Shank A Bitch 3 Day Six: The Handsman Cometh (10/71 Alive)

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Shank A Bitch 3 Day Six: The Handsman Cometh (10/71 Alive)
RE: Shank A Bitch 3 Day One: Off The Deep End (71/71 Alive)
Seems this... PickYerPoison feller wants t'do in th' sun. Wan'sta shank anywho anywhen they so please. I respect that! Kid's got ambition.

But. But but but but but. Th'actual process of 'stigguishing our bright'n'shining would screw up th'very nature of comprehensible chronological progression! Not... time itself, mind, but our understanding thereof. An' that I can't respect. Kid's up to no good.

But it don't look like I'n be able t'do anything 'bout that right now, you all so intent on yer Mackletops and Pilates. Which, for th'record, I don't reckon that Pilot fellow's wants more'n gettin' offed sooner'n later. Might be a double-bluff so's idjits like me, knowin' I know he knows what he's doin', think he's doin' it to be an ass an' get hisself shanked, don't wanna shank 'im 'cos tha'swhat he "obviously" wants. But tha'ssa digression.

Thinkin I'n vote DragonFogel forra time be'n. Don' trust a one tha'll try'n break alla things just 'cause they can, yanno? Nu'n pers'nal, mind; jus' don' strike me a thing t'do.

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RE: Shank A Bitch 3 Day One: Off The Deep End (71/71 Alive) - by Not The Author - 07-09-2014, 12:45 AM