The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread

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The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread
Have something you want to get rid of that you think a fellow Eagle-Timer may enjoy? A game? A book? Some rad clothes? Something you've made?

This is the place to post it!

1. Give an accurate description of what you're giving away (with pictures if possible)
2. By default, you pay the shipping cost, unless the recipient offers otherwise. (You are free to request that the recipient pays instead, when this happens be honest about the cost (duh).)
3. Aside from the above you are NOT allowed to ask for compensation for the item. This is a giving thread, not a selling thread.
4. You are free to offer whatever you want, but try to keep it limited to things you think another eagle-timer may actually enjoy.
5. Don't be upset if no one wants to take your offer, just know we appreciate you offered it in the first place!
6. If more than one person wants what you've offered, it's up to your own discretion who to give it to.
7. If you want to associate your gift with a contest (winner gets the prize), you may still post the item here and note how the recipient will be chosen, but the actual contest must be held elsewhere.
8. Once your item has been sent or is no longer available, update your offer so we will know.

1. If you want an offered item, just post your interest here. It's okay to express intrest in an item someone else has already expressed intrest in.
2. If you want to offer the giver something in exchange for the item, that is up to you.
3. Don't take offence or get upset if you are not chosen to receive a gift. That will make it all the less likely that you will be chosen next time.
4. You are NOT allowed to sell the item you receive. Don't be a dick. Unless specifed otherwise by the giver, items offered here are meant to go to people who will enjoy them. They are not meant to be turned for a profit. If you want to get rid of the item at a later date then simply give it away.
5. Don't ask for an item if it is not being offered.

The exact procedure can vary with each giver and recipient, but in general things will follow this pattern.

1. The giver will post their offered item, along with pictures and a description.
2. Some time goes by as Eagle-Timers post their interest in the item.
3. The giver will contact a recipient and post who they are sending the item to in the thread.
4. The giver and recipient will sort out the shipping details via private message or IRC.
5. The gift is sent and everyone is happy!

I'll go ahead and get things started a bit later. I've been going through some of my stuff and I've found a few things someone may like.
The first item in the eagle time give-away thread is:

A 1998 LoZ Ocarina of Time Strategy Guide.
(apologies of the pictures are too large- resizing is difficult on the iPhone)

It's been lightly used. Mostly I just threw it in a box and forgot about it until going through said box today. With all the talk in the videogames thread about museums and memorabilia, I figured someone may appreciate this more than me.

It's standard strategy guide fair, basic info to get through dungeons (for some reason I find it opens more easily to the water dungeon section), as well as item locations all framed and spaced around game-related artwork.

At the very least, it can be pretty to look through.

Anyone interested?

Messages In This Thread
The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread - by btp - 03-12-2012, 02:52 AM
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread - by g0m - 03-16-2012, 01:45 AM
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread - by Woffles - 03-16-2012, 07:47 AM
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread - by g0m - 03-17-2012, 11:09 PM
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread - by btp - 03-18-2012, 02:10 AM
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread - by btp - 03-22-2012, 04:14 AM
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread - by g0m - 03-18-2012, 03:48 PM
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread - by Infrared - 03-19-2012, 11:57 AM
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread - by Schazer - 03-20-2012, 10:18 AM
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread - by btp - 03-27-2012, 01:59 AM
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread - by g0m - 03-27-2012, 09:31 PM
RE: The Eagle-Time Give Away Thread - by btp - 04-05-2012, 01:08 PM