Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime

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Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime
RE: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime (TWS)
(03-05-2012, 08:54 PM)btp Wrote: »Befriend him! Joke around! Curry his favor!

Hmm. That's worth a shot, I suppose. Here goes...

Oh, come on now. There's no need to drag me all the way down to the dungeon. Why don't we just head out, grab a drink at the bar, talk about the new plagues going around...

"Hmmph! You're not the first prisoner to try cozying up to me. Don't know why you think it'd work, though - who'd want a filthy peasant for a friend? Besides another filthy peasant, I suppose."

Oh, yes. I suppose a knight wouldn't have anything to gain by disobeying his lord and letting a lowly peasant go, and a lot to lose. That's the feudal system for you! I suppose I'll have to try something else... oh, hey, what are you doing?

"I've had enough of your dilly-dallying! You're coming with me even if I have to drag you!"

Ow! Let go! My arms! Ouch!

(03-05-2012, 06:47 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Kick! Flail!

I can't Kick, I don't know what letter that starts with yet! But I suppose I can flail about wildly.

F is for Flail!

"What in the... Quit that! Don't make me break your arms off, Terence always gets mad if they're not intact when they arrive. He likes to do as much of it himself as he can, y'see... hey! Why am I tellin' you this, I'm just a guard ow my nose!"

Sorry! And goodbye!

"Hey! Get back here, peasant!"

Whew! He let go of me for a moment to rub his nose after I hit him with my wild flailing. That armor of his wasn't easy on my hands, though. Well, at least I can get out, if I can find my way through this dungeon...

"You there! Stop!"

What? How did you get ahead of me? I thought I just ran away from you!

"What are you babbling about?"

Er... you are Keith the Knight, aren't you?

"What? No, I'm Kevin the Knight! And I don't think you should be running around the dungeons!"

As it happens, I don't either. Could you direct me to the exit?

"What? No, that's not what I meant! Get back to your cell, peasant!"

Oh dear. This fellow seems even less pleasant than Keith. What should I do?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime (TWS) - by Dragon Fogel - 03-15-2012, 02:56 AM
RE: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime - by btp - 06-16-2016, 02:38 PM
RE: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime - by btp - 08-22-2016, 11:55 PM