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Username: solllllllllllllllll
Name: Cuildra
Species: Majimale
Gender: It
Color: Purplely
Description: Cuildra resemble black cauldrons with golden flairs around it in the shape of a face, with three legs on the bottom. It normally travels alone, searching for abandoned homes and spaces, preferring not to have to deal with other Majimales.

Weapons/Abilities: Cuildra are metallic creatures with spiritual powers, erring on the side of trickery when forced to confront other Majimales. Besides its high defensive stats, it has a surprisingly high speed, which allows it to use its switching, swallowing, and spewing based abilities, along with various combinations there-of. Due to its low attack, it relies on whittling down on opponents or setting up for an ally in serious battles.

Biography: Nicknamed the Cuildra of Gallea Canyon, it differs from others in its family in that rather than staying in some place close to the indoors, it prefers to roll and stroll around a rocky canyon, where there are many other Majimales. When various explorers and interested parties, came to see it, they discovered that in addition to its odd personality, it also is much stronger and ingenious than other Cuildra.

While most Cuildra simply negate or reflect the moves of its opponents, this one is capable of mixing the moves it swallows, sometimes using them in odd ways. Other breaks away from a standard Cuildra are its ability to convert opposing moves into different kinds of moves, and to hold moves for much longer than the duration of a single encounter.

The final quirk of the Cuildra is that it is fond of making traps, using the environment and whatever events are around along with its abilities to further cause chaos and come out on top. How it manipulates the environment without any normal appendages is a mystery.

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