Super Otaku Brawl Gaiden (Round 1: Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp)

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Super Otaku Brawl Gaiden (Round 1: Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp)
RE: Super Otaku Brawl Gaiden (Round 1: Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp)
Shadow materialized in the area outside of Sasha's Lab, ever more confused by the architecture surrounding him. "How are you supposed to know where to run in a place like this?"

Taking a pace slower than usual, the hedgehog wandered about, opting to leave the odd structures around him, and then hearing various growlings that were almost drowned out by a whirring noise. Shadow sped to the source of the odd sound and was somewhat disappointed to find the pale, red headed child that called himself a boy genius.

"Hmm..." Shadow looked at the scene, the boy oblivious to the hungry animals behind him, one of his competitors in this battle to the death or whatever it was. Did he want to aid him? Shadow tossed any doubts to the wayside, Maria wouldn't forgive him if he allowed a child to die, and besides, if he really was a genius, maybe he could help him...

The heli-pack sputtered loudly, wanting to stop desperately, but they kept on, the drop in speed was the moment the cougar had been waiting for, and it pounced! Jack turned around just in time to see a black and red blur dive kick the cougar out of the way.

He screamed, his shrill voice causing Shadow to miss the landing and land on his side. Jack, laughed at the botched landing, forgetting that he had almost died, and was also saved by a weird anthropomorphic hedgehog, a creature notably different from the anthropomorphic bean or dragon. "Are you wearing sneakers?"

As Shadow got up, he turned to Jack and frowned "Is that really the most questionable thing here?"

"Why are you only wearing sneakers?"

Shadow rolled his eyes and stopped looking up at Jack, "That doesn't matter, what does matter is that we should work on getting out of this situation."

"Um... excuse me? Evil Boy Genius Jack Spicer does not take orders from a talking humanoid hedgehog wearing sneakers." Jack neglected to mention that he'd on at least one occasion taken orders from a bean, shape shifting lizard, and a flower.

Shadow rolled his eyes, "Oh great, an evil boy genius, couldn't be a normal one."

"Uhm, I think that you will find that I am exceptional among the evil boy genius community, you see-"

"You build robots and you go look for magical objects and sometimes the robots defect, there's a surprisingly small amount of variance in your types."

Jack opened his mouth to respond to Shadow's spot-on accusation, and then continued on his way, deciding to ignore the furry freak.

"Oh, deciding to ignore me now? Was I a bit too spot on? Oh well, guess you don't want to get into the secret lab."

Jack Spicer kept going, but couldn't help but take the bait, "Look at me, I'm a hedgehog, I know all about these evil science guys, I bet he wants to go to a lab! Well, I don't need your help, these helpful signs will point the way."

"But they won't let you in, I couldn't open it from the inside or from the outside, I think you need some sort of key. However..." Shadow took out his emerald and teleported in front of Jack, "There aren't a lot of places I can't get into."

Jack's heli-pad sputtered once more, as if begging for the boy genius to just get on with it. "What do you want."

"I want you to help me get out of this, instead of fighting."

With as little enthusiasm as possible, Jack said, "Okay, sure, whatever, lets got to the lab."

"Good," Shadow grabbed Jack's hand, "Chaos Control!"

After a flash, Shadow and Jack ended up back in Sasha's Lab, "Now, the first thing-"

"Woozy Shooter!"


Shadow was engulfed by a purple haze and suddenly the world changed... he heard something... the walls being replaced by rings and stars... there was an arrangement of multicolored spheres all around him... there were beach balls and swirls... the room was moving in circles turning around and around... he could see a hexagonal technicolor road in front of him... he needed to see... he needed to find...

Jack Spicer, Evil Boy Genius, A Cut Above All Others, smiled at black hedgehog, now on all fours and crawling around Sasha's Lab, "Well, that'll take care of him for a while, now to make some robots."

Messages In This Thread
RE: Super Otaku Brawl Gaiden (Round 1: Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp) - by Solaris - 06-30-2014, 07:57 AM