03-21-2014, 06:30 AM
Username: Ixcaliber
Names: General Mildred Parish, General Mildred Parish, General Mildred Parish, General Mildred Parish, General Mildred Parish, General Mildred Parish, General Mildred Parish and General Mildred Parish
Genders: Female, Female, Female, Female, Female, Female, Female and Female
Species: Human, Human, Human, Human, Human, Human, Human and Human
Text Colours: #9B111E, #9B111E, #9B111E, #9B111E, #9B111E, #9B111E, #9B111E and #9B111E
Biography: Biographies are all well and good but first a little history lesson. In 1986 Queen Ragnarok sadly passed away and her kingdom was divided between her three daughters; the Princesses Fenrir, Hel and Jormungandr (it was stipulated in Ragnarok's will that her daughters were not allowed to succeed her as queen (she wasn't a very nice person) and so each retained their title of princess and their lands were referred to as principalities). One of the first acts of Princess Lisa Jormungandr (who was thirteen years old at the time) when faced with the fiscal responsibility of her principality was to have 90% of the population hunted down, killed and replaced with inexpensive clones via her newly acquired cloning technology. The man in charge of carrying out this order was General Walter Parish, Mildred's father.
General Parish made efforts to protect his family from the purge and while his success with his son was at best debateable; his success with Mildred was much more clear cut. In order to exempt Mildred (who was aged twelve at the time) from the purge he appointed her to the position of Lieutenant General. Walter had planned to have Mildred removed from the military as soon as the danger had passed, but it was a detail he neglected to iron out before he realized the horror of what he had done and took his own life. Mildred was promoted to General in his place.
Mildred was understandably distraught, not just at the loss of her father, but also at the unreasonable expectation that she was now going to do his job. Fortunately for her the next few years were very quiet militarily speaking. Over time Mildred formed a strong friendship with Princess Jormungandr and she gradually grew more accepting of her new role in life and got better and better at it.
One day in 1994 in the middle of a particularly violent squid uprising, General Parish vanished without explanation, whisked off into the multiverse to compete in a battle to the death. Normally that would be the end of that but her expert command was deemed vital to the current situation and so a recent sample of her blood was used to grow a clone. After a moment spent getting her up to date on current events the clone mysteriously vanished also. Because Princess Jormungandr was feeling particularly bloody-minded that day she saw this only as a challenge and continued to make clones of Mildred (seven in total) which continued to vanish inexplicably until her personal bodyguard (a squid by the name of Oioujuoaie) volunteered to take the position in her place.
Description: General Mildred Parish was twenty one years old at the time they were taken for a battle to the death. They each have short brown hair and muddy brown eyes; the only physical distinction between them is the heart tattoo the original Mildred has on her right wrist (on her eighteenth she and Jormungandr had got very drunk and it seemed like a great idea to get matching tattoos). The original Mildred was wearing her General's uniform (dark green with gold trim). It has a couple of actual medals for her services in the last couple of years but most of them are bottle caps and ribbon that Jormungandr made to make her feel better. The first clone was wearing Mildred's off duty clothes (t-shirt and jeans) and subsequent clones were hastily dressed in a standard issue new clone jumpsuit.
Mildred has never been a fan of cloning, after all it nearly got her killed and her father killed himself because of it; so she's unlikely to be all that happy about the current situation. Her position as General has forced her to become confident and decisive, and also has forced her to come to terms with people dying on her orders, though whether she'd find it as easy to kill someone herself remains to be seen. She's very professional in situations that call for it, but she does have a fun side as well and doesn't get the opportunity to cut loose quite as often as she'd like.
Items/Abilities: There's eight of her, but that probably wouldn't help her too much in a fight given that none of them have ever been in one. She does have something of a talent for tactical thinking but she's no Napoleon.
