Murder By The Book - Ender's Game

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Murder By The Book - Ender's Game
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
wakey wakey eggs and flakey

Some clarification on Slorange's pie shenanigans, for those that were confused like I was fifteen sixty-five minutes ago.
Slorange's role enables them to bake one pie each night. As there have been only three nights, that means they baked one pie each night. I'm also inferring that Slorange has the freedom to use each pie as anyone else would; that is, they are not obligated to give the pie to someone else to use. They may eat, give, throw, or choose not to use each pie at their discretion. I'm making that inference for the sole reason that it makes the following events make the most sense. The following is known:
N1: Slorange bakes the first pie, which designates an individual as a kill-nexus. This pie's effect activates on cyber. Presumably, Slorange threw it at them as per the reasons they stated.
N2: Slorange bakes the second pie which has no currently known effect. Garuru, on the basis of their day action, states that the second pie was given to Truegreen, but that target-switching was involved and likely means that Truegreen was not the intended recipient.
D3: Truegreen eats the second pie. Nothing obvious happens.
N3: Slorange bakes the third pie, which Eberron claims grants some flavor information regarding the pies. Slorange is then killed in the night.
D4 (Today): Truegreen appears with what may be pie all over their faces. Slorange arises from the dead and throws the third pie at Eberron.

Critical Thinking Questions:
Why did Slorange arise from the dead and throw the pie D4?
My best guess is that Slorange was planning on properly revealing their role D4, and proving their claim via third-pie knowledge at their judgment. Slorange could then use their N4 pie, and even if they were killed by mafia, they still got off four pies. When Slorange died, mod-mercy granted them a pie death-throw so that they could use their last pie. Since that's not a part of their actual role, I'd wager it was a random throw to balance it out.

What's Truegreen's pie about?
Curious things here. Truegreen ate it D3, then they appeared covered in pie D4. Eberron claims that the third pie Slorange threw hasn't granted them any information about what that pie does, and as far as they know, it does nothing.
But Slorange's N1 loophole-ish kill-nexus pie, and their rather crafty "I'm just a lowly one-shot" claim indicates to me that Slorange was playing for keeps. He was gonna milk his role for all that it was worth. I just don't believe they would bake a null pie. That doesn't necessarily mean Eberron is lying; it is possible they really did not receive information about what Truegreen's pie does as a matter of mod balancing and limiting pie effects. Or maybe Eberron's intentionally hiding information for evil purposes. Could go either way.

So what does Truegreen's pie do? Let's look at Slorange's clever plans.
Slorange baked Eberron's info-pie N3 expecting to use it during the day and was fully planning to be alive right now, D4, to use it. Since Slorange would then be more or less confirmed for his role, I propose that Slorange was also planning to explain the meaning of Truegreen's pie D4. I believe it was a pie that would reveal some information based on its public effects (specifically Truegreen showing up covered in it), and Slorange would know what those effects mean. What kind of information would this pie reveal, you ask? Why, if I were Slorange and I were trying to milk this role for all that it was worth, I'd bake a straight-up 'tell me if this person is Undercover' cop pie.

Now, we don't exactly know whether Truegreen showing up covered in pie means they're good or bad. Other key assumptions up for questioning is whether I've pegged Slorange's personality correctly, and that he'd go for something as direct as a cop. I think it's safe to say that he was planning to more fully out himself today based on the timing (he'd be almost out of pies N4) and the fact that throwing the pie without claiming the role would probably lead to more confusion, which he was keenly interested in avoiding.

But I'm gonna say those assumptions aren't that much less likely that anyone else's reads, so I'm going to make those assumptions. And I'm going to make the assumption that showing up pie-faced means Undercover. So naturally, I'm going to:


[Image: xwldX.gif]

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