The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
RE: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
Wardell was a bit winded from his misadventures in the spirit realm, so while he remembered seeing Jeremy dying, and he was stuffed into another round, he had not yet put two and two together and was instead trying recover.


Wardell wasn't sure why his first instinct was to talk to his scarf, but he was a bit worried about her. After a bit of silence, Wardell was about to move on when she roused herself.

"Wardell, Wardell!!! I remember!"

His scarf was very excited, wiggling and almost jumping up and over his neck. Wardell didn't know what his scarf could possibly be talking about, but nevertheless he humored her, "What do you remember?"

"I remember about you! And me! Why you can listen to me and about our destiny!"

Wardell was by now a bit more cognizant, and had noticed that he was in some sort of office building, as he shuddered in disgust at the plain fluorescent light, he continued his half hearted conversation. "Our destiny? I don't know what you are talking about, I just like reading."

"Precisely! And your love of reading and books and stories is what makes you important, it is why you have your gift, and it is why you have me! I remember now! I'm the Breath of Written Word, I found you so that we could protect stories! But... something happened..."

"That's absurd Boww." Wardell paused for a moment, and then powered through, hoping his scarf wouldn't notice, "I don't have a destiny like that, you just had a dream."


As Boww sulked for a bit, Wardell found a door, a very imposing and large wooden door. He put his ear to it, deciding not to just bust through into unknown territory.

On the other side, the Directorate of Animedia Lobbyists Íntegra or DALÍ or more realistically and grounded in reality the group of people funding and most in charge of the GRAND MOVIE (tentative title), were discussing the latest events in their greatest production to date.

Sitting at the center of a round table was a large number of various people, most of them in boring suits, some of them with various accessories to sort of feel more in character.

"So, what do we do about the author?" said a woman with an imposing beard and sword.

"The author? What about him? He doesn't have control in the realm of film!" Said a winged beast.

Surrounding the table of various humans, was similarly diverse monsters, all wearing different forms of formal wear, with some more classic kaiju than others.

"Look, I understand that we don't need to listen to him, but if we aren't careful the fans are going to react poorly," said the two-headed Cyclops's head.

A voice rang out from the ceiling, "The various heads nodded in various emotions, ranging from anger, to fear, to understanding. The fans were a very, very, real problem in any kaiju production, but this one... this one was going to be the CITIZEN KANE of kaiju movies."

"Look, I understand that part of the aesthetic is the narration, but could you please tone it down?" Said the two-headed Cyclops's other head.

A giant snake wearing a tie let out a series of screeches to note agreement, then some more screeches in a suggestive tone.

"Hmm, I think they are right," the tentacle creature raised some of her infinite tentacles to her eye, "We don't need to really do anything, what we need is more of something that implies we care... someone who has read the book, and can be on the set, to point at when fans think we are the ones who made mistakes."

Just on cue, Wardell slammed through the door, drawing the attention of every member of DALÍ. As Wardell slowly stood up and noticed the group of somewhat eccentric business people staring at him, he started to sweat. His head instinctively moved even further up, causing his intimidated sweat to turn to a fountain of fear at the sight of the business casual kaiju. Wardell stood, frozen, wondering why no one had said anything. They all seemed to be looking at something on the floor...

On the floor, having spat out of Boww, was THE GRAND NOVEL. Wardell raised his head as DALÍ grinned at him.

"Greetings and welcome! How lucky you are, to meet with us, the the Directorate of Animedia Lobbyists Íntegra, just in time to hear about our new job opening."

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios] - by Solaris - 04-08-2014, 07:14 AM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM