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Username: Garuru
Name: Lola Marble and the Entity
Gender: Female and Unknown
Race: Human and Fourth-Dimensional Entity
Color: #AA4400
Biography: Her world was technologically advanced, to the point of being capable of messing with quantum mechanics to achieve the desired outcome of a single decision anywhen in time, for example. Scientists of her world had recently discovered an ominous rip in space, which was exuding dangerously active particles, the likes of which had never been seen before in this universe. More such rips were subsequently discovered. Further research revealed they were in fact microscopic entities, exhibiting an unusual sense of intelligence for a molecular-based phenomenon, and even further research was conducted, showing that they had the tendency to clump, forming a progressively advanced hive mind. Scientific pursuit of knowledge boomed with new promises across the horizon, especially the possibility of an alternate universe, but was later quickly halted after the cataclysmic loss of an entire planet. The study of these particles, aptly named demonology, became quickly banned and therefore taboo. The rifts were cordoned off, determined too dangerous to even attempt to destroy. But the intrigue proved too much for young intrepid Lola, whose research station strayed too closely to one of the malicious rifts. Her station shut down autonomously, and the particles invaded her ship, instantly infecting every biological organism on board. However, for unknown reasons, they were left alive and their memories wiped of the event. Her ship continued exploring the galaxy in search of the mysterious Demon Rifts, but to no avail. Eventually, her crew started dying one by one, leaving her to be the last one alive, frantically searching for a cure, until finally losing hope.

Description: Lola used to be a young and curvy scientist a bit on the short side, and with a zeal for discovery, but she is now a pale husk of her former self. Half of her body has been taken over by the odd orange particles, and they are the only thing keeping her alive. She does not know why they will not let her die, but her existence with them has been miserable to say the least. She has been scouring the galaxy, searching for a cure, but everywhere she went, her disease spread to the local people, and they died much more quickly than her. She has since then resigned herself to isolation. Her eyes are a sickly orange, and she is extremely unhealthy.

Items/Abilities: The particles are eating away at her flesh, but the organ most affected is her mind. She is no longer capable of distinguishing her mind from the mind of the demonic entity possessing parts of her body. Thus, her view switches back and forth between her own vision, and the incomprehensible one of the entity, presumably of the realm the entity came from. Sometimes, they will be an absurdly lucid blend of both. Occasionally, she will wake up in some extrasolar colony, blood all over the walls. No matter how she tries to isolate herself, this will happen. The real issue with the entity appears to be that it can freely manipulate space as long as its universe is still connected with Lola's universe. If, say, the particular colony in Lola's body were to be isolated, the entity would presumably become of a much more limited intelligence, as well as slowly dying off. It would try to save itself. Of course, Lola doesn't need to know this.
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