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Username: Ixcaliber
Name: Skeleton Key
Gender: Some of both
Species: Anguilla Cavota (more commonly known as Rhenic tunnelling eels)
Text Colour: #4682b4
Items/Abilities: Anguilla Cavota is a species of eel most commonly known for its capacity to eat through almost any material. A swarm of Anguilla Cavota typically consists of approximately fifty specimens. They have an unusual mouth structure which can completely rotate. Any individual rhenic eel has a typical lifespan of two weeks and when fully grown can reach two metres in length. The species is unable to survive for long outside of a thin band of temperature near freezing. Despite this they are surprisingly hardy; it has been noted that they have the ability to survive outside of water for up to five minutes. They are native only to the polar Rhenic Ocean, which because of recent rises in global sea temperatures cannot no longer support them. It is believed that they have become extinct in the wild.

Their behaviour follows a typical pattern; if their current environment becomes uncomfortably warm they will make their way to the nearest body of sufficiently cold water, eating through whatever gets in their way. It is believed that they have some kind of natural sense which allows them to locate nearby bodies of water, even if these bodies of water are not connected. Various experiments have been carried out which seem to prove this hypothesis, but no conclusive evidence has ever been presented as to how their sense works.

They are carnivorous and it is considered a bad idea to be in the same body of water as they are.

Description: 'Skeleton Key' is a swarm of Rhenic tunnelling eels contained in an unmarked mobile refrigerated tank. They are icy blue in colour and range in size; approximately half of the population are fully grown, while the other half is in varying stages of maturity. Their behaviour matches that typically observed in other swarms of Anguilla Cavota.

Biography: This particular swarm of Anguilla Cavota belonged to a laboratory doing research upon the species, until an unscrupulous researcher with just the right level of access, illegally sold it and reported it stolen. The buyer was an expert thief, looking to get an edge against the most technologically advanced vaults. He worked out a system wherein he would plant a tank of refrigerated water in the vault, bring 'Skeleton Key' to the vault entrance and raise the temperature of the tank containing the eels to force them to tunnel through the vault door to the stored refrigerated tank. It was a good trick but it only worked a couple of times before banks became wise to the trick and disallowed the storing of refrigerated tanks.

At the time of their abduction into a battle the thief was still working on another way of utilising their skills, but lacking any concrete ideas for the moment he had been perhaps neglecting them to a certain extent. They hadn't been fed in days and the battery on their refrigerated tank was running extremely low.

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