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Did I say 24 hours? what i meant was hey how about some awards

The Iron Chef Special Ingredient Award goes to whoever managed to use the specific definition of "Set" I had thought of when I started. And that definition was from the world of tennis, which means this award goes to Bigro for Game Setan Match!

On that note, I can't just give Above the Fold to a participant that's already won, even though Bigro was blatantly going for that, I think Solaris gains the prize for Seto Skrit drawing me in before I even got to the description. Floopy is a great word.

Related to Iron Chef, I've gotta give the 20Q Award For Confusing Me to the entry where I couldn't figure out which definition of 'set' was being used without asking, and that goes to Sai for Gaius Axius. And it's not your fault, I just wasn't all that familiar with set theory.

The Backdoor Worldbuilding Award goes to Schazer for Jonn Glaressa. Because honestly, I kinda want to read about this guy and their theatre, and more about what led up to it.

Diligent Gentleman would probably have to be Dragon Fogel's Eguid of the Seven Talismans, because really, it changes form per world and grants wishes to whoever finds said talismans. Works well for the changing settings and the varying contestants.

Close to this, we've got the best 'Works Well With Others' for the Synergy Award, which would go to Slorange for The Animal. What's up with this leather band? It's got spaces for more gems, but those other gems haven't been brought up. But there is the rabbity fellow who's carrying around some fancy gems, and this guy that's got a whole buncha talismans that change to be convenient shapes. But it's probably nothing.

Which leaves the Best of Show award, which goes to Red with Orvins the Slayer, who kinda went all out on the biography. Really make the legend behind the being clear.

Now, I wasn't gonna give out all eight awards since there are only seven entries but come on, bigro was totally playing for Above the Fold. I mentioned it earlier. I See What You Did There.

was it worth the wait

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