Frozen Hearts Mafia [Family Ties - Mafia/Survivor Victory]

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Frozen Hearts Mafia [Family Ties - Mafia/Survivor Victory]
RE: [14/19] Frozen Hearts Mafia [DAY THREE: Above the Law]
End of Day Three Votals

Affle (1) (SupahKiven)
icanhasdonut (8) (Granolaman, Palamedes, Garuru, Acionyx, Mister Visceral, Stiqqery, icanhasdonut, Affle)
Palamedes (1) (Cat)

Abstaining (4) (OzTheWizard, Truegreen, Schazer, Ginx-sama)

With 14 alive, it takes 8 to lynch and 5 for softlynch.

Didn't take very long for the crowd to decide today. Judgement was rather swift and rather decisive. icanhasdonut, in spite of his recent housing fortunes, was quickly carted away by police after I made the call. The rest of us, as usual, began to patiently wait for Lyncroft's call.

The call came surprisingly fast. "Vincent, I need you at the police station as soon as possible. You won't believe me if I told you over the phone."

I hurried over there fast as could be. I got there in time to see Lyncroft and his subordinates... but with no icanhasdonut nearby.

"Did he escape?" I asked nervously, the first unfortunate thought popping into my head and immediately spilling out of my mouth.

"He's taking a shower," Lyncroft added, laughing a little. "He's... oh, Vincent, you won't believe it."

"I can believe anything at this point," I grumbled.

"He's the Trash King of legend."


"Yep," Lyncroft added, trying to suppress his sense of wonder and laughter. "Homeless man living in the sewers of Caribou's Den. Had a makeshift shantytown of sorts. No idea how he ever overcame the smell, but he sure made out alright. I think it's all burned down now, considering what happened..."

"Which came first: the dweller or the legend?"

"Legend, I presume," Lyncroft added. "Those reports of midnight assaults with bottles full of garbage likely came about from this man."

"Well, isn't that something."

"Don't worry about him," Lyncroft smiled. "He hasn't killed or severely injured anyone with those disgusting barfight weapons. Once he's done showering, we'll see to setting him up with a more permanent home. Think you could use a new employee?"

"We'll see!" With that ending, I went back to the cafe and wrote up the usual report - trying not to laugh at the ludicrous nature of it all.

Any region, from populous to rural, has their urban legends. Caribou's Den is no exception. Urban legend told of a man who lived in the sewers, a homeless vagrant who got by on scraps and came out in the night to attack wanderers along the streets. The popularity of the urban legend - although no right-minded resident of Caribou's Den will ever admit it now - corralled everyone into their homes at night, unwilling to chance even a fleeting encounter with this mythical figure.

Originally thought to just be myth, we soon found out otherwise. icanhasdonut was the closest to The Trash King in this world. Caribou's Den, just like any other city of prosperity, has non-prosperous folk. He was evicted some years ago from his apartment, forced to try and seek residence before the dead of winter set in. Sleeping outside in the winter's harshest blizzard conditions is just short of suicide, and thus he constructed a shelter in the warmest part of the city during the winters: the stuffy, smelly sewers that compose the city's underbelly.

Having lived for years now in his underground shantytown, he maintained a semblance of normalcy by hanging out in my cafe. Prior shop owners didn't take too kindly to him (or any other homeless individuals), but I have, evidently, been outstandingly hospitable. Knowing that crime threatened to resurface in the city and I very well could be in the crosshairs, he prepared makeshift trash weapons to stalk the streets at night. He'd show anyone who dared try to run through the darkness the true strength of Caribou's Den and verify the stories told by the winds which howled between skyscrapers.

icanhasdonut was a TOWN VOYEURMAKER.

As he left his sewer home to roam the streets at night, he would seek to beat suspects over the head with one of his makeshift sewage-filled molotov cocktails. The resultant spray of noxious waste would invariably make his target stink to high heaven - and anyone his victim visited that night would know that smell as well.

icanhasdonut was a LOYAL CUSTOMER, and thus held Caribou's Den's best interests at heart. He would achieve victory with his fellow cafegoers when all threats to the safety and stability of Caribou's Den were eliminated.

A handful of laughs were had. Most people were incredulous. I'd say the streets of Caribou's Den became a little safer today, but that's an outright lie with murders waiting in the wings.

Perhaps they will heed the Trash King's warning - do not walk the streets with ill intentions, or you may find yourself in deep shit.


Night Three ends July 1st, 10PM EST (~47 hours from now).

All players are advised to check into their Quicktopics during the night phase. Please be prompt and timely in submitting night actions, should you have them.

Replacements are incoming for inactive slots.
[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
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