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Thanks again to Schazer for passing on my advice.

My bony tenure as this week's judge comes to a close, but I'll endeavor to serve justice to the best of my ability.

The Best Of Show Award: Viceroy Victoria Voyse - sorry, I meant Princess Moondrop, your Highness, won't happen again - stands out for the holistic strength of her profile as well as her ability to spice up battle rounds with wrenching perspective shifts. I'm sure her First Minister is relieved that their novice viceroy is out of the way too.

The Above the Fold Award: The VICE PRESIDENT clamps down on this award. Good luck removing it when it's busy skating past constituents and kissing baby vices.

The Iron Chef Special Ingredient Award: Would I ride the Vicycle? Probably not, but then again, I'm already immortal. What it's certainly riding down is this award, which it takes in a blaze of iniquity.

The Backdoor Worldbuilding Award: While I'm sure Right-Hand Cabochon's services with the help of eir malebranch steed are unparalleled, the mystery behind eir crevice-dwelling nudibranch compatriots stands out as one I'd love to see solved.

The Damnable Gentleman Award: In any given battle Xonera's participation would prove a polarizing presence, and her necessarily manipulative battling style only adds to my conviction that she'd make an excellent contestant. She was also a strong contender for Iron Chef this week.

The Synergy Award: Voughs is already an excellently executed sack of eviscerated meat, but shines (rots?) even more in the presence of some of the other submissions. What would Princess Moondrop make (out) of it's grotesque form? What happens when it reverses her already inverted worldview? Does it accept Xonera's forgiveness, or swear vengeance upon her as it has upon so many others? Is it hateful enough to resist the Vicycle's temptations? CAN IT SQUEEZE THROUGH THE VICE PRESIDENT'S STEEL GRIP??!?!??!!

While not quite in the original spirit of this award, Namestnik had me asking enough questions to make me honor him with

The 20Q Award For Confusing Me:

At first Namestnik seems far from confusing: a military man, used to command, lord of a post-apocalyptic city-state. Then come the questions. Is his name actually Namestnik, or is that simply his title? If it's his title, does he even have a name? Does anyone in this New Russian Empire? Why is he so loyal to an Empire that seems unable or unwilling to support him?

The I See What You Did There Award:

For explicitly fishing for Above The Fold, Mr. Viceral has this trophy lobbed at his vice-laden head.

Thanks for your varied and excellent submissions!

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