Tonguewizard And The Journey For The Perfect Instrument

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Tonguewizard And The Journey For The Perfect Instrument
RE: Tonguewizard And The Journey For The Perfect Instrument
After a few moment of thought, Tonguewizard fetched his toothbrush, which had a tongue-cleaning attachment, and the flock of ducks he had duct-taped together into a giant ball in his youth. He hopped onto it and began rolling the ducks around, knowing they would guide him to his destiny.

His destiny turned out to be the Ancient Temple of the Theremin. At least, that was what he gathered when the duct tape fell off just outside of it and the ducks flew away, causing him to fall to the ground. Clearly that was a sign that this was where he needed to go, and not at all a sign that his duct tape wasn't sticky enough.

Before entering, however, Tonguewizard mused on which of his magical powers would be more suited to exploring the place. If the hour was odd, he could use cellphone magic, but if the hour was even, he could use carnivorous plant magic.

According to the watch attachment on his toothbrush, it was 11:30. Tonguewizard needed to make up his mind on whether it would be better to enter now, or to wait half an hour for his magic to change. It all depended on what he would find in the temple, he supposed; he had to think about what sort of obstacles were more likely.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Tonguewizard And The Journey For The Perfect Instrument - by Dragon Fogel - 03-21-2012, 02:10 AM