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Username: Sai
Name: The Tarantines
Species: Heretically Modified Spacecraft
Color: Vertical

Follow the way of the Dino with ardor in your hearts and fear no evil, that your scales may be the Armor that defends your Righteous Cause.

In the world we live in and all the worlds that fill the skies above us, there is a way of doing things. An objective Right and Wrong. That which follows the Natural Order is right - that which opposes it is Wrong.This all Sauri know. When we lived in but one world, that which we call Gi, the order was never broken. The Dino Saur rule was as it should be - the strong prove themselves by challenging others to prove their strength and courage. The weaker caste, Tapino Saur, obey their every command. With wisdom born of might, the Sauri society advanced. We grew in both strength and numbers, until the surface of our world could support no more meat for the Dino Saur to consume. Pressed against the limits of what one world could sustain, we set our sights on the stars.

The first ships to travel to other worlds consisted entirely of the Tapino Saur. At the time we had not yet learned to value that strength which comes from the end of a blaster cannon, and thought no true Dino would suffer to cram themselves into a space where raw strength gives way to dexterity. While many of the first colonies failed, some managed to survive thanks to the remote guidance from their wise Dino overlords. Such was the wisdom of our ancestors that even with the delay in communication, the leadership of the true Dino could direct the far flung Tapino Saur to thrive.

After some generations of growth and breeding, meat from the other worlds began to arrive and it was good. But time passed, and the delay between the guidance of our ancestors and their subjects on the distant worlds began to cause difficulties for the foolish Tapino Saur. Some shipments were oddly reduced, others lost, and worst of all some colonies lost contact entirely. Now reliant on our colonies for food, a great council was called for the Dino Saur. Such a gathering of might and knowledge had never before been seen, and hundreds were slain in the ensuing discussion. Eventually, a new code of honor was written, forged with the talons of the victorious Dino and quenched in the blood of those whose misguided voices would have led us to ruin. Construction of a great fleet began, ships designed to bring the greatest among us to the stars to rule our colonies personally with the strength and justice that can only come from the superior caste. Massive in scale, armored in majestic bronze, and bearing the burning might of a thousand Dino phalanxes, our ships set off to enforce our will upon the fools that had forgotten their place.

So began the First Reclaiming. Every world to which the mighty hoplites brought their fiery truth knelt in awe of their power. Some few blasphemers dared to oppose the forces of good. On land, the physical superiority of the Dino quickly put these heretics in their place. In the skies, the ignorant were purified by the scorching spears of our bronze armada. Soon, all but the most far flung worlds were returned to the light, with wise and powerful Dino now residing on the colonies to rule directly.

Justice must ever be watchful, however, and amongst the many worlds were several whose stronger caste were too few to ensure the safety and purity of their underlings. Cowardly weaklings who had survived the First Reclaiming in hiding, began to spread lies amongst the Tapino that made up most of the population on these worlds. Unable to stand and face their just rulers, these insidious heretics used a wide variety of underhanded tricks, ranging from explosives to poison, to cruelly murder their rightful governors. Across the worlds that our fleet had not yet reclaimed and these worlds which were torn from us through foul deeds, the rebels made their heresy open and declared themselves separate from the guides of our race. They called this abomination the Free Tapino Republic.

When word of this unthinkable blasphemy made its way across the stars, the response was immediate and all but unanimous - a new fleet was assembled. Knowing that these ships would be the messengers of truth and light, their architects slaughtered each other by the hundreds to perfect their designs. Larger and more beautiful than even their predecessors which had saved our race a generation before, the Platinum Fleet was built from the mineral wealth of our nearest and most loyal colonies. The greatest of our kind set out once again to fight for all that is Dino in what we now know to be the great conflict of our time - the Second Reclaiming.

You, o vaunted Dino warriors, heroes of our caste, face a challenge like none of our race have ever imagined. While the bronze legions of the First Reclaiming had to subjugate those few fools who dared stand against us, never before had the insane and befuddled combined forces as they have in the Republic. You must use your strength and skill at arms to bring justice and light to these lost worlds. Strike down the Tapino that have succumbed to madness and educate those who may yet be saved - the fate of all our kind depend on it.

All must answer to the Strong, and all that is Strong is Dino. By Spear and Claw, Dino Saur command. By Scale and Claw, Tapino Saur obey.

Your target is one of the few Republic craft that have faced the might of the Platinum Fleet and survived. It is known as the Tarantines. Commanded by the mad Tapino Captain Kleftopolemos, it has become a symbol of the dark forces that still stand against us.

The frame of the ship was once a proud vessel of reclamation. Following the First Council, one shipyard came to follow the designs of the insightful Dino Ypsilos. Struck with a burning passion, he continued demanding that the ships being built be made taller, slaying all of his peers who recommended wider or rounder craft, until the shipyard came to follow the design philosophy which would come to be known as ‘Vertical Supremacy.’ Each component of the ship was its own level, serviced by four elevators which serve as the connecting components between these floors. The Command Arena nestled in the center of the ship, serves as its widest point, giving the ship the appearance of two spears, arranged such that the broad blades of their heads overlap.

However, since acquiring this mighty weapon of justice through foul treachery, it has been refitted to better suit the reprehensible practices of our enemies. Whereas the Dino Saur craft are paragons of both beauty and effectiveness, the lowly Tapino Saur fly a craft that is made to be as ugly as it is mundane. Wing-like appendage jut out from the now dull grey hull to serve as heat sinks, making the craft appear even more primitive than the heathens that fly it. Though flimsy and vulnerable to even the weakest weapons in our mighty arsenal, no individual heat sink is crucial to the operation of their ship and they are easily repaired compared to the more complex portions of the ship contained within its hull.

Just as the Tapino Saur know not the meaning of honorable combat, so too is this ship designed for cowardice. A set of oversized afterburners give it a potent, if unstable method of quickly gaining a burst of acceleration to escape our justice. Its weapon system is similarly designed to fight against our Ranseur armed crusaders, relying on the courage of the Dino that chase after it to continue pursuing into a hail of missile fire. Its weapons are thus primarily Javelin light missiles, mounted to be able to fire behind it or omnidirectionally, but lacking the precision that the more carefully constructed Dino weapons rely on. Additionally, the craft is capable of releasing water behind it in a vicious cloud, allowing it to use the speed of our own charge against us and allow this most primitive of weapons to tear through our hulls.

This craft was last seen by a wing of Sarissa cruisers as it fled their righteous fury into an ionized cloud. It escaped only by freak chance, as a bright bolt of light overrode the sensors of our strike team. When they had been recalibrated, the Tarantines had disappeared, seemingly without a trace.
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]

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