Super Otaku Brawl Gaiden (Round 1: Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp)

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Super Otaku Brawl Gaiden (Round 1: Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp)
RE: Super Otaku Brawl Gaiden (Round 1: Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp)
"That did not sound like the tall man. Maybe... comrade?"
Wolfgang picked himself up off of the ground. It appeared the teleportation... potato... thing did what it was supposed to. He had a few of his things, but not many. More important was where he was now. Some kind of forest, a river running through it, and some fences and bridges and the like. Somebody built things here. Maybe they'll be friendly!
Oh, and those others! The man said they would be fighting, but Wolfgang trusted him about the same as he trusted Maxwell. Maybe they could be friends! Like pigs!

Breaking a few sticks off of some nearby tree, Wolfgang set out to look for some sharp rocks. First thing to do when confronted with a new world, of course, is to gather necessary supplies. He was not having much luck finding what he was looking for, but eventually ran across something... similar enough. Strange purple pointed rocks with weird designs. There were a few of them just lying around. Eh, they would do. Quickly, the mighty man combined a few of the stones with the sticks to make an axe.

"Feels like axe. Looks like axe, though more purple. Swings like axe!"
Wolfgang gave the Psitanium Axe a test swing near a tree, and without even touching it, a large notch was placed in the bark.
"Is... ghost axe?"
A few extra swings through the air, and the tree was felled. Looking back and forth between the axe and the tree, Wolfgang realized the difference between the axe he made and the ones he usually made.
"I need more purple stone."


Messages In This Thread
RE: Super Otaku Brawl Gaiden (Round 1: Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp) - by Robust Laser - 06-24-2014, 11:17 PM