Names: General Mildred Parish, General Mildred Parish, General Mildred Parish, General Mildred Parish, General Mildred Parish, General Mildred Parish, General Mildred Parish and General Mildred Parish
Genders: Female, Female, Female, Female, Female, Female, Female and Female
Species: Human, Human, Human, Human, Human, Human, Human and Human
Text Colours: #9B111E, #9B111E, #9B111E, #9B111E, #9B111E, #9B111E, #9B111E and #9B111E
Biography: Biographies are all well and good but first a little history lesson. In 1986 Queen Ragnarok sadly passed away and her kingdom was divided between her three daughters; the Princesses Fenrir, Hel and Jormungandr (it was stipulated in Ragnarok's will that her daughters were not allowed to succeed her as queen (she wasn't a very nice person) and so each retained their title of princess and their lands were referred to as principalities). One of the first acts of Princess Lisa Jormungandr (who was thirteen years old at the time) when faced with the fiscal responsibility of her principality was to have 90% of the population hunted down, killed and replaced with inexpensive clones via her newly acquired cloning technology. The man in charge of carrying out this order was General Walter Parish, Mildred's father.
General Parish made efforts to protect his family from the purge and while his success with his son was at best debateable; his success with Mildred was much more clear cut. In order to exempt Mildred (who was aged twelve at the time) from the purge he appointed her to the position of Lieutenant General. Walter had planned to have Mildred removed from the military as soon as the danger had passed, but it was a detail he neglected to iron out before he realized the horror of what he had done and took his own life. Mildred was promoted to General in his place.
Mildred was understandably distraught, not just at the loss of her father, but also at the unreasonable expectation that she was now going to do his job. Fortunately for her the next few years were very quiet militarily speaking. Over time Mildred formed a strong friendship with Princess Jormungandr and she gradually grew more accepting of her new role in life and got better and better at it.
One day in 1994 in the middle of a particularly violent squid uprising, General Parish vanished without explanation, whisked off into the multiverse to compete in a battle to the death. Normally that would be the end of that but her expert command was deemed vital to the current situation and so a recent sample of her blood was used to grow a clone. After a moment spent getting her up to date on current events the clone mysteriously vanished also. Because Princess Jormungandr was feeling particularly bloody-minded that day she saw this only as a challenge and continued to make clones of Mildred (seven in total) which continued to vanish inexplicably until her personal bodyguard (a squid by the name of Oioujuoaie) volunteered to take the position in her place.
Description: General Mildred Parish was twenty one years old at the time they were taken for a battle to the death. They each have short brown hair and muddy brown eyes; the only physical distinction between them is the heart tattoo the original Mildred has on her right wrist (on her eighteenth she and Jormungandr had got very drunk and it seemed like a great idea to get matching tattoos). The original Mildred was wearing her General's uniform (dark green with gold trim). It has a couple of actual medals for her services in the last couple of years but most of them are bottle caps and ribbon that Jormungandr made to make her feel better. The first clone was wearing Mildred's off duty clothes (t-shirt and jeans) and subsequent clones were hastily dressed in a standard issue new clone jumpsuit.
Mildred has never been a fan of cloning, after all it nearly got her killed and her father killed himself because of it; so she's unlikely to be all that happy about the current situation. Her position as General has forced her to become confident and decisive, and also has forced her to come to terms with people dying on her orders, though whether she'd find it as easy to kill someone herself remains to be seen. She's very professional in situations that call for it, but she does have a fun side as well and doesn't get the opportunity to cut loose quite as often as she'd like.
Items/Abilities: There's eight of her, but that probably wouldn't help her too much in a fight given that none of them have ever been in one. She does have something of a talent for tactical thinking but she's no Napoleon.
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Hang 'Em High | The Only Hope For Me Is You | Zero Percent | Early Sunsets Over Monroeville | DESTROYA | Demolition Lovers | To The End
Surrender The Night | Disenchanted | The Ghost Of You | Party Poison | Vampires Will Never Hurt You | The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You