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Username: ~TRUEGREEN~
Name: Fr'Zen Nord
Species: Coldman
Gender: Icicle
Color: A deep arctic blue

Description: Fr'Zen appears as a scraggly old man dressed in layers of cold weather gear in varying shades of blue. What skin you can see through his assembly of garments looks blistered and frostbitten. Two beady yellow eyes peer analytically from deep within a mountain of hats and scarves. His crooked fingers extend from moth-eaten fingerless gloves. His fingernails are yellow and ragged. If you catch a glimpse of his mouth you might notice row upon row of thick grey chompers designed specifically for grinding and crushing. He has a vaguely lumpy shape and walks with a ponderous gait as though his limbs are incredibly stiff.

Weapons/Abilities: Fr'Zen's strengths comes from eating snow, ice, or anything that's cold really. The more he eats the larger he gets and the lower his body temperature. Usually his skin is cold enough to freeze whatever he touches. This effect is limited to the skin area touching the target. His touch can shatter metal, freeze water, and give people frostbite in a matter of moments. He can grow to immense sizes, but the larger he gets the more single-minded he gets. If he gets too large he will eventually be overcome by exhaustion and sleep it off.

Biography: Drake hated the snow. Right now he'd rather be anywhere than here. The minivan was freezing inside, even with the heaters turned on max. The snow just wouldn't stop falling. It came down in flurries and drifts, piling up on the windshield almost too quickly for the wipers to deal with it. The headlights were completely useless, doing nothing more than making the dark wall of falling snow a slightly lighter shade of white. The van continued to push on despite the thick blizzard pressing in on all sides, but eventually with a depressing ‘Thunk’ it submitted to the unrelenting assault. Drake sat in the stopped car for a moment. His wife, Clarice, shifted in the dark passenger's seat. "Drake?" He could hear the exhaustion in her voice, she had been working late this past week, this trip was supposed to be their vacation. "Drake why have we stopped? Are we there?" "No dear, we're probably just stuck, I'm going to go see if I can dig us out." he mumbled grumpily. " careful ok" "Yeah sure thing." Drake slipped out of the car pulling a thick woolen hat over the top of his head. But as Drake moved towards the trunk of the car he noticed something in the snow on the side of the road. He could barely see it in the dark, but it appeared to be a hand, sticking stiffly out of the snow. "Honey" Drake called "yes?" "Call 911, there's someone in the snow..." He heard his wife rummaging through the compartments in the car as he grabbed the shovel from the trunk. It didn't take very long to uncover the body, the man was dressed from head to toe in thick clothes. Drake stared for a second, he had never seen a dead body before and wasn't sure what to do. The man's face shifted in the snow and a low groan emerged from his lips. Drake rushed forward, the man was alive! he could still be saved! The body was surprisingly light, Drake managed to get it into the backseat with only a little trouble. He placed a blanket over the cold figure and closed the car doors, hoping the heat would be able to help. "They're sending an ambulance and a tow truck" Clarice said when Drake reentered the car. "Is he going to be ok?" she asked looking towards their unexpected passenger. "I don't know" Drake replied "He's probably been stuck out there for hours, we'll just have to wait for the doctors and hope we can warm him up a bit."

"The doors were closed and locked, the windows were closed, and it couldn't have been more than an hour after the call but both bodies are covered with frostbite. The woman mentioned someone found in the snow, but there is no other body, just her and what we assume must be her husband. We've searched the surrounding area, but we found no signs. Even stranger there are these...claw marks on the windows, like someone was trying to scratch their way out. What do you think happened here Officer?" The paramedic looked towards the policeman desperately hoping he had an explanation. "Can't be sure right now, we'll have to see what forensics says. Between me and you, there's been some weird shit going on lately." The officer absentmindedly brushed some snow off his jacket. "I mean just the other week we were getting reports of some sort of 'Frost Giant' can you believe that?" The paramedic shook his head "We live in interesting times." "HAH!" The Policeman grinned "You're telling me!" He watched as the snow gathered around the unusual scene. "Interesting times indeed"

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