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RE: Direction
You charge forward aggressively, flames engulfing everything in your path. The creatures scatter as you destroy their kin, the air fills with the smell of molten glass and smoke. You are reckless and vengeful, slaughtering without reservation. Despite the pain on your charred lips you have never been happier. That is until something tackles you from behind. One of the sand beings latches onto you, binding your arms to your sides. You feel another gripping your legs lifting you into the air. You breathe one last fireball, but it dissipates harmlessly in the sky. You feel something hard and cold pulling your hands together and a powerful force presses down painfully on the raw, regenerating flesh of your mouth. You are dragged away. You notice the tower of ice looming above you, slowly getting closer. You are being carried towards it, and then into it. A wide staircase winds its way to the top, every so often there is a landing and several doors radiating from the central cylinder. The climb is long, and though you struggle and kick, your captors have bound you well and you cannot escape. Before long you notice the light dwindling and realize the tower is now being lit by a series of small lamps. Higher and higher you ascend until at last you come to a stop before an ornate archway. You hear a loud creak and are thrown once more into oppressive darkness. You hear the sound of metal striking ice. And then silence.

You struggle to remove the binding from your arms. It is smooth and cold, you guess it must be glass. You feel your way to a wall, hoping to smash it with a good hit, but as you are readying the strike you hear a strange shuffling sound. Someone or something is moving in the darkness. You hear it shuffle and click along the icy floor, coming closer and closer. And then..."Oh how interesting." A female voice cuts through the air. It is cool and melodious and seems to carry a perpetual joyous tone. "Oh yes indeed!" She exclaims, "They found another! Haha! someone doesn't belong do they? Another abomination just like me!"

You pause, a little unsure of how to respond.

Messages In This Thread
Direction - by Truegreen - 02-26-2014, 07:16 PM
RE: Direction - by AgentBlue - 02-26-2014, 11:35 PM
RE: Direction - by Dalmationer - 02-27-2014, 12:39 AM
RE: Direction - by Loather - 02-27-2014, 12:49 AM
RE: Direction - by Dragon Fogel - 02-27-2014, 12:58 AM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 02-27-2014, 01:11 AM
RE: Direction - by Whimbrel - 02-27-2014, 01:35 AM
RE: Direction - by AgentBlue - 02-27-2014, 01:50 AM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 02-27-2014, 02:49 PM
RE: Direction - by Whimbrel - 02-27-2014, 05:55 PM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 02-27-2014, 07:50 PM
RE: Direction - by AgentBlue - 02-27-2014, 08:18 PM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 02-27-2014, 08:34 PM
RE: Direction - by Whimbrel - 02-27-2014, 09:00 PM
RE: Direction - by Loather - 02-27-2014, 09:36 PM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 02-28-2014, 03:55 AM
RE: Direction - by Loather - 02-28-2014, 04:36 AM
RE: Direction - by AgentBlue - 02-28-2014, 02:46 PM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 02-28-2014, 08:41 PM
RE: Direction - by Loather - 02-28-2014, 09:08 PM
RE: Direction - by Whimbrel - 02-28-2014, 09:47 PM
RE: Direction - by AgentBlue - 03-01-2014, 01:10 AM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 03-01-2014, 02:21 AM
RE: Direction - by Loather - 03-01-2014, 04:46 AM
RE: Direction - by Whimbrel - 03-01-2014, 04:55 AM
RE: Direction - by AgentBlue - 03-01-2014, 11:23 PM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 03-02-2014, 02:40 AM
RE: Direction - by AgentBlue - 03-02-2014, 01:31 PM
RE: Direction - by Whimbrel - 03-02-2014, 11:24 PM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 03-03-2014, 01:50 AM
RE: Direction - by AgentBlue - 03-03-2014, 05:17 AM
RE: Direction - by Whimbrel - 03-04-2014, 02:52 AM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 03-04-2014, 03:09 AM
RE: Direction - by AgentBlue - 03-04-2014, 03:22 AM
RE: Direction - by Whimbrel - 03-04-2014, 05:10 AM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 03-09-2014, 03:47 PM
RE: Direction - by ICan'tGiveCredit - 03-10-2014, 03:09 AM
RE: Direction - by Gnauga - 03-10-2014, 03:51 AM
RE: Direction - by Whimbrel - 03-11-2014, 08:17 PM
RE: Direction - by AgentBlue - 03-11-2014, 11:46 PM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 03-13-2014, 11:05 PM
RE: Direction - by AgentBlue - 03-13-2014, 11:31 PM
RE: Direction - by Whimbrel - 03-14-2014, 01:03 AM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 03-26-2014, 04:22 AM
RE: Direction - by Dragon Fogel - 03-26-2014, 04:28 AM
RE: Direction - by Whimbrel - 03-26-2014, 05:34 PM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 04-28-2014, 11:39 PM
RE: Direction - by Whimbrel - 05-04-2014, 09:13 PM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 05-17-2014, 07:29 PM
RE: Direction - by Whimbrel - 05-18-2014, 05:22 PM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 05-21-2014, 04:00 PM
RE: Direction - by Whimbrel - 05-23-2014, 05:07 PM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 05-26-2014, 06:43 AM
RE: Direction - by Whimbrel - 05-28-2014, 12:21 AM
RE: Direction - by Truegreen - 05-29-2014, 05:01 AM
RE: Direction - by Whimbrel - 06-02-2014, 02:38 AM