of cages filled with all manner of flying creatures, from dragons of every colour to golden feathered griffins, grey skinned wyverns and more. The creatures howled and rattled at their cages as the group stepped into the throne room.

For a moment it seemed as though the room was empty, until a stern cry of "Ladies..." drew your attention to the long pair of legs sticking out from beneath one of the limousines whilst simultaneously silencing the Duke's menagerie. Moments later he had extricated himself from the limousine engine and was striding towards the group. He was tall and very thin, his hair strawberry blonde, his eyes hidden behind red-tinted sunglasses. He wore a red and white jacket and a golden sign saying 'DUKE' on a chain around his neck. He wiped the oil from his hands on a monogrammed cloth and tossed it casually to Razz.

"This is a privilege." The Duke leaned in close to the nervous knight and smiled widely. The knight promptly stumbled backwards into another pair of blank-faced goons. "It's rare to see one of you tin knights so far from the nest." The knight remained silent; he stared down at his own breaches desperate not meet the Duke's gaze. "I'm sorry," The Duke continued, "where are my manners? They call me the Duke of Desire."

"I'm numbe-"

"Yes," the Duke interrupted. "You're one of Jonquil's numbered knights. I know. I was simply concerned you might not be aware of who I am considering you were found flying through MY territory on the back of one of MY beautiful ladies."

The knight looked up nervously, was momentarily surprised to see the Duke lounging on the nearest limousine, and said: "I'm sorry I didn't realize she was yours I just needed to get out of there."

"Oooh, you didn't realize she was mine." The Duke repeated in a mocking tone. "I guess you just thought that my beloved Goldie belonged to you? I guess you thought you were the one who had raised her from when she was just an egg. Is that what happened?"

"No, that's not what I meant at all." The knight backpedalled desperately.

"Then what did you mean?" The Duke demanded, suddenly up in the knight's face once again.

"I, um," The knight stuttered as his eyes darted in every direction, as though looking for some way out of this situation. "I had to, I didn't have any choice."

"Well, I guess I don't have any choice but to make an example of you. I just can't have people running around disrespecting me, disrespecting my property. It'd just look bad." The Duke replied more calmly as he bounded up the steps to his throne.

"No, please." The knight begged. "Wait a minute, let's not be hasty here."

The Duke paid him little heed. "I suppose I could sell you to the Midnight Queen. I believe she's very keen to get her hands on a living knight." He swung his legs over the arm of the throne and leaned back, looking far too casual for such a situation. "Or maybe I'll just melt you down myself. I can just picture it now; a beautiful golden limo, maybe with a little helmet hood ornament." He stared into the distance and swept an arm as though he could direct you to share in his wondrous vision. "You'd be the pride of my fleet."

"You," the knight replied slowly, "you do know I'm a person wearing a suit of armour not an actual animate suit of armour?"

"Really?" The Duke replied. "Well that is disappointing." He paused for just a moment. "Though on the positive side I can hand you over to Midnight and still build my golden limousine. It's a win/win."

"No, look, please don't hand me over to her. I'll do anything."

"That might be a tempting offer if I had any actual use for you." The Duke replied dismissively.

"What did yah mean when yah said yah had tah get outta there?" Razz interrupted.

"Oh, yes, right." A modicum of hope returned to the knight's voice. "There's something big going on, if you spare me I'll tell you all about it."

"Pass." The Duke replied disinterestedly. "Dependant on who you ask, there's always 'something big' going on."

"No really." Insisted the knight. "This is really, hugely big. Six For Gold is going down."

This piqued the Duke's interest. He sat up straight in his throne and leaned forward. "Go on."

"It's for definite this time." The knight elaborated. "There's too few of us left. There's nothing we can do to stop it. It's why I had to get out of there."

"If you're lying to save your cold metal shell I'm going to hand you over to Midnight free of charge." The Duke said slowly, "But, if you are telling the truth..." He trailed off, a grin slowly spreading across his face, imagining what he might be able to build out of an entire castle's worth of salvage. "Then we're gonna have some fun."

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies) - by Ixcaliber - 07-22-2014, 11:01 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM