The Nonstop Bloodshed IX - Round 1: Titan Mart

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The Nonstop Bloodshed IX - Round 1: Titan Mart
The Nonstop Bloodshed IX - Round 1: Titan Mart
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The Impulsive gazed over the bank of monitors he had set up to observe his personally created season of battles. It had started innocuously enough; he'd heard about these grand battle things that were all the rage in grandmaster circles across the multiverse at the moment, and he'd decided to run one himself. He'd collected the combatants, deposited them in their first arena and then sat back to watch the sparks fly. Only they weren't flying quite fast enough for his liking and he thought 'well i'll set up a second one, it's not unprecedented'. One thing led to another and now he was eight battles deep and itching for a new one.

Though he knew it was a bad idea to commit himself to any battles more than he already had done, he just couldn't seem to help himself. It wasn't long before he was off again gathering contestants for his latest endeavour. The only problem was that he wasn't very good at names so he decided to just call it The Nonstop Bloodshed again. This would be the ninth one, he guessed, not that this was significant to him in any way.


Each of the contestants found themselves standing paralysed in the darkness. The only thing each one could see was their host; a nondescript man in a shirt and jeans. For all the power that he wielded the most noteworthy thing about his appearance was an ill-advised tattoo of a rose on his neck.

"Greetings everyone." He said. "My name is the Impulsive and I will be your host today. Now you're probably wondering where you are, why you can't move and what I will be being your host for exactly and they're all very good questions. You're here to participate in a battle to the death. You're going to fight your way through seven exotic locales until only one of you remains, and then I believe you are entitled to ask a favour from me before being whisked back home to your humdrum lives." He grinned happily and continued. "So without any further ado let's make some introductions.

A spotlight fell upon a black car (to be specific a 1969 black Chiral Hirola) and for a moment it might have seemed that this car was the first contestant. It was possible to see that within the car there was a woman with a tangled mass of black hair and red eyes. "It's not the car." The Impulsive clarified in case any of the contestants hadn't got good enough eyesight to see the actual contestant. "No the first contestant is the driver of this car, her name is Caitlin Henry and she's a hunter. And when I say hunter I don't mean she hunts animals for sport. She hunts things that most people don't care to think about, things that you hope don't really exist, and she is one of these things herself."

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A spotlight fell on the next contestant. It was a hand. "This is Irabeth Argent." The Impulsive explained. "Or rather this is what is left of her after she messed with magic that was beyond her skill level. She's still alive though. Thanks to a ritual she performed she's sort of indestructible. What that means for the rest of you, the ones who have to kill her, I'll let you work out for yourselves."

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A spotlight fell on the next contestant; a muscular man with long flowing blonde hair and a magnificent beard. He was wearing a suit of armour, carrying a shining golden blade and riding a white horse. "Ignore the man on the horse." The Impulsive said. "He isn't the contestant, he's just sort of along for the ride. Your opponent in this battle is the golden blade that he wields. Her name is Pyrfaen and she is a Legendary Weapon that unfortunately never got a chance to forge a legend for herself. I believe this will be the perfect opportunity."

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The fourth contestant was a large humanoid machine decorated much in the style of a police car. "This is Copper." The Impulsive said. "It is a law enforcement robot. It is designed to be able to investigate crimes, disperse rioting crowds, pursue villains and deliver them securely to the local law enforcement. It's a little over zealous so you might want to be on your best behaviour."

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The fifth spotlight fell to reveal a whole group of people; six muscular athletes in heavy reddish brown armour covered with logos for businesses that the other contestants had never heard of, and one slightly out of shape man in sweatpants and a shirt with a whistle hanging from his neck. "These are the Sareta Scorpions." The Impulsive said. "They are the world's biggest Volleyball team in the year 2121 and let me tell you if you think sports are violent today they've got nothing on the 22nd Century. They're pretty much used to this kind of thing; every game they play they're putting their lives on the line. The only difference between this and their average game day is the objective. Let's just hope that they're up to the task, after all there's no prize for second place."

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The sixth spotlight shone upon an old mahogany wardrobe. "This is Aranina." The Impulsive said. "It might look like an ordinary wardrobe, but in actuality it contains a magical world locked into an eternal winter by an evil queen. But do not be fooled, Aranina is not a passive combatant. It has a mind and it will defend itself from anyone that seeks to cause it harm. Don't expect it to go down easy."

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The seventh spotlight shone upon a small crowd of people, though it would be almost completely impossible for your attention to be drawn anywhere but to the person at the head of the crowd. She appeared to be a robotic mermaid in a high tech wheelchair. Her eyes were green throughout, her skin silver grey, her hair seemingly a shoulder length mess of copper wire. It wasn't really possible to tell that this was all make-up and that the woman who sat before them was just an ordinary woman with an extraordinary fashion sense. "It's possible you may already have heard of our next contestant." The Impulsive said. "This is Infanta LaLa, or to use her correct title President LaLa. She's a gifted musician who has fans throughout the multiverse and who recently ran for President of what was formerly known as the United States and won. I'm not going to lie I'm a bit of a fan. This is such an honour." There was a pause. "Oh and of course there is her entourage; she never goes anywhere without them."

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The final spotlight shone on an enormous quadrupedal mechanical throne, seated upon which was an emaciated and unclean old man. "Our next contestant is King Issough... Iss-ough-hok-th... the fourteenth. Apologies for that." The Impulsive cleared his throat. "King Issough..." He gave up. "The King is not the person seated in the throne but the throne itself; an incredibly advanced robotic intelligence originally designed to be governed by the monarch who interfaced with it, it was no trouble for him to subjugate not just the king, but the entirety of his homeworld. Since then he has rebuilt the world to his liking, searched for new worlds and forced people to battle to the death for his amusement to name but a handful of his pursuits. He is not one to be trifled with."

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"Traditionally these battles have eight participants, but I always did love those nine person battles. So I thought I would throw in a little something extra to mix things up a bit." The Impulsive clicked his fingers and all the lights flickered on revealing a ring of zombies standing gathered around the circle of combatants. "This is the Theta Virus, or the product of the Theta Virus anyway." The Impulsive said. "These 'shamblers' as they are commonly known are the corpses of the dead animated by the Theta Virus. If they bite you you get infected and it's just a matter of time before you become a shambler yourself. The only way to kill them is to remove the head or destroy the brain." The Impulsive paused. "I should also warn you that if the virus finds its way into the water supply then it becomes even more potent, so watch what you drink. I don't want this battle to be over before it's even begun."

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"Now I expect you're all wondering what kind of locale your first bout will be taking place in..." The Impulsive trailed off. He looked around the battlers and frowned to himself. "Something's still not right." He said. "Hang on a minute; I've just had an idea." He disappeared and then reappeared with five young women frozen in place. "These are the Sparkklechix." He said. "They're an aspiring girl band. They're always getting into all kind of crazy adventures, but they know if they stick together they can pull through anything." The Impulsive and the chix appeared to turn in place, doing a full rotation so that they were able to get a look at each of the other contestants. "Chix, this is everyone. I'll let you make your own introductions once we're underway but what you need to know is this is a battle to death and these are your opponents. Good luck, I'm rooting for you."

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"That's quite enough introductions." The Impulsive said. "Let's get a move on and get this battle started." The world around them seemed to fade away and they found themselves standing in the hallways of a deserted supermarket. "This is Titan Mart; the world's largest supermarket, but nobody has shopped here for hundreds of years. Something happened that wiped out all human life on this planet, I sure hope it isn't still around. Don't you?"

And, about time, the contestants found themselves scattered around the abandoned supermarket.

Satisfied with another introduction well done The Impulsive sat down and watched the drama begin to unfold. After about an hour or so he hurried off to create another battle. After all why not make it a full ten?

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The Nonstop Bloodshed IX - Round 1: Titan Mart - by Ixcaliber - 02-25-2014, 11:54 PM