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Username: sol
Name: Parei
Species: Monster, Sougthern
Gender: Femme
Color: pink lmao
Description: Parei is, at her base form, looks as humanoid as any monster can, with two arms, two legs, and a body that is proportioned similarly to a woman of above average weight. She wears a triangular witch hat and a black robe, which, like most monsters, is not actually clothing, but part of her body. Her eyes are two pink, pupil-less circles. She has a wonderful and engrossing smile with more teeth than you can keep track of.

Parei is a mischievous monster, erring on the side of sadistic entertainment when at a crossroads. She can however, hide this side to her, usually preferring to come off as a sort of clumsy buffoon, and endearing others with what seems to be innocent over-enthusiasm.

Weapons/Abilities: Besides whatever odd magical gifts that being a pure-blooded citizen of the Sougthern Districts net you (for the record, endurance both physical and magical, innate knowledge of hidden magic, being able to have a lot of stamina if you do a single task again and again), Parei's specific sort of mythical witchy flair involves the ability to make others perceive random or unknown events as something significant to them. A random arrangement of flowers become a sign pointing in whatever direction, an odd smell becomes one reminiscent of a lost relative, the rube-goldberg style chain of events becomes a conspiracy against you, specifically. The actual consequences of this magic can vary, especially depending on her intent, but generally it will be believed by whoever she wishes to believe it, unless they have a strong conviction otherwise.

Biography: Parei was in a bar, she wasn't sure which or where because she had been thrown into it after the last incident blew up in her face. That said, this night was pretty boring so far, and she wishes that she didn't get blown so far, they may have seen through her, but they at least they were interesting about it.

Parei took another sip of her drink as she observed the bar, looking for any sort of conflict that could get escalated with one of her flicks. The bar was quiet, with only her, the bartender, and a two, three, or four patrons, she wasn't sure if one of them was twins or something else, they seemed to be less than alive, so that was another thing that could be throwing her off.

Then, the door started to rumble. "Well, this is better than nothing." Everyone stared at the door, each of them thinking that the sound of the rumbling was indicative or someone or something they recognized.

When the actual creature entered the room, they all wished it was something recognizable. Instead, through the doors came something that was clearly not even using the definition of alive that the non-Parei bar patrons were using, but still moving, if slowly through the bar. Everyone was unexpectedly stricken with fear as the creature advanced, even Parei which caused a new set of problems.

As Parei's power was once more, this time accidentally, used on the creature, the already scared patrons of the bar became terrified as they saw the creature's skin or fur or moss or whatever suddenly gain patterns reminiscent of their fears.

The bar went to chaos, a chaos that was multiplied with every new entity that came out of the "twin ghost," Parei watched in an amused horror as smaller and smaller variants spread to every corner of the bar. It was funny to her, and she would have started laughing if one of them hadn't run into the creature.

The moment she observed the ghost touch the creature and dissolved into the floor, she jumped up off her seat and jumped out the window, and then proceeded to run, never for a moment thinking about what could have happened, where the creature could have came from, and definitely not thinking about looking back.

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