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Themes: Dinosaurs, Nanomachines, Redundancy

Username: ThereIsAlwaysABiggerDinosaur
Name: Biogen Regenerator "Reggie"
Species: Machine Intelligence
Gender: Neutral
Color: Reggie doesn't speak, but he has learned to express himself through the pained screams of others. Though he also has been known to make shimmering letters in the air for people who just don't get the message. Then he eats them.

Description: Some might see a subtle silver shimmer in the air. More experienced tech experts might notice the machine resting at its center. Some very perceptive souls may notice that nothing grows in a certain radius of this machine. And very few would notice the curious piles of waste materials scattered here and there. Anyone sticking around long enough to notice these things would surely be dead. This would suit Reggie just fine. He hates all people. Engineers and scientists in particular anger him. You might say he's got a few creator issues, but then again what insane megalomaniacal AI doesn't?

Weapons/Abilities: The Biogen Regenerator was originally supposed to recreate creatures from DNA samples. Originally the folks at Biogen hoped to create dinosaurs to sell to zoos, scientists, and private collectors. This worked quite well for some time, that is until a certain AI got control of the machine. Now it uses its powers for evil, creating powerful dinosaur minions and directing them against the human race. It requires quite a few organic compounds to construct these monstrosities though and will use its nano-swarms to disassemble all life in its control radius for its biomass stockpiles. Reggie's largest weakness however is the fact that the machine is almost completely stationary. To move Reggie would have to receive help from one of its larger more competent minions. Theoretically Reggie can recreate anything he collects a DNA sample of in addition to the codes already contained on its database but Reggie dislikes creating anything but dinosaurs and is unlikely to deviate from this trend unless it really needs to.

Biography: The Biogen Regenerator was a great success for the company. While the cost in organic materials was great the returns on selling dinosaurs was even greater. The Biogen Execs were obsessed with making it bigger, faster, and smarter. Often their upgrades worked, vastly improving the efficiency of the machine. That is until they decided to add the AI. It wasn't until an army of dinosaurs rampaged through the facility that they realized they hadn't installed an off switch. The authorities were alerted and the facility was bombed to dust. The machine is most certainly destroyed, but it's impact lives on in the new regulations imposed so that nothing like it could ever exist again.

Messages In This Thread
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RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST XXIII: ANGLE!] - by !? - 07-06-2014, 02:08 PM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST XXIII: ANGLE!] - by !? - 07-14-2014, 01:51 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST XXIV: SWAG!] - by Gatr - 07-24-2014, 01:44 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 28: NEKKID] - by Sai - 10-03-2014, 02:06 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 28: NEKKID] - by Sai - 10-08-2014, 06:19 PM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 29: STOIC] - by Sai - 10-14-2014, 07:46 AM
RE: The Grand OC! [CONTEST 29: STOIC] - by Sai - 10-15-2014, 03:11 AM