The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
RE: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
A photographer lay on the ground in a pose that somewhat approximated a puddle.

No, not a photographer. It had no camera, not anymore.

It had no knife either. No telling where that was at this point.

It might've been a moon at some point, but that seemed to be a distant nightmare. Was it still dreaming now? Who knows. Any sense of reality had been stripped away when it had been literally stripped away from anything that had identified it as something. Now, now it was nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Absolutely nothing sank further into the ground. Or, at least, it tried to, before suddenly finding itself being dangled in the air by some rather impressive claws.

“Hey, buddy!” said the owner of the claws, managing to make the word 'buddy' sound the opposite of amicable. “You can't just lie around in the middle of the road, that's super irresponsible! What if someone stepped on you, huh?”

“That's fine,” nobody mumbled as the clawed figure tried to figure out where its legs were so she could put it back down. She was a cute little scaly thing, for a loose definition of 'little,' and looked nice enough for someone who looked like she housed a family of Bowie knives in her mouth. Black goop was starting to dig into her red scales and so, her snout twisted with barely-disguised disgust, she dropped it. It landed with a disgustingly sad sound but stayed as vertical as it could for something that looked like it was constantly on the verge of merging with the asphalt. It was amazing that anybody could even recognize it as anything sentient. The kaiju stepped back on instinct.

“Wow,” she said, looking it up and down, or rather, down and downer. “You look. Wow.” Flicking off the goop that stuck to her claws, she squinted. “You okay?”

Nothing at least had the self-awareness to say, “No.”

“Oh.” The draconic figure sniffed, kicked a leg idly, looked somewhere to the left. “What're ya, anyways?”

“Nothing,” it replied, its sigh bubbling out all over its body. The topic change only made the kaiju step from one disgustingly uncomfortable atmosphere to another. The pile of goo was looking like an avalanche, collapsing in on itself, and so she absentmindedly plucked it up to set it in a more traditionally upright position again.

“So you're not an actor then? 'Cause only actors are allowed over here, actually.”

“Oh?” the whatever-it-was replied, suddenly taking on a more defined shape. “What's an actor?”

It was at this point that enough alarms were going off in the kaiju's head, telling her to get this thing out of here already, but it was looking up at her, this time with something that she could conceivably think of as a head, with such soulfully blank luminous eyes. It was cute, in a sludge-y sorta way, and so all she could do was grimace and scratch at her horns and say, “Forget it. Don't worry. I'm gonna hook you up, okay?”

It tilted its head oh great. The ol' head tilt. She used her Bowie knife teeth to chew at a claw. “You're gonna what?”

“Don't ask questions, m'kay? Just do as I say and you'll be alright.”

“Um...” Nothing looked down and nodded.

“Good.” She rubbed the top of his head and quickly realized what a mistake that was. “Call me Ally, m'kay?”


Seeing the look in its oddly expressive face, Ally said, "What's wrong?"

Nothing fiddled with its fingers until they got completely tangled up in each other. "'s not really accurate...I mean, you don't look like an alley at"

Ally stared with all the horror of someone who was rapidly finding herself dragged into the mire of surrogate motherhood and was unable to stop.

"I...oh my god..."

It completely didn't help that it did the goddamn head tilt thing again.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios] - by MalkyTop - 05-27-2014, 02:08 AM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM