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Username: solalala
Name: Screajalor
Species: Monster, Centrall-Wehstern
Gender: Male
Color: Purple
Description: Screajalor has the build of a gorilla, with giant beefy arms that lead to big clawed fists and smaller, but no less powerful legs. In addition to looking big and intimidating, the arms have powerful webbed wings which can sometimes act as a cloak, other times acting as gliders. Screajalor is covered in odd, coarse, black fur, even on his face. If there is a face under there, no one has seen it, other than a sharp toothed mouth.

While one may think that Screajalor is a brute due to the understandably imposing features, he is rather intelligent and spends his time traveling the Centrall District for interesting situations.

Weapons/Abilities: Screajalor's fur has an interesting property that allows him to detect and record any sort of nebulous sound that he is in the vicinity of. Said record can be distorted, edited, and spun backwards as Screajalor sees fit. This is of course, how he speaks. The closer Screajalor is to the ground, the more he feels, and if he focuses, he can hear as far as miles away.

In addition, Screajalor is of course, very strong, very intimidating, and very, very, tough to kill.

Biography: "He's somewhere around here, isn't he?"

Two medium sized creatures, one walking with six legs and pink with ribbons, the other standing on two with an arched back and black and blue with spikes, were walking around a dark tower.

"That's what the townspeople said... He apparently moved here a few days ago, he couldn't have moved away yet."

Outside, one of the largest storms that Central has ever seen is going on, with any person with a sense of survivability deep underground, far away from whatever horrors the storm may bring.

"You don't think that... that he's going to try to take on the storm are you?

Thunder cracks, with both of them feeling the air shift from the sound.

"I think that is exactly what he is doing."

The two continue their climb until they see a black mass standing at the top of the tower. Things have been rearranged so that what was once a large ballroom has become an open roof with every item in the room moved to a large pile in the center.

"I'm not going up there."

Thunder cracks again, this time followed by blue lightning, then red, green, and various other colors. The lighting and thunder flow with each other, almost fighting.

"This was a mistake," one of them attempts to say before realizing that the thunder and lighting are drowning out any and all attempts to speak.

They can only watch, frozen in fear as the storm carries on. What scares them the most, even more than the rainbow lights and sounds, and the flowing electricity, is that their target does not move throughout the entire ordeal.

After what seems like hours, the storm either passes, or ends, neither of them are sure of which it is, and Screajalor steps down from his pillar, completely fine.

"What business do you have with me?" says a voice unlike any other.

The two, still speechless, stare at each other. Yes, they have found the monster they are looking for, but it seems that he was so much more than they thought he was.

